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For the SP's, Cleanliness or appearence? when you open the door

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I guess what I am trying to say is, what do you as a SP, look for when you first open the door when a client comes to see you? I am a "bigger" guy so when i see an SP I usually get a haircut, shave both faces..lol, I usually shower minimum once a day, and of course just before I leave for my date. I am always nicely dressed, pants, shirt and a jacket, no tie ( I have had strangers on the street compliment me on my hygeine). So what is more important? or what do you prefer? I know you will see every type of guy or does it matter just so long as his personal hygeine is good? I think I got it out what i am trying to ask..lol

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I absolutely have no preferences as to what you look like, but if your hygiene is impeccable you will have a very enthusiastic Erin pleasing you in every way :)

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Guest C*****tte

Appearance is not a determining factor in any way for me - that is if you mean his actual looks.


In terms of dress, I do prefer when a gentlemen has put some effort. No gym clothes for example. Casual yet not too casual works for me.


Often I see clients during the day and they are in a suit and tie for work. I must say I enjoy this. I find it sexy.


Above all though is hygiene. Freshly showered or take one when you arrive at my location if it has been more than a couple of hours since your last one.


Avoiding heavy cologne is a good move too.


When I answer the door or vice versa I am always happy to see a gentleman who is freshly shaved or has a nicely trimmed beard. Five o'clock shadow is not always possible to avoid but if you have one please refrain from rough kissing on the face or elsewhere.


Those would be my preferences. :-)

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I think every lady here will agree that hygiene reigns over appearance. Men come in all shapes and sizes and styles. As long as you are dressed nice and clean shaven, smell nice but not overbearing (pretty much everything that the ladies said above) and above all polite and respectful to us, all will be good.


absence of cold sores is good as a side-note, lol


and on another side-note, maybe this is just me, but i tend to dress well when I arrive at an out-call and was once faced with a gentleman wearing hockey-logo sweat-pants and a sweaty grey t-shirt...it was not flattering at all and was quite a turn-off from the start. it said to me "I dont need to impress you, because I'm paying for you and you're a guest in MY house...plus I'm going to be naked asap anyway"


I'm not shallow by any means and he was really niec but I couldn't get past his get-up. If you had a girlfriend over that you just started seeing, would you let her catch you dead wearing your grubbs? I always wonder if the date would have gone differently on my end and his if he had put just a little bit of effort into his clothing. Nothing fancy....just not, I dunno...slobby?

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I don't mind "CLEAN" jeans and t-shirt! But to show up, unshowered, unshaved, etc... is a BIG turn off, and I will ask you to shower before we begin, also I am allergic to strong colognes, so PLEASE do not drown yourself in it! If you smell that bad that you have to put on such things, then have a shower PLEASE!

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I really don't care about the clothing as long as you are clean. If you are coming from work you can always take a shower.


But neglected, old shoes scare me. They can mean that the guy has a bad case of foot fungus, and I will have to wash everything he touches with bleach and spray the carpet after he left.

It costs a fortune to get rid of fungus, and I owe a safe environment to my customers.


Please guys, do yourself a favour and don't wear the same shoes for years, even if you live alone and nobody sees you:)

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I think every lady here will agree that hygiene reigns over appearance. Men come in all shapes and sizes and styles. As long as you are dressed nice and clean shaven, smell nice but not overbearing (pretty much everything that the ladies said above) and above all polite and respectful to us, all will be good.


absence of cold sores is good as a side-note, lol


and on another side-note, maybe this is just me, but i tend to dress well when I arrive at an out-call and was once faced with a gentleman wearing hockey-logo sweat-pants and a sweaty grey t-shirt...it was not flattering at all and was quite a turn-off from the start. it said to me "I dont need to impress you, because I'm paying for you and you're a guest in MY house...plus I'm going to be naked asap anyway"


I'm not shallow by any means and he was really niec but I couldn't get past his get-up. If you had a girlfriend over that you just started seeing, would you let her catch you dead wearing your grubbs? I always wonder if the date would have gone differently on my end and his if he had put just a little bit of effort into his clothing. Nothing fancy....just not, I dunno...slobby?


Gentlemen, it is in your best interests to present yourself to your Provider in a hygenically clean, decently dressed and a respectful manner.


Yes, gentlemen you will get it back in spades by following this simple rule.:wink:


Let the big head do the thinking , not the little one.

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I really don't care about the clothing as long as you are clean. If you are coming from work you can always take a shower.


But neglected, old shoes scare me. They can mean that the guy has a bad case of foot fungus, and I will have to wash everything he touches with bleach and spray the carpet after he left.

It costs a fortune to get rid of fungus, and I owe a safe environment to my customers.


Please guys, do yourself a favour and don't wear the same shoes for years, even if you live alone and nobody sees you:)


Hmmm. I almost never notice my clients shoes/feet.


Oh, one thing I will say is a huge turn-off, but which isn't really related to hygiene is bad teeth. Once in university I met a guy online who seemed cute and then we met up and he was missing all of his front teeth. And he was my age. Needless to say, we did not hook up. That's how I learned there's a line even I won't cross, lol!

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As a masseuse you not only notice, but have to touch clients' feet.



Ahhhh, that explains it. Half the time my clients leave their socks on, so I don't even see their feet.

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Ahhhh, that explains it. Half the time my clients leave their socks on, so I don't even see their feet.


So Canadian!! ;)


I don't mind if clients dress casual or if they want to hop in the shower when they arrive. (I had a few guys who used to bike over, and so of course, they'd need to shower.) And with respect to the feet -- anyone who is inviting the public into an area barefoot has to sanitize anyway.


I guess, for me, the important thing is that he looks like someone who takes good care of himself in general. Being older, more experienced, I'm not as likely to get scared off by psoriasis or skin cancer or sebaceous keratosis -- stuff that will often send a less experienced SP running.


The things I look for are evidence that a person in general has good hygiene and takes care of himself.


And yeah. We can tell.

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I agree with everything that's been said. I just want to add that, if you're a smoker, you'll know that you can't smoke when I'm with you, whether in my home or in a hotel. If you smoke, though, it's particularly important to have a very good shower and be clean all over, instead of mostly focusing on the special places. Smokers' skin and hair often taste smokey and the press of your smokey body against mine transfers that smoke to me, to the bedding, to my hair and my clothing--to everything. I shower after every appointment, and I change the bedding, so this isn't to avoid doing that. My point is that I can't escape the scent and taste of the smoke, at all, and that's not pleasant for me.

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Smokers' skin and hair often taste

smokey .....


and that people is the genuine smoke meat :)


Interestingly these are the subtle quirks which we hobbiest don't realize or consider until someone tells us or we read of it on an SP's website.



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Interestingly these are the subtle quirks which we hobbiest don't realize or consider until someone tells us or we read of it on an SP's website.




I have added some quirky or "odd" requests to my site over the years. The latest being that my guests trim their nails before seeing me. Without getting too graphic, let's just say that feeling like you're being probed internally with razors is REALLY unpleasant. It's also a health risk as jagged nails can cause scratches which are open wounds and we all know that open wounds make it that much more easy to transfer an infection or disease. Scary :(.

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and on another side-note, maybe this is just me, but i tend to dress well when I arrive at an out-call and was once faced with a gentleman wearing hockey-logo sweat-pants and a sweaty grey t-shirt...it was not flattering at all and was quite a turn-off from the start.


Sorry about that hun, I guess the mustard stain didn't help either...doh! ;)

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Sorry about that hun, I guess the mustard stain didn't help either...doh! ;)


if you ever wore sweat-pants I didn't notice! haha.

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and that people is the genuine smoke meat :)


Interestingly these are the subtle quirks which we hobbiest don't realize or consider until someone tells us or we read of it on an SP's website.




Amazingly, you can actually smell and taste the lingerings of tobacco in the skin for months after a smoker has quit. It takes a while to work it's way out.

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I have added some quirky or "odd" requests to my site over the years. The latest being that my guests trim their nails before seeing me. Without getting too graphic, let's just say that feeling like you're being probed internally with razors is REALLY unpleasant. It's also a health risk as jagged nails can cause scratches which are open wounds and we all know that open wounds make it that much more easy to transfer an infection or disease. Scary :(.


Ava, I read that on your site and was so in agreement, I added something similar to mine. And for whatever reason, so many guys think I want them to finger-fuck me as fast and as hard as possible and that can lead to scratching and sometimes spotting because you've made me bleed. So, short nails or gloves. Your choice!

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After reading everything in here I though I would add a few things myself...


Now I agree with the whole showering system...Im sorry but if youve showered before you came I still prefer you shower at my incall location or with me at you place...That way you are ensured as well as me...I have often had clients say...well I just showered...but yet they still smelled in diff locations...so I decided it didnt matter...I am very anal when it comes to hygiene...If we even smell the slightest off in certain locations we know they will surely tell us...


Or how about pubic hair...Nothing is worse then diving into a face or mouthful of it...And this goes back to the same where they "expect" us to be or look or smell a certain way or they will have a word or two to say...So the same back would be greatly appreciated...


You see you can only expect so much when you are giving so much in return...I have had moments where the client had EXTREMELY bad breath...He was trying to I guess we shall put it like this ...."eat my face" and "shove his tongue down my throat" (huge turnoff) I couldnt take it anymore and half way through I said Im really sorry hunny but you have terrible breath! And that is why Im trying to avoid it...


When we open the door they expect so much but yet some are willing to return nothing....


THat I think and feel is very unfair...


We are watched like a hawk first of all to ensure all of our body parts which are listed are accurate 110% then here they are like mentioned by some of the ladies above...grubby clothes or not shaved or smelly...


PLEASE gentleman do take care of yourself...It helps us to enjoy you more...and want to please you more...Its very hard to impress when we are turned off to the max and dont want to hurt your feelings...


Now having said all of this...Just remember hygiene is important to everyone...It helps us to detect more and more whether we should be worrying about dieases....or infections....and when we dont have to worry about that we can enjoy our time with you more!


I would say I am very clean when it comes to work...I shower with the client when they arrive and when they are done....and in between....So add up a busy day and youve got one clean angeleyes...lol...:-P


So having known that I am sure most if the ladies do too...Now I am sure the men dont as they are not seeing as many sps...however know that when we go above and beyond for you to be clean we would like a little back in return....

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That is a very fair statement...it certainly is a two way street and thru my own experiences, a little extra attention paid to good hygiene, the more the SP responds to you and visa versa...makes for a way better session and really it is only common sense.

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So many guys think I want them to finger-fuck me as fast and as hard as possible and that can lead to scratching and sometimes spotting because you've made me bleed. So, short nails or gloves. Your choice!




Allow me to say...OMG...I know!!! It HURTS! It does not feel good AT ALL!!!

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So, to sum up:


Clean (just had a thorough shower with non-perfumed soap), well-groomed (hair - head, face, scrotum: trimmed and tidy - nails: clean and manicured), fresh-smelling (no smoke, sweat or cologne), neatly dressed (clean business casual or weekend casual).


Pretty short common-sense check list. How hard is that gentlemen? (Bit of a challenge for the construction crew guy, sewer worker or garbage collector looking for a quick nooner during the work week - lol - but pretty easy for the rest of us.)


A friend of mine in the business has told me she regularly turns away first-time clients at the door who are smelly, surly or drunk when they show-up. She doesn't need the business that bad. Probably a lot of EPs do that as well.

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