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Something to think about!

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Imagine that you had won the following prize in a contest:


Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400 in your private account for your use.


However, this prize had rules, just as any game has certain rules.


The first set of rules would be:

1 Everything that you didn't spend during each day would be taken away from you.

2 You may not simply transfer money into some other account.

3 You may only spend it.

Each morning upon awakening, the bank opens your account with another $ 86,400.00 for that day.


The second set of rules:

1 The bank can end the game without warning; at any time it can say, "It's over, the game is over!"

2 It can close the account and you will not receive a new one.

What would you personally do?


You would buy anything and everything you wanted, right?

Not only for yourself, but for all people you love, right?


Even for people you don't know, because you couldn't possibly spend it all on yourself, right?

You would try to spend every cent, and use it all, right?





Each of us is in possession of such a "magical" bank.

We just can't seem to see it.




Each awakening morning we receive 86,400 seconds as a gift of life,

and when we go to sleep at night, any remaining time is NOT credited to us.


What we haven't lived up that day is forever lost.

Yesterday is forever gone.


Each morning the account is refilled, but the bank can dissolve your account at any time...



WELL, what will you do with your 86,400 seconds?


Aren't they worth so much more than the same amount in dollars?


Think about that, and always think of this:

Enjoy every second of your life, because time races by so much quicker than you think.


So take care of yourself, do only what is good and right, be happy, and enjoy life!


Here's wishing you a wonderfully beautiful day!!!

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You only truly appreciate that account when the bank tells you that it may be closing it prematurely....


Been there done that. Now, it's all about spending life with a smile on my face, enjoying the moment and not worrying about the little stuff.


Great reminder Meg!!!!

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Thought provoking Meg. Ties into the old quote 'Live each day as if it was your last'.


Take care.

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I try to live by some of the same rules....


Learn something new every day


Make some one smile at least once a day......especially some one you have never met before.


and always check your breath for freshness..........

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You are absolutely correct Meg and you know what I'm going to take the time and come to see you.:smile:

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Nice, like this one, use every second wisely for sure. And enjoy life.


Can I still get the $86,400 in my account too, I think I can make better use of the 86,400 seconds, with $86,400.

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Great reminder Meg. In today's wold, It's waaayyy too easy to lose track of the really important stuff... enjoy life.

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Yeah so my thought of buying stocks, gold, etc. and diversifying my portfolio that's really not going to work with time. *sigh*

Here I figured I'd be done all that by about 9am depending on what market I was trading on and could be sitting on a beach sipping mojitos relaxing and staring at the ticker on my phone. Oh wait better yet I'd hire a local to call it out to me while I lie on a solid teak recliner with some gal in a bikini fanning me and another peeling my grapes. ;)

Loved ones who needs them when you have some underpaid local from the Caribbean country you just bought a summer house in (for way less than you would pay here btw) calling out the ticker and two ladies standing by in skimpy bikinis drenched in sweat getting paid pennies on the dollar, one fanning you and the other peeling and hand feeding you green seedless grapes. Yep that's what I'd be doing.

Curses that you meant time and not cash! :ablow:

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