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Cowboy kenny

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Posts posted by Cowboy kenny

  1. They know about cerb and they know about my blog, they featured prominently in it last year for a number of different reasons.


    You can read about it here



    They wanted the posting removed, They threatened me if I did not take it down.They claimed they had no idea that they were dupped by the girl who gave them the photo, so I complied briefly and removed the posting. But then I became aware of of some other questionable tactics and interesting management style that I put the posting back up, I knew I had been lied too.


    Sadly Emerald is not the only former escort of this questionable agency to have to deal with this matter, so gentlemen beware if this is how they treat their women, what exactly are they doing with your personal information you leave with them to book and appointment.

    • Like 2

  2. Maybe your browser is not set up properly, the banners are standard size in addition to the button ads on the right margin of the page. There are lots of advertising and branding opportunities available to providers and other related businesses as listed here http://www.cerb.ca/advertise/


    As for any one "using" them, I can't speak for CERB, but I know the click through rate for banner ads on my site is respectable with banners being click on average 7 out of 10 times displayed, depending of course on the content.


    In short, in my opinion they do work and are effective for both clients and sps.

  3. Cat beat me to it. Banner ads aren't going to lead to an "impulse buy" so to speak but they are effective in creating brand awarness. Much like a bus ad, and when you see the same ad everywhere it sinks in to your subconscious and if the subject, product or brand is something you are interested you will eventually act on that banner, weather you realize it or not. Frosty you probably have and weren't even aware of it :)

  4. When Tin eye fails you, call on the cowboy I stopped after using my tried and true methods to source out 5 different sites. Man things are bad out in the Peg with regard to bait and switch! Anyhow rules of this site prevent me from publishing the links to explicit pornsites but trust me NOT 1 of those photos on that site are legit!

  5. The issue was address at 8:30am, AST


    Violation of the rules on this site are not taken lightly by the MOD, and name calling is not allowed, neither is liable statements, defamation of character nor fighting or arguing on this site.

    This matter HAS been dealt with, as per the OP's original request this morning, and was changed at 8:30am, AST this morning.


    We all conduct a similar business and I uphold my standards to the highest level of quality and standards, and I will not and do not admit to plagarism, yes there were similarities and I DID comply to the OP's requests but the OP has continualy bombarded the system, with the help of others,in these slanderous posts.



    I received your request this morning, and DID comply to your request to change it, what people have Failed to do, is read the revamped bio page as of 8:30am EST.



    Was it AST or EST, get your story straight. Not that it makes a difference at 1:04 EST I posted this




    What amazes me is that the thief has disabled cut and copy functionality on their site to prevent THEFT!!!!!


    and at 1:20 EST I grabbed the screen shot.


    Victoria stop pointing fingers at everyone else and telling us what we've failed to do, What you've failed to do is recognize the gravity of your actions and the impact it has not only to your business, but to this close knit community.


    We ALL make mistakes, every now and then, the biggest mistake of all is not admitting you've made a mistake when you know that you have.


    ALL of this could have been avoided had you simply apologized and done the right thing. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors.

  6. The word "sorry" has only 5 letters, come on Victoria, I know you can do it if you try hard enough!


    Let try:


    Sssss ooooooooo, no sooooooo, rrrrr rrrr, yyyyyyyy.


    Practice first, repeat if necessary, you'll get it!


    In fact write it on the blackboard 500 times and it will come natural after that :smile:


    In order for her to say sorry she would have to wait for someone else to type the word so that she could steal it. LMAO !!


    I received your request this morning, and DID comply to your request to change it, what people have Failed to do, is read the revamped bio page as of 8:30am EST.


    Actually it was much later than that,you only started to edit your page when things started to blow up here in an attempt to cover your tracks. The screen shot used to compare the two pages was taken at 1:20 this afternoon.



    I suggest you stop while you're ahead, if you can call it that. The more false claims you make and attempt to address the real issue at hand the more times the thread is bumped and you are exposed....


    BTW, your page is now full of broken sentences, and grammatical errors from deleting all the stolen content you might want to get that fixed....

    • Like 2

  7. Hirises are definitely the way to go and offer the best options for discretion, basement,duplex or back split rentals aren't so discrete especially if the nervous client forgets to use the side door and nocks on the front :)


    The cost of running a separate incall location from your residence can get up there, I know of a few providers that have a dedicated play room for business only and that seems to help with the separation between "work play" and real life. Consider a two or three bedroom apartment for your next place while it will be a little more costly it wont be as much as two separate location would be.

  8. This issue here is content not layout, not pics. While yes there are only so many words in the english language, to describe the wonderful things a companion can do for a man, they don't all have to be used EXACTLY THE SAME WAY, WORD for WORD to convey the same message. This is where creativity comes in, how to use those very same words to describe one's self and not someone else.


    I think it's best to leave this thread as is at this point and let the people and good members of this board decide for themselves.

    • Like 4

  9. Wow, what a great community! That said and before we go too far with condemnation sometimes someone else does something for a lady including messing with her web site.



    I can assure you that this is not the case, the thief has done this before on this very site, she denies no wrong doing and claims to be harassed by the original author. WTF ?

  10. The scenario your are suggesting is commonly referred to as a retainer. Retainer arrangements require a great amount of trust for both parties involved, and in the end can sometimes be more troublesome than the awkwardness you are trying to avoid by paying as you go.


    My best advice to you is to not make a big deal of it, just leave the envelop out for your guest. She'll know what it's for and if she's a pro she'll be discrete about collecting it, especially if you let her know that's something you want as part of your encounter.

  11. I've noticed the Sens spirt fading around town lately, with tonight's game and Wednesday's we need to rally support and get behind our Sens to ensure we take this series!


    As you can see from my Avatar I'm wearing my jersey, what are you doing to show your Sens Spirit ?


    See you on the Sens mile after the game :)


    Go Sens Go!!

  12. Cheap motels are just that, Cheap and will drive clients away avoid the Ottawa Inn on Montreal Rd or Value Inn on Ogilvy Belair Motel on Robertson, Richmond Plazza on Richmond road or worst of them all the flea bag motel attached to the Canada Cabaret, Sadde International Inn, LOL


    Listen to Peachy's advice, Use hotwire or priceline or even expedia. I've had a huge suite with 2 bathrooms 2 bedrooms kitchen dinning room, huge living room and balcony at Albert at bay for 70 bucks a night, and even some great rooms at the Westin ( although not escort friendly from an access point) for a as low as 120


    A cheap room will end up costing you more in the long run if clients choose not to visit you based on the location.

    • Like 2

  13. There's not much more to be said than what the gents ahead of me have already stated. I had been trying for some time to make time to meet up with this pretty lass, but mrme beat me to it. Finally my schedule freed up to allow me the opportunity to meet her. This sexy lulu is sure to wear you out and keep you smiling from the moment you set eyes on her.


    Her Swedish heritage is rather evident in her statuesque form and long flowing blonde locks, she could easily be an honorary member of the famed swedish swimsuit team, hands down no problem!


    Her golden sun kissed skin is soft and oh so smooth to the touch. Breast men will love her natural firm B on the verge of C cup breasts, take it from the cowboy they are a pleasure to behold! Lulu has an insatiable appetite for oral, her skills and talents are impressive for someone so new to this scene. I suspect she's had her share of practice, and practice makes perfect, right ? Let's just say it comes naturally to her!


    Did I mention her wonderfully round and firm booty ? One word says it all

    Unfreaking- believable, and it loves to be spanked, not too hard though!


    Daty aficionados, dinning at the Y has never been so delicious! Lulu loves to be licked and if you do a good job, you'll be rewarded with amazing enthusiasm mixed with ecstasy and sheer delight, she does not hold back! But only if you do a good job!


    All in all Lulu and the cowboy had a great ol sexy party, fun was had by all as this flirty sensual filly bounced and bobbed taking me to the finish line and beyond in a mind blowing climax :) Take your vitamins boys and get your rest before booking with this pretty gal.


    Remember of course gentlemen that ymmv but so long as you are clean polite and respectable you WILL have fun. If you don't then you're doing something wrong!!

    • Like 1

  14. Yeah, I'm honest about it with them, I would usually preface my comments with " I can see why you'd like this" especially if it's someone I know well like a lot of you I have a diverse circle of friends which makes for great discussions, arguments and laughter, we all know, like and understand different things, which provides a great opportunity for us to learn from one another, but yeah if I don' like it I let them know.

  15. I've had the pleasure of her company a few times now, but as much as I'd like to keep her all to myself I thought its about time I share. She's a tiny gal at 5'5 and she definitely qualifies as a spinner for those who enjoy the spinner types, at the same time she has wonderful curves soft and round and firm all in the right places. I'm not sure what i like best, her firm perky breasts with cherry like nipples or her perfect bum, just enough to cup in my hands and grab onto for some fun. Some maybe concerned about her youthful looks, but I assure you she is mature and wise beyond her years. Unlike some new or younger providers she's capable of intelligent and coherent conversation and she's a good listener too. She's super cute and a wonderful bundle of energy and she genuinely enjoys what she does, she's far from a clock watcher, but careful lads as time will fly by with this pretty lass at your side.


    She plays it safe while still providing an open and fun experience and her focus is all about providing you with the best experience possible. As you all know I enjoy the company of all sorts of women and love to meet new gals too, when I met sexyhaley I was in a bit of a funk, her bright and cheery smile and sparkling eyes soon turned me around, consequent visits put a spring in my step that had been missing for some time. Her schedule is limited at times so if you get the chance to meet up with this delightful and sensual provider, jump at it !

    • Like 3

  16. Spend 80 bucks on the Photoshop Elements app available in the mac app store




    I use Photoshop CS5 for work and freelance applications on my PCs but since converting to Mac last year I installed this app on my mac mini and macbook pro and am very impressed with the features of this software given the price and how much the full CS version cost me!


    Spend the 80 dollars, consider it an investment in you and your business, GIMP is nice but can prove to be challenging especially if you're not comfortable with getting under the hood.


    I highly recommend Photoshop Elements for the novice user. It will allow you the ability to blur, water mark, remove tattoos , add text and other industry related requirements with ease.

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