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A "Modern Day Courtesan"

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"Elise" - A "Modern Day Courtesan" Offers us Fresh Perspective on an Age Old Profession


I found this transcript on "Personal Life Media". I thought I would share it with everyone. It touches on a lot of the issues and questions discussed here on Cerb.




Note: There is a miss type part way thorough where a few paragraphs are repeated.


If you go through there menu on the left side of the screen. You will find "Sexuality". There are more interesting reads to be found.


Note: This is also available in podplayer.

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Thanks for this jafo. A very interesting read.

I couldn't give you rep points, but would have.

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Thanks for the link to a very interesting article/interview.


Elise has expressed very well, in my opinion, yet additional detail that continues to help me remove the stereotypical vision that I arrived here with only a few months ago.


When she speaks of a continuum of roles of sex workers, and how a courtesan is one component of that continuum, it makes sense and further clarifies for me the aspects of this that I most enjoy.


"A courtesan is there to converse, to challenge them intellectually, is there to be with them in an advisory role, in a companionship role, it's not just, " Hey, I'm going to see you for an hour, we'll have a roll in the hay, and then we'll go on our way."


The statement above from Elise provides is her means of differentiating a "courtesan" from other sex workers, and when a woman can provide that to me then I am far more than happy. That personal connection and sharing of similar and opposing ideas provides another aspect of intimacy that I seek.


She does not propose or assert that a courtesan is in any way "better" than other sex workers, but merely is the same but with perhaps more of an intellectual component added into the mix.


Interestingly enough, she also uses the words courtesan and prostitute along with the term sex worker, all interchangeably.


The semantics continue to be a learning experience as I am on this journey. Perhaps another thread to start, but I have had one person that I chat a lot with explain to me the way that the words slut, and queer, are being reclaimed, with pride. I can think of two other terms, relating to the men that women see, that could be reclaimed, now that I am one. I digress.


I also do have to say, from a personal perspective, that in meeting with a 'courtesan', as absolutely incredible as that has been, it does add the issue of having a very personal intimacy of the mind, and that causes feelings, as has been discussed here in other threads.


The learning continues......

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Please keep in mind that Elise is commenting on the American courtesan and the historical interpretations of SP's.


Every country around the world interprets SP's a little differently. In Canada we are no different. Many of the SP's here on Cerb identify themselves as an Escort although they are more like a Courtesan. It is all in how the ladies see themselves.


We are thankful for each and everyone of them. They are all unique and special in their own way.

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