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Booking and Confirming Engagments!

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I must ask as I have ran into multiple difficulties in this manner...

How do you ladies confirm your dates..I have bookings down but I never ever gave a contact number for myself or even asked him for on until recently( had a sweet Sp give me some pointers) so now I am curious if I am doing this right lol...

He books specific time,date etc.. Then I get him to email me 30 mins in advance of our scheduled date to get my location.Then when he is in the parkinglot I give my room number..This has gone wrong for me so I ask how do you ladies do it??

Any and all advice is appreciated!

Tks in advance.

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Well, I'll tell you how I manage things. Every point of my process is in place because before I had it, something fell through, usually resulting in a no-show.


The client and I exchange e-mail before booking the first meeting and generally have at least one brief phone conversation before we meet in person. I usually require a deposit for a first engagement. Many of my meetings are scheduled anywhere from a couple of weeks to a few months in advance, particularly when the client is from out of town. I send an e-mail about 5-7 days prior to the meeting to confirm.


If the gentleman is coming in from out of town, I ask him to contact me when he arrives. I respond with a cheerful "welcome to Vancouver" reply and may suggest some activity or local event that he might appreciate knowing about. I ask to make telephone contact at his hotel the day before we meet. If he's arriving earlier in the day of our encounter, I will call him then.


I will have made all of the phone calls up to this point. At the end of the day-before or day-of call, I give him my cell number in case he needs to contact me to change our meeting time or place, etc.


Anytime we're meeting at my place first, whether he's in Vancouver or from out of town, the day before or the day of the meeting I send instructions for reaching an intersection near me along with my cell number to call when he's there. I give directions to my place when he calls from that location a few minutes before the meeting. I never give my actual, physical address at any time.


My experience is that pleasant contact ahead of time is the best way to ensure that the meeting will take place as planned. I have never had someone speak to me on the phone and then not meet me without a very good reason.


I never book last-minute or same-day meetings for anyone with whom I haven't met previously because, in my experience, the fellows who make impulsive decisions to see me are also much more likely to decide impulsively not to show up.


In other words, it's a multi-stage process at times. Those who balk fail my screening requirements.


And, finally, because I have read the advice some men post on other boards about proven ways to circumvent a given paid companion's screening, once I have described what I want, I never back down from or lower my expectations. If I can't contact a new client at his hotel--calling him there and being put through to his room--the meeting won't happen, period. I don't accept an out-of-town cell number for this confirmation. If he lives in Vancouver but won't provide a phone number where I can reach him, I won't meet with him.

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Me, generally speaking I'm proactive in confirming encounters. First I do schedule encounters months in advance due to me needing to travel (and thus freeing up a weekend, yup even us single guys get family obligations) Right now I have encounters scheduled through to Jan 2013. One thing though, this amount of time allows for verification to take place

I send a reminder email about a month or so before the encounter, unless it's a lady I know, just saying I'm still alive, and haven't forgotten about our encounter. At that time I'll let the lady know what hotel I've booked.

Then about three weeks prior to the encounter I confirm the encounter.

At the one week mark I'll send a final email confirming everything is still on. At that time I'll get the lady's cell phone, ask if there is anything she likes to drink etc. I also give the lady my cell phone number again. My next communication is a text message confirming room number

That's what I normally do


Edited by r__m__g_uy

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