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The Unhijackable Thread of Randomness

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*sings sweet caroline loudly*

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Sweet Caroline Karaoke Style....


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haha! Everyone at work is gonna hate me now, I'm definetly sitting in the backroom belting it out.... And this is why Aprils aren't allowed to have caffeine.

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Additional Comments:

And now I got kicked out of the back office for being a distraction and sent to the wonderful stairwell with amazing acoustics. I should have done this initially.

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I think it's time for some Leonard Nimoy.


It's always a good time for some Leonard!!!


On a completly unrelated topic, here's a quote from a show I watched the other day with my little niece:


"I know you can sing. I'm just saying, do you really want to do it in front of all of those people? Staring right up at you? Waving their cellphones, taking your picture? Putting it on the internet for people to see over and over and over again, so people can watch it for years and years and years?"


Remember... internet is forever, something Leonard never had to consider and, well, we get to watch him today.


Now it's time for some Joe Biden:

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I know, know, KNOW, that if I stare long enough eventually I'll get a peak.........oh my god I hate you...this is just cruel and unusual punishment lol

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I have tried and tried and tried and tried.... concentrated on each and every one... nuttin'



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I forgive Leonard for the Bilbo Baggins song and his other, perhaps poorly-considered, enterprises because he is a very fine professional photographer. Check out his work at www.leonardnimoyphotography.com


The geek in me finds the use of "Leonard Nimoy" and the word "enterprises" in that sentence very funny!

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The Klein Bottle, which is a non-orientable surface in which notions of left and right cannot be consistently defined. Not only that, but Wikipedia has a diagram for making one out of folded paper.



Plus, it looks like a strange sort of sex toy. Imagine if it could vibrate!

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I think my boobs just got a size smaller...


It's okay Pinky, something good came out of it....



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I think my boobs just got a size smaller...


Me likes small boobs! just sayin' ;)

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Today, grabbing an employer's attention quickly and leaving a positive impression is critical. According to a recent CareerBuilder study, nearly half (45%) of human resource managers said they spend, on average, less than one minute reviewing an application. The survey, which was conducted by Harris Interactive from May 19 to June 8, 2011, included more than 2,600 employers nationwide.



When asked to recall the most memorable or unusual resumes, human resource managers and hiring managers shared the following:

  1. Candidate said the more you paid him, the harder he worked.
  2. Candidate was fired from different jobs, but included each one as a reference.
  3. Candidate said he just wanted an opportunity to show off his new tie.
  4. Candidate listed her dog as reference.
  5. Candidate listed the ability to do the moonwalk as a special skill.
  6. Candidates --a husband and wife looking to job share --submitted a co-written poem.
  7. Candidate included "versatile toes" as a selling point.
  8. Candidate said that he would be a "good asset to the company," but failed to include the "et" in the word "asset."
  9. Candidate's email address on the resume had "shakinmybootie" in it.
  10. Candidate included that she survived a bite from a deadly aquatic animal.
  11. Candidate used first name only.
  12. Candidate asked, "Would you pass up an opportunity to hire someone like this? I think not."
  13. Candidate insisted that the company pay him to interview with them because his time was valuable.
  14. Candidate shipped a lemon with resume, stating "I am not a lemon."
  15. Candidate included that he was arrested for assaulting his previous boss.

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but that would make me 32AA...0_o


With your 32AA's...and my AA batteries...I'm sure we can figure something out :p

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Today, grabbing an employer's attention quickly and leaving a positive impression is critical. According to a recent CareerBuilder study, nearly half (45%) of human resource managers said they spend, on average, less than one minute reviewing an application. The survey, which was conducted by Harris Interactive from May 19 to June 8, 2011, included more than 2,600 employers nationwide.



When asked to recall the most memorable or unusual resumes, human resource managers and hiring managers shared the following:

  1. Candidate said the more you paid him, the harder he worked.
  2. Candidate was fired from different jobs, but included each one as a reference.
  3. Candidate said he just wanted an opportunity to show off his new tie.
  4. Candidate listed her dog as reference.
  5. Candidate listed the ability to do the moonwalk as a special skill.
  6. Candidates --a husband and wife looking to job share --submitted a co-written poem.
  7. Candidate included "versatile toes" as a selling point.
  8. Candidate said that he would be a "good asset to the company," but failed to include the "et" in the word "asset."
  9. Candidate's email address on the resume had "shakinmybootie" in it.
  10. Candidate included that she survived a bite from a deadly aquatic animal.
  11. Candidate used first name only.
  12. Candidate asked, "Would you pass up an opportunity to hire someone like this? I think not."
  13. Candidate insisted that the company pay him to interview with them because his time was valuable.
  14. Candidate shipped a lemon with resume, stating "I am not a lemon."
  15. Candidate included that he was arrested for assaulting his previous boss.


Damn, I have only used 7 of those.

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Now I like deepthroat as much as the next guy....but this is a little ridiculous



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