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We all use this saying..." That Murphy's law..."

Sometimes there are some of those law's are always showing themselves...such as: every time I try to have afternoon nap...that is when my phone rings, then once I decide to give up trying to nap, the phone magically stops ringing! That's Murphy's law....lol

What Murphy's law keeps bitting you in the ass? is there many...or just the same law appearing then re-appearing? Have you ever tried to fool Murphy's law? Did it work? lol....

Edited by Studio 110 by Sophia
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For whatever reason, I find the opposite. When I'm feeling sexy and want guests, I'm booked solid. When I need time off, they stop booking. *Knock on wood* things keep up that way!

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Two things i notice in office work ....


"A meeting is an event at which the minutes are kept and the hours are lost."


and ...


"The more urgent the need for a decision to be made, less apparent become the identity of the decision maker."

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When I butter a slice of bread and then accidently drop it, it lands butter side up. Why does this NOT negate Murphy's Law? I figured it out .... I buttered the wrong side of the bread (head slap!).

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Guest f***2f***

As soon as you get on the toilet the doorbell or the phone will ring. This I have found to always hold true. Variant of the nap law.

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...every time I try to have afternoon nap...that is when my phone rings, then once I decide to give up trying to nap, the phone magically stops ringing!...


I wanted someone to talk to so I thought I'd give your method a go -- I did have a restfull nap, but sadly, no one called.


Here's another:


"In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence"

-The Peter Principle


[Meaning that employees tend to be promoted until they reach a position at which they cannot work competently - e.g. a fantastic assistant manager is lousy at being manager]

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hahaha great responses!! Many many giggles from read this this morning, LMAO, thanks everyone;)


Todays law......I gave a massage to someone with a headache, and now I have a headache...arg!

Edited by Studio 110 by Sophia

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