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I have this annoying ability to have premonitions dreams. Well as far as I can tell they are premonitions, or just very very coincidental. Especially when it comes to ones who are close to me, such as family or BF.


My Ex boyfriend a few years back, I would always dream about a fight, would be like a week later and sure enough the fight was a direct reflection of my dream. He could never get a way with a lie, as I would dream about it , then discover the truth behind the lie. So was this always a coincident? I think not, as it happens much too often.


Now there are the dreams that dredge up the past, is this so your brain can sort it out? understand it? I have heard that dreaming has been the key to our survival as humans, for we learn as we dream how to problem solve. Weather it be a cave man dreaming of a buffalo hunt, or the work man trying to fight traffic to get to work on time so not to loose his job....both are survival.


Then there are dreams that ruin your entire day.....which I had last night, grrrr. They seem to leave a residue on you all day long. Dragging the emotion of the dream throughout your whole day! Or the dream you wake up sobbing like a baby! Leaving you emotional all day:(


Recurring dreams, these ones are strange. I have one, where if I feel venerable I will dream of my teeth falling out! As an animal in the wild surely will not survive with no teeth. This type of dream tells me when I am not operating my life properly.


Last....and best....the wet dream. I had mu first one around age 30, still have them. Sometimes my hands are no where near the area...but will wake up in a full Orgasm!! Wow what a strange sensation!


What do you dream of? Does it hold meaning to you? What is your take on premonitions?

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I think the mind is busier at night than during the day. Especially sorting itself out in preparation for the garbage I will be feeding it when I am awake.


While I personally can't say I had dreams that turn out true to life, my late mother had a dream which I still recall to this day.


While she was suffering from pancreatic cancer, she told me in the early stages of her cancer, she had a dream that ended with three men standing at the foot of her bed just before she died and went to heaven.


On her last day alive while she was in laying in her bed, my brother-in-law, her Dr. and I were all standing at the foot of her bed. Later the next day she passed away in the emergency room.


It wasn't until after her passing away that my sister and I recalled her telling us about her dream. Perhaps it was a divine message to her of how it would end and she would know then that heaven would soon be her paradise.


It did comfort the two of us to some degree knowing she was in god's care.

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I think we can make our dreams mean whatever we want them to. If you pick up a couple of different dream analysis books there can be completely different analyses for the same thing (e.g. a sense of flying could reflect a) feeling trapped in your normal day-to-day-life, or b) the freedom you have to do whatever you want).

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I think we can make our dreams mean whatever we want them to. If you pick up a couple of different dream analysis books there can be completely different analyses for the same thing (e.g. a sense of flying could reflect a) feeling trapped in your normal day-to-day-life, or b) the freedom you have to do whatever you want).


I tend not to look at these books to interpret my dreams, as what an apple may symbolize to me, may not be the same for you.


But instead I look at the emotion behind the dream and apply it to what may happing in my life..

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I have one, where if I feel [vulnerable] I will dream of my teeth falling out! ... What do you dream of? Does it hold meaning to you? What is your take on premonitions?

OHmygod that's weird. I sometimes dream of my teeth all falling out too ("tumbling out" would be more accurate), and I think you're right, it's been at times when I've felt vulnerable for one reason or another.


I've have this weird recurring dream over the last year in which I own another house in a nearby neighbourhood that I've forgotten about... and I realize "Oh crap! I have to get over there and mow the lawn/shovel the driveway/pick up the mail!". I have no idea what that means... well, actually, if the house is a stand-in for something else, I think I know what it might be.


I often dream abstracted versions of the previous day's events. Or rather, I think as my brain tries to make sense of its own random firings throughout the night, it fits them into the first pattern available -- what I experienced the day before. Sometimes the correlation between dream and yesterday is pretty clear, right down to occurring in the same sequence.


Other times, dreams have given me the answers to personal situations I'm sorting out -- usually by putting me in a dream version of the problem in which I can act out one choice. My dreaming mind speculates and portrays how I imagine the world would react to my decision, and how it feels internally. What I learn from the dream experience has helped me choose, or avoid, that same decision in real life.


In lots of ways, my dreams are definitely powerful tools for personal insight, often about things I don't or won't think about during the waking day. A really, really interesting subject.

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I tend not to look at these books to interpret my dreams, as what an apple may symbolize to me, may not be the same for you.


But instead I look at the emotion behind the dream and apply it to what may happing in my life..


Well for Warren, William Tell's older son, apples symbolize the worst day of the rest of his life LOL

Sorry for the hijack Sophia, just a funny cartoon I remembered





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Mightypen....wow isn't that cool we have the same meaning for the same dream, hmmmm...It must be that it is the most vital part of survival in the wild, and well we are apart of this animal kingdom.


Last night I had a dream of mice in my bed, LMAO...they were biting my baby toe. I woke up looking all over my room trying to find it, just in case it wasnt a dream LOL...felt so real. So how do I interpret this? well....


What was the emotion? Being bugged and felt like picking on me...


What is happening in my life? I have a few friends that may be bugging me

by always asking for things( money, food,etc)


I also got into an argument last week with a GF as she was drunk and was in a way "picking" on me. Was not very fun



So were the mice my friends around me? Is it my brain telling me to preserve things for myself, not for other's to take?


By asking thoes 2 questions, it has helped me to understand....I think, lol


@ RG...you can always highjack my threads, as long as you can make me laugh, lmao...

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Yup, dreams are cool and interpreting them is rewarding. The attachment of symbolism and meaning a dream can happen at different times:


- maybe there really is something bothering us and it's expressed symbolically in the dream. Sometimes it's pretty clear that meaning is built directly into the dream as its happening. Our subconscious speaks to us through the dream itself.


- or maybe the dream itself is random and not especially meaningful; but in looking back on it the next day, it's our waking mind that projects our internal preoccupations while we try to make sense of the dream's ambiguous symbols. Now, our subconscious speaks to us through the act of interpretation.


Personally I think both are true at different times. Some of my dreams have been so clearly linked to real-life concerns that the meaning had to have been built into them. Other times, the meaning is a mystery but, kind of like your mice, I can find real-world events that kind of match, and that act of thinking and connecting is rewarding all by itself.


In either case, our minds work on so many levels, some of them normally so obscured, that it would be a shame to waste the chance that dreams provide to glimpse into and interpret our own subconscious stirrings. I've always found them valuable that way.

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