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Cowboy kenny

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Posts posted by Cowboy kenny

  1. Yes, I still have a blackberry, have to for work purposes So yesterday all my wirrlessly synced contacts were deleted :( and they don't know when they can fix it, syncing with my desktop wont work either for some reason, so I'm rebuilding the database. If we've been in touch in the past and I'm on your contact list and you want to continue to stay in touch TEXT me so I can re-add you to my contact list. If you don't want to speak with me, well that's just fine to! :)

  2. Charity for sure would see a good portion of it. I couldn't have fun with this windfall knowing that others could use the money for far better needs. United Way, Operation Come Home, Canadian Cancer Society.


    Now for the fun that trip to Australia looks good as it's been on my bucketlist for some time, even better if I'm in First Class with Amelia, after I've had my fill of shrimp on the barbie and Fosters off for a long European tour hitting up the UK, Italy and Spain,


    if there's anything left over I'd give it to Antlerman so he could enjoy another 30 seconds of bliss :)

    • Like 1

  3. I think Peachy for marketing value and discretion purposes twitter is the best venue to stay in touch with your regulars, letting them know instantly of availabilities or specials or what you're having for lunch for that matter. I've had a twitter account for the last 3 years but only started using it to promote the diary and interact with sexy ladies and fellow cerbies. Try twitter I think you'll find it's a unique way to promote and interact! I'll follow you and you can follow me @cowboykenny :)

  4. Of course Incalls are risky, you could get hit by a bus or a car, fall down a manhole, get a parking ticket or stuck in an elevator.


    If you are seeing a professional and established provider who understands the definition and reason for discretion then you will be fine, so long as you don't get hit by a bus or a car, fall down a manhole, get a parking ticket or stuck in an elevator.

    • Like 5

  5. yeah it's a scam, not ONE of those women will be taking care of you no matter who you request, there's likely only 2 or 3 women available who will go by whatever name you wish to call them, they are also likely older by about 10 years than the age stated.


    The photos on the website are stolen.

    • Like 2

  6. Wow I thought I'd seen and heard it all, then this yahoo walks on the scene, did anyone bother to check his posting history ? For that matter did he ?


    In June he posted this :


    Straight male service provider?

    Looking to get my wife a "gift" for her upcoming birthday. Are

    There any providers in Halifax on this site?


    in April he posted this :


    First time couple

    Young couple looking for the service of a young escort:smile:

    Would like with large breasts and above average looks, any suggestions anyone?


    And just 3 days earlier in April he posted this as his first post


    Looking for a booty in halifax

    Hi all, names Matt and as you can probably tell from my 0 posts I am new here. Have only limited experience with service providers (massage in mtl) but am wondering If anyone can recommend a service provider in Nova Scotia with a nice big booty, I am not talking about a BBW, would still like a thin, fit lady I just want her butt to be large.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated :smile:



    For a "couple" that was drowning in debt and looking to turn his girl out, they sure seem to have discretionary funds to pay for an escort.


    Dude, you're an idiot.




  7. Yes she's quite the hottie. I've seen her a few times recently just never got around to a reco, will do shortly.


    She is very much easy on the eyes with golden tanned skin and perfect titties as she describes them, most importantly she is very much service oriented and about pleasing her guest, she is of similar standard to Emily J or LuLu for those who have had the pleasure to see them.


    Her body type is similar to that of sexyhaley/blair who was also a cutie who was customer focused and had a tight athletic bod.


    Jordan is very open minded with a wide array of options and even some fetishes from what I understand, although as always YMMV.

  8. Emily, I've been away the last little while so I'm just catching up on this, sounds like you've got some pretty solid advice here from your friends on CERB, I certainly hope that this theft was not from another CERB member and if so hopefully they've been dealt with accordingly. I think the invoice for your time for writing the ad is the best slap in the face and if they aren't too bright it will have them scratching their heads.


    When Gabriella Lawerence was faced with a simillar situation recently I suggested to her to do just that and I think it helped get the message across.


    Photos, ad copy, creative writing, drawings, graphic design are all intellectual properties that express the creativity of the individual who worked hard to create that work, stealing that work is like grabing money from someones wallet or pocketbook. To those that do choose to steal, remember KARMA... it's a bitch.

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