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eye allergy relief? suggestions?

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I have had the worst week with my left eye. I can't stop rubbing it from my allergies and now it's swollen. I am using a small ziploc bag with tap water (not frozen peas as that's way too cold and hurts more) to keep the swelling down.


I am using eye drops and today Cat suggested Sinus Buster which I tried.. I screeched and laughed so hard as the red pepper spray (yah you heard me right) went up my nostrils.. but as I'm not really congested or sinusy I guess it didn't help.


I'm taking quercitin and eyebright.. and homeopathic remedies.. but other than moving what if anything do others do when the allergy season hits. I take vit C and pantothenic acid.. and I can't tolerate any anti-histamines.


Any other bright ideas out there?

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I suffer from a mild sort-of hay fever in the spring sometimes too. I found my eyes bothered me quite a bit recently with the added smoke in the air from those fires in Quebec.


The absolute first thing to remember when your eyes start itching is not to rub them. I don't know exactly why it is, but rubbing always seems to make it worse (maybe you're spreading around the pollen or whatever it is causing the reaction?)


I know it's insanely difficult to do sometimes, but you have to resist the urge to rub your eyes... it'll actual feel better in the long run.


Rinsing your eyes with cold water in the shower (keep your eyes open), can help to wash out whatever's in there.


Visine sometimes helps. Claritin, or some other similar allergy relief medication helps (Claritin takes at least a day to get into your system, so if you try it be patient at first - I find Claritin really works for me).


I know you're into natural remedies, but sometimes the other stuff is the only option.


If you try all that and it keeps up you should probably consider seeing a doctor... in fact, if it's been bothering you that badly for a week, and it's really swollen quite a bit, maybe you should consider a doctor now - it could be something other than allergies...

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Guest S***e



I've suffered from environmental and seasonal allergies for years. I can't take anything with pseudephrine in it due to some other medical issues and interactions with my meds. Last year, my pharmacist suggesed I try Aerius (next generation after Claritin) and after getting my physician's blessing he said to go for it. I've been using it now ever since with no side-effects or interactions etc. There's a generic version which is less expensive. Desloratidine is the active ingredient...no frunny nose, runny eyes, sneezing, itching, etc. I know you prefer the natural route but check into this for sure with your pharmacist or physician. I hate taking meds of any sort but this one I gladly take because I spend a lot of time outdoors so you can imagine.



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No need for a prescription but with the pharmicist is Optimyxin eye drops used for stighes and allergies

or if you can can get a prescription Fucithalmic Viscous eye drops will help with itching and stighes.

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...my pharmacist suggesed I try Aerius (next generation after Claritin) and after getting my physician's blessing he said to go for it. I've been using it now ever since with no side-effects or interactions etc. There's a generic version which is less expensive. Desloratidine is the active ingredient...


Just adding another vote for Aerius. Only thing that's ever really worked well for me.

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Guest s******ecan****

you can buy re-usable cold packs ($2-$3) from you pharmacy that are less intense than the old pea bag.

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Thanks! It's true that I prefer natural remedies but I've had to use antihistamines for years... unforunately I'm allergic believe it or not to chlor-triplon but other ones are starting to make me allergic as well! I used to use claritin.. and now I can't..


Who's allergic to an anti-histamine? only me I guess... I had a severe lupus like rash in university and when they gave me chlor-triplon at the university health center it got worse so they had to give me a shot of adrenalin.. It wasn't until I did a double-blind study for hayfever during which I thought I was on the placebo that I found out it was the chlor-triplon. Hey in the olden days we only had a few to choose from :)


I will try aerius as it's a long summer ahead. I can't remember what I tried last year during the bluesfest and man I was so out of it on that (prob why I can't remember) that I had to take a few days off from the festival! I think it was reactin? Non drowsy my ass! So that's my other problem with these. Man I miss the claritin days working.. that was my saviour.


Someone pm'd me offline this link and I'm making green tea as we speak.. I'm taking homeopathic pulsatilla as well just starting today so I'll keep you posted if it works.



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Guest S***e

Yup and no side effects either. Doesn't make you all hyper and doesn't put you in a coma. Best yet as I mentioned. Try it Carrie.


Just adding another vote for Aerius. Only thing that's ever really worked well for me.

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All I have not are a few thoughts.


Since there is a an effect upon your work, it might be worth trying to see an allergist.


To help reduce inflammation, your could try vitamin D, which might help, especially since you, like many ofus, have a history Also B6. Google inflammation for other ideas.


It mat be worth considering Aerius, which is mostly decongestant, along with a weak antihistamine


Your regular MD might come up with a a scrip for cortisone creme for temporary relief.


It may help to go to as hotel for few days, or work out of town during the bad season, if you can identify it.


Finally eyes can become infected, especially with rubbing.


Good luck!

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With my allergies, I am prone to severe hives .... cortisone cream is my only savior to reduce the swelling. Not sure if it is suggested near the eyes but you may want to investigate!

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It might be worth trying to see an allergist.


Your regular MD might come up with a a scrip for cortisone creme for temporary relief.



been to an allergist ... shots didn't work. Can't use cortisone creme on or near your eyes.. plus I'm against it as it harms your liver.. unless it's an emergency.


Even in eye drops I use an all natural one.. actually it's getting better. I think the smoke from the fires made it so much worse this past week.


I do take Vit D and B6.. thanks for reminding me :)


Meg: We'll have to talk more about your hives when I see you! there are some great homeopathic remedies.

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My post was sent to quickly and the Vit D bit should have said that it i sometimes used with auto-immune disorders.

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My post was sent to quickly and the Vit D bit should have said that it i sometimes used with auto-immune disorders.


yup :) I also get a ton from the sun.. what with my new big backyard and all..

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I come from a family of seasonal allergy sufferers. Besides getting the full allergist's treatment (serum shots) they've also used most of the allergy products available over the years. For the past couple of seasons they've spoken very highly of Areius. Apparently, very effective with negligible side-effects.


As for me, I suffer the most with my eyes and I prefer to just treat them directly with eye drops. The most effective I found is Opticrom (by Allergan). This was once prescribed to me by my doctor, but now it's available over the counter. Instant long-lasting relief. I have trouble with cats and dogs too, and it is also effective at counteracting the effects of their dander. Some people don't like the slight sting of the drop, but that quickly dissipates and is replaced by the euphoria of itch relief.

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That's a lot of praise for aerius. I bought some yesterday and took my first one.. can't say it's made a difference.. but it seems I'm an anomaly with most meds/herbs etc..

off to get 2 teeth pulled today! yikes.. at least I seem to respond to the novocaine :)


Update: seems the aerius takes a wee bit of time to kick in... itchy eye is much much better today. Thanks all for the suggestion.


Only 1 tooth pulled.. on codeine but other than that no big deal..

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My eyes have been really bad this year and the prescription eye drops Patanol helped a lot. As did Reactine 20mg daily.


I also find rinsing my eyes with cold water several times a day helps. Washing my hands several times a day keeps irritation to a minimum when I accidentally touch my eyes with my hands. Showering and washing my face and hair before going to sleep helps keep my eyelids from seizing together overnight.

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Morning Carrie

When my allergies get really bad, spring and fall, and I find myself unable to get to a store for claretin or aerius,

sit in the car with the ac on (assumes one has ac, and that the car is relatively clean inside) The small space will get clean cold air and should help get the histimines out of your sinus cavity. You can also put cheese cloth over the vent for extra clean air. Burns a hole in the ozone, but if it works, that is all that matters!

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A slight caution on a possible side effect or Aerius or other decongestants, especially for guys - decongestants like pseudephedrine (in Aerius) can interfere with erections. So for those of who have any problem in that department, use with caution. The old neo-synephrin and pseudoephedrin have been used to bring down unwanted erections back in the old pre-viagra days when relaxants were injected into the side of the penis for aid in E.D. In some cases the erection would get a life of its own. Not so good or safe, the near-permanent boner.

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I specifically got Aerius after all the raves because pseudo ephedra was not listed. Did I miss it? ephedra makes me terribly jumpy and drowsy at the same time.. it's an awful feeling.


I did feel a bit drowsy but it turns out it was the advil I was taking doing that.. I'm off of it now. The Aerius did help my eyes out immensely but it took about 24+ hrs before it worked.. and I'm not in need of it now.

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This taken from a Homeopathic Treatment

Pulsatilla: Awful itching and lacrimation of eyes which feels better from a cold application. Hay fever especially in the spring or in the heat of the summer and autumn. Everything is worse by being over-heated by the sun, hot foods, heat of the bed, etc. Much worse in the open air. Much better in air conditioning (no exposure to pollens



Or try Polysporin eye drops .

Interesting there some in the air in Ottawa ,

My one eye, was exactly the same when I as there

and it was the left one too ..weird ?lol


Feel better soon !!





I have had the worst week with my left eye. I can't stop rubbing it from my allergies and now it's swollen. I am using a small ziploc bag with tap water (not frozen peas as that's way too cold and hurts more) to keep the swelling down.


I am using eye drops and today Cat suggested Sinus Buster which I tried.. I screeched and laughed so hard as the red pepper spray (yah you heard me right) went up my nostrils.. but as I'm not really congested or sinusy I guess it didn't help.


I'm taking quercitin and eyebright.. and homeopathic remedies.. but other than moving what if anything do others do when the allergy season hits. I take vit C and pantothenic acid.. and I can't tolerate any anti-histamines.


Any other bright ideas out there?

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Thanks Diva.. I did say I was taking pulsatilla earlier in the thread :) oops.. wasn't specific about which remedy as I didn't think anyone would know what I was talking about!

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