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Well men do come here because there are women advertising and women advertise because men come here. You need both equally. So the site needs to be user friendly and motivational for all equally:)To address your last point it would make no sense if you were simply speaking of posting erotic photos and enjoying them, but remember that's not what's being mentioned. My point is relevant and certainly does make sense, if you post A best of thread and specify in this thread that that picture of that womans bum is the best then you post a thread wanting women to celebrate their bodies because they are all beautiful, that's hypocritical:) Certainly you can do both but when doing so you are contradicting the point of the celebratory thread, which I thought its purpose was to boost womens confidences, best ofs , in some incidences(not mine), do the opposite. :)


Why I am even responding to this, I don't know, but I don't like being called hypocritical.


Last I checked the photo threads titled "Best" (and btw, there is only ONE with this in the title) are not just ONE PHOTO. There are hundreds. So it is not THE BEST, as everyone is so obsessed about, but a collection of very awesome photographs. Stop obsessing over the word BEST! It's petty.


Second, it's not my 24/7 job to help boost other women's confidences, sorry. I posted a thread one time about a website that showed non-models, with minimal makeup in regular settings. If you take those women and give them a studio, with costume, makeup, a professional photographer and editor, they will look like a lot of these photos too. I really don't know what your point is. Celebrating all women's bodies includes all women.


And I, and many other people, actually do consider all the photo threads as celebratory threads, which celebrate the beauty in women and photography.


Clearly you haven't even looked at any of the photo threads either, because I often post photos of women with different body types, ethnicities, and different looks, so to call me hypocritical is offensive, especially considering I never personally attacked you and only addressed the issue at hand.

Edited by Sweet Emily J
Correcting my grammar.
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While I understand both sides of the coin it seems this argument is going round and round again. In the end, nothing will change. Opinions have been stated, people feel better for stating their minds,so....


Let's focus on the good parts of this site and stop dragging on with the negativity. :D


Just my .02. <3

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Guest *Ste***cque**

I agree. We're starting to repeat ourselves. Somehow "best of's" has become redefined as "like", when they clearly aren't the same thing. Oh well, time to move on and just agree to disagree.

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