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Poll on session length

How long a session do you book?  

62 members have voted

  1. 1. How long a session do you book?

    • 1/2 hour
    • 1 hour
    • 1 1/2 hours
    • 2 hours
    • 2+ hours with dinner
    • Overnight
    • Other
    • Special Arrangements

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Guest Ou**or**n

When you hobby, how a long session do you book? It would also be interesting to hear how a long a session you would prefer to book given different circumstances.


For me, I've never had much interest in 1/2 hour visits as I like get to know the lady better and spend more time in the act itself. I prefer 1 1/2 to 2 hours but financial realities lately dictate mostly 1 hour sessions. I am more apt to go with extra time if it is discounted (say an extra half hour for 25% more).


In the past I've also negotiated special arrangements like dinner and then private time together at rates lower than most ladies publish but it was made up for in regularity.


What about you other guys? Ladies - do you have any particular preferences?

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Me too I like a 2 hour session but prefer to have two different girls each for an hour rather than one for two hours as it almost cost same.


I am definitely not for half hour as it would be rush. Besides some will not stay for the full (one hour usually means 45-50 minutes pleasure time and I don't know what is pleasure time for half hour?? may be 20-25 minutes. Not enough. So to answer your question I always take ONE HOUR sessions.


Whenever I have private dancers with the girls that I know for long, they put a lot more time in it. There is no driver calling after 50 minutes (as mostly I go and pick them up and drive them back) and most often we talk and have chocolate and wine and even order food. For these cases even though the physical pleasure time (the time they are nude and dance) is an hour or two but the actual pleasure time is a lot longer. With dancers I sometimes take and pay for 2 hour sessions (dancers are more expensive but there is more emotional attraction and physical attraction too in it), but they usually stay on more than the paid time.


The poll results above came as a complete shock to me. I could never guess that almost half of all hobbyists take 2-hour sessions. I could bet my money that most would take hour.

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I think it all depends on what your looking for...if your looking just to get your rocks off then the gentlemen would prefer half hour. Most men i find are not looking for that...most men want intimacy in its true form...this resulting in 2 hrs or more which then usually leads to repeat clients. I will not do half hours as alot of ladies wouldn't. I may be speaking for myself but when i'm with a gentleman its a true girlfriend experience without the bitching...haha


True pleasure should be of the mind, body and soul...not just the body.



Emma A

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Yup I can remember my 2 hour session with Emma..and there was no bitching..just alot of foreplay! then alot of passion! then a shower scene! then more passion...holy crap I was tuckered out:mrgreen:

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Guest W***ledi*Time

I don't move very fast, so I enjoy the breathing room provided by 2 hours. Plenty of time to relax and explore the byroads at leisure. One hour is okay, but it seems rushed to me -- mind you, the occasional rush can be a nice change of pace, too.


I decided to test-drive 3 hrs last fall, but all three bookings I made at this length, I got stood up. (Presumably, the longer the time period involved, the greater the likelihood that something will come up in the Lady's life to throw a wrench in the works. Or maybe sheer coincidence. Either way, 3 strikes and I'm out.)


So ... 2 hours it is for me!

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2 hr dates are always better. However, there is nothing wrong with 1 hr dates as well.

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At my age now, I usually stick to the 1 hour appointments, but been known to have the odd 2 hour session. The 1 hour session normally ends up to be an extra 15 because of chat,cuddle time or in fact a shower.Just had a 1.5 hour session with Miss Cloe, and it was Fun-tastic..tub play..bathroom area play..bedroom play...it was all good! Never had taken a 30 minute session.

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I find one hour the best. Not too short, not too long. I guess for those that want a bit more intimacy and time to get to know the lady better two hours is great. So for me, one hour works best

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One hour seems to work best for me as well due to fund restraints. This way I get to see the lovely ladies more often. I have never booked a half hour because it seems to rushed for me.;-)

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Guest gagagaga

sometimes I do the half hour when it is my first time with a lady when I am toftt. That way I am not investing too much.


an hour is best for me though...I can't afford 2 hours very often

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Personally, the longer time we have the better. For all first time meetings I prefer 1.5 hours simply so we might get to know one another properly. I find that an hour is never enough time. Two hours is even better because we can then really relax. As a provider of the GFE, I like to kiss, relax and enjoy.:-D

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I used to like one hour but now it is 3 plus if time permits. Sometime I need an extension still!;-)

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I am sticking with my original answer that 2 hours is my usual minimum. I find if it is an SP that I have seen before, this gives us a chance to relax and talk for a bit. The long the session, the better in my opinion.

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2 hours for sure.


I take my time making sure the SP comes at least once (twice or more is better) before I let her taste my lollipop. This foreplay and orgasm session alone may take 30 minutes. Depending on good she is, I can usually come in 30 minutes. Then depending on how hot the SP is I'm usually back in action 5-10 minutes after coming and I'm loaded and ready for at least 30-40 minutes of pump action which takes me to the 2 hour mark. I usually leave the girl in a pool of sweat totally spent. I've never tried a 3 hour session with an SP but have gone many times with various mistresses in my lifetime.



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Guest i***k***

I used to prefer 2 hours but have recently changed it to 1 hour with ladies I meet for the first time and 2 hours or more once I know them. I hate having to cut a session short due to incompatibilities so 1 hour minimizes this chance during a first meeting.

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Guest Ou**or**n
I used to prefer 2 hours but have recently changed it to 1 hour with ladies I meet for the first time and 2 hours or more once I know them.


One agency girl I saw in TO called this initial 1 hour session the 'audition'.

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My preference is the 1 hr. introductory session and if everything works between us then I will book for a longer session.

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20 or 30 minutes to start if a short option is available. 8) Why waste money or time? You either know if there's a long term connection or not after the first short date. If unsure, book another short date. It never really requires two hours to figure out the chemistry, at least for me.)


But up to several hours for a fav. Recently spent from 10:30 to 3:30 with my fav fav on a date which included a variety of ways of spending time.

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