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Posts posted by mrgreen760

  1. My 40's were awhile ago, I'm 60 now and my priorities have never really changed. I wanted to live within my means and not be beholding to any particular job, I wanted to save for the future I wanted to and really tried to live in the moment and not take myself too seriously and be confident and a positive presence. And of course be happy. So not many.


    I've achieved most of them and continue to strive for those I haven't.




  2. A young Keisha Fox went by Sasha at EB/TO in those days (early 90's). She was in her early 20's and very hot and would go on the road as a dancer once in awhile. Pre-implants and children. I was a regular regular in those days and we had some very very fun times.


    Princess TJ was fun for sure. Had some great times with Vicky/Spin too. Shouldn't leave out Kelly from the 80's also slung beer at the Assiniboine. Later little Meagan who became Lianna Wood and Sara.




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  3. Rather than faking it and some really aren't good at it, I'd prefer the subtle head tap.


    Men are pretty straight forward either you do or you don't. And it doesn't always mean ejaculation. With women this is a much more intricate area. Usually a grip on my ones ears or your finding your head is in a leg lock death grip are decent indicators but not always. There can be involuntary signals that tell you you're in the neighborhood. But in the end it's unlikely every time out.


    Still I'd prefer a thanks......good effort versus arms and legs flaying around and fake oh my gods any day.




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  4. I was in the same kinda situation with my Dad before he passed. An older sister and mom had passed and a younger sister wasn't of much assistance so that left me.


    I approached it as an opportunity as we had never been close and neither thought we were his or my kind of guy. I became his primary care and we spent many hours at Dtrs appointments and hospital stays. I stepped up big time and probably surprised both of us. He never told me himself directly but told every one else how much it meant to him. In the end we had dealt with every thing and left nothing unsaid.


    It turned out we were each others kinda guys!! I wouldn't trade it for the world. Once he passed I became aware of the time I spent as there was this huge void.


    Forgiveness is huge as in the end we carry around the anger they don't.




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