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how many use escortsite.com

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I have use them for my first website, but this is it... Very friendly for begginers, but expensive for the poor quality of graphic and slow... Also, not to many upscale templates and options...


I am now with another website provider wich offers me 3D slideshows and direct link to multiple communities such as Facebook or Stumble Upon (more then 30 communities...)


Easy to work with templates, and way more richer...


PM for details...

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From a end user customer perspective they tend to look cheap an overly gawdy, which could reflect poorly on the provider. I'm not suggesting that those whop do use them are , but its all about perception.


I share the same concerns from a design perspective. As someone who works in multimedia and design I think the looks offerd are simple and cheaplooking weather you choose to use the free or premium options. There are plenty of good web designers who can provide effective quality sites for the same or less. No I'm not soliciting business, I don't mix business with pleasure ! If any one is looking drop me a note and I'll point you in the right direction, I'm sure Mod knows a few good folks too.

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There's a few girls that use that site and while I tend to agree with CK since the templates are of very poor quality, it's still better than nothing. As long as you are presenting the information professionally, it still gets the point across and is helpful for the client. I've seen a few 'professionally developed' sites that were far worse and turned me off from dealing with that sp. At least with these, the client typically knows it's a template and that's all you have to work with. Isually pleasing or not, it gets the information out and that should cut down on phone calls and emails asking for rates and services...

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I personally enjoy using it.


It gets what I need in one simple place and it's one less thing I have to worry about. and it's also a lot better then some other template services I have seen out there or free hosting/web site services as well.

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Guest s******ecan****
I personally enjoy using it.


It gets what I need in one simple place and it's one less thing I have to worry about. and it's also a lot better then some other template services I have seen out there or free hosting/web site services as well.


Hey Riley....just wanted to let you know your link is broken (www.rileyroyal.com)

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I have used the site as myold working name....and then again for "annessa"..that is, until my ex agent decided she would shut it down due to "copy-written photos" of myself that were on the site (that I had rights to due to a lack of contract....another story tho).


As a Graphic designer by trade (more in the print and pre-press angle as opposed to the multimedia/web side etc) I did find the templates tacky.


HOWEVER.....it was a definite simple answer for those clients who only wanted a simple one-stop area for basic info. As SPs we get a lot of emails asking whether or not we have websites when doing proper research on the boards, reading recos and browsing our albums may answer many of their questions......and if the need to know anything else, why not ask it in an email?


I do find that the bulk of potential clients asking for a website tend to never msg back even after I've pointed them in the appropriate direction or asked "if theres is anything in particular you would like to know, please dont be shy in asking"


This particular behaviour has definitely made me second-guess going through the effort of conjuring up a site...in the end, those who dont fear asking and those who go through the trouble of doing their homework are the type o clients you want


escortsite.com is a good way to put your basic info out there in black and white and definitely saves you from having to answer the same questions over and over. However having my site wrongfully shut down never heeded my business....if anything, it introduced me to the clients that were brave enough to ask anything they wanted to know.....as opposed to referencing a tacky template effortlessly in a lurker-ish sort of way.

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if anything, it introduced me to the clients that were brave enough to ask anything they wanted to know.....as opposed to referencing a tacky template effortlessly in a lurker-ish sort of way.


I've done both and also add asking in chat.


For me the website (and pics) works as a quick filter. Websites also have extra information in it making it easier to get a sense of the person. The next logical step from there is a PM/email follow-up.

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HOWEVER.....it was a definite simple answer for those clients who only wanted a simple one-stop area for basic info. As SPs we get a lot of emails asking whether or not we have websites when doing proper research on the boards, reading recos and browsing our albums may answer many of their questions......and if the need to know anything else, why not ask it in an email?


I do find that the bulk of potential clients asking for a website tend to never msg back even after I've pointed them in the appropriate direction or asked "if theres is anything in particular you would like to know, please dont be shy in asking"


This particular behaviour has definitely made me second-guess going through the effort of conjuring up a site...in the end, those who dont fear asking and those who go through the trouble of doing their homework are the type o clients you want


The initial time and effort invested in "conjuring up a site" is well worth it in the end as it:


- Saves you a lot of time answering the same questions over and over by either email, phone or PMs.

I would personally be very annoyed by this concept if I didn't have a website.


- Gentlemen also appreciate a place where they can go to and consult the information

without having to look all over CERB or without having to ask for it.

We have to understand and respect the fact that not every gentlemen is comfortable asking for certain specifics!

If your site offers the proper information, the only time they will contact you is to find out when you would be available for a rendez-vous... Wouldn't that be nice :)


- It also saves the gentlemen time this way and they can have access to the information when they want/ not when you get back to them.

They can also make an informed decision as to whether or not they wish to contact you based on what they read.


- A site will help the perception/image gentlemen have about you!


- It will also help you target your niche "market"... Another time saver for everyone involded!


There are many more advantages in having a professional website! These were just a few basic examples! ;)



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I see your points and would never dismiss your opinion.


I have both the budget and even the skills to do my own site however my decision to not do so has just been a personal choice.


I never consider answering my numerous emails as time lost or wasted...yes there are some clients who tire-kick, question after question but that can be settled in an email right off the bat that answers most of the general inquiries.


Personally, I do not see a text and image site as a proper window to my actual personality. I am, however, flattered when new clients message me that they have read my posts on the boards and appreciate my contributions and admire my opinions and character. That, to me is the only way to get your full self across properly....that and may who go to websites go to "gallery" then "rates" and generally dont read the fine print that we work so hard to spell out for them (Q &As, etiquette, etc)


I do see the benefits of having a site...for now, however I'm just acknowledging the fact that its not entirely necessary to survive as a successful Provider.....just a personal choice, not knocking anyone who has a site.


a professional site would probably be a better route than escortsite.com. I recommend Unleash2Create...very reasonable service/hosting/consulting/rates :-)

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I agree with most the website saves a lot of my time on the phone with clients and the ones who do read the website seem to book right away and the rest can stay on the internet clicking away at web pages.


The booking form was easy to create and does all the email verifying for me even stops the abuse emails from coming to me.


it is a great option for those who claim they do not know anything about computers.

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So I have recently created my website using escortsite.com and I am wondering how many SPs use it to advertise themselves and thier services.



I hadn't heard of that one when I made mine, it's a freebie from rare-escorts.com. :)

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Okay just a thought here..please don't jump down my throat! but I was thinking I would love to have my OWN web site, yes personal pictures of Pete's body, and cute ass.


This is of course is to see if if the shoe was on the other foot(ladies)..


Only if ladies would entertain the idea to call me,message me, when I'm available. BTW I'm available most of the time! That way a lady can be busy and so can I.


Does this make sense to you wonderful loving ladies out there? Cause I'm always looking for some play time and perhaps a web site for Pete, I could speed up my process of getting many MORE dates!


Yes a hint of sarcasm but not towards this thread...I'm also really putting thought into this. I could put my web site right in my signature here on CERB.


What do you think..could it work?

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I hadn't heard of that one when I made mine, it's a freebie from rare-escorts.com. :)


Escortsite.com is actually the "new" version of Rare-escorts.com :-). I also use Rare-Escorts for my website. It's nothing fancy but it does the trick ;)!

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