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Everything posted by namssa

  1. Depends on what you are really asking for in your query. If you are talking about her massaging you, then you massaging her, that is likely not a big deal for the lady. You would just have to ask her in advance if she would be ok with that and most likely would not have a problem. However, if by "digits" you don't mean "massage or touching", but rather what is commonly known as "fingering", that is somewhat trickier. Fingering (what digits commonly refers to) is much more personal for an SP and first she would have to be comfortable with that, and some are not. If she is ok with that, and many are not, then it becomes a YMMV and it will depend mostly on your connection with the SP and your personal hygiene. Fingernails cut short, clean and well groomed with no open sores, wounds etc. would be key. Ask politely, have a good connection, impeccably maintained hands and general cleanliness and you will have a good start to getting where you want to go. Good luck.
  2. Most of the MP's in Edmonton offer GFE for between $$.4 - $$$/hour. What GFE means is basically up to the girl in question. There should really be no "house fee" in Edmonton, it is all inclusive. Higher end studios are asking $$$ or more for an hour and some guys are actually paying that. For VFM, the indie girl is your best bet in Edmonton at $$.5 - $$$/hour, but you get a lot more. If you do your research, you can get a stunning GFE indie girl for $$.5 - $$.8. I as well have known April for a few years and have seen her multiple times. If you want a fun, interesting and kinky MILF'ish girl, she will give you a massage like no other girl has given you before. At present, I believe she is working at Studio 118 and I highly recommend her services. She often has specials of all sorts, so call or PM and just ask. She is super friendly and a really nice person to know.
  3. That is a great topic alexiss. Personally, I am in a chat room mainly for the social experience, getting to know people and building some rapport. The more you get to know people and them know you, the better your chances of getting a positive response if you need some information or assistance. Of course, to provide information or assist if a guy seems decent as opposed to some real jerk off as well. Secondary, I am there to see what the ladies are like and how they act, kind of gathering intel for future reference. If a lady and I chat on the side and we hit it off.......much more likely to perhaps book with her than not having any interactions with her. The more comfortable a girl feels with a guy, the better his experience in a session is likely to be. It is all an investment in a future session in my eyes, whether it be a couple hours or a year in the future.
  4. I recently lost my driver's license in a grocery parking lot and so I am expecting some hassles in the not too distant future. I have a temporary DL and reported to the RCMP, but who knows what the hell is going to happen. I hope the DL is just lost and never to be used again, but I am a strong believer in Murphy's Law. Any websites out there for dealing with a stolen identity?
  5. I have never met an SP that I knew from the past and I see mainly girls that are on a forum for the most part, so I already know what they look like before I meet them. I do sometimes attend a MP or see a CL girl, and there is the potential to see someone from my past, but fairly unlikely. I have wondered previously what would happen if the door opened and it was a girl that I used to know. I would think and expect that we would exchange smiles and greetings, perhaps some small talk for a minute or two. Then we would have to acknowledge? that we know each other, and if there was a mutual interest carry on with the session. There are a lot of girls from my past that I would love to be with in a carnal way, so I am pretty much in for it. I would also expect that we would agree that what happens in a session stays there and it is not for public consumption. I am not there to judge anyone and I would not expect to be judged either. Each to their own, and in my view it is not a big deal to be with someone from your past, as long as the feeling is somewhat mutual. If the girl was freaked out by seeing someone from her past, I can understand that and accept it and I think I would just see another girl and let her do her thing.
  6. Had a friend report that there was a sting in operation about mid November. I had posted about it on here, but when the forum crashed a while ago, it got deleted and I did not repost until now. Seems that at the North end of the stroll, that there were some UC ladies, wired and looking for "customers". LE was in a parking lot across the street in a car and an UC Larry Edwards on the bench looking like a bum. I remember about that time driving by, seeing the girls and the bum and thinking, for a reason that I cannot say, that the bum looked odd to me, but I did not put it together. Indeed, my friend advises that it took him a couple of passes to figure out what was happening.
  7. That is a very good question, especially if you are new to the hobby. It shows you care about the ladies and how you approach them, good signs for a pooner. I started in this hobby about 4 years ago and the first few things that I figured out by reading forums is that clear, polite communication is a must and that if you want have a good/great session you need to show these ladies respect. WIT and alexiss hit the nail on the head with their responses. I suggest that you may want to read their posts a few times and ensure that you get the full impact of what they say. When you do contact a SP, ensure that you are polite and respectful in your wording. Most of the ladies have read many emails, texts and PM's, received phone calls that have asked for many things and sometimes not in the wording possible. So they have heard it all before and are not going to be turned off if you politely ask about what is on their menu or what is included with a GFE or something as such. Also, make sure you are clear and concise in what you ask and don't play games like some guys do. They are very busy and have lots of communications going on and they would prefer to deal with a guy they feel is a decent communicator and values them as people. Really, just treat them as any other professional that you would deal with and you will be fine. The concept is the same, just the product or the service is rather unique.
  8. namssa


    mmmmm............that ass!
  9. namssa

    love that ass honey
  10. namssa

    Yummy legs honey
  11. There was a major drug & SW bust in Red Deer earlier this year, a 3 month operation, June, July, August mainly, that ended in a big bust, 31 people charged with 70 offences as a result of residents concerns. Of the 70 charges, 48 were from drug or criminal activities and some weapons seized. There were 10 girls and 11 guys charged with ?communication for the purpose of prostitution? and 7 John?s had their vehicles seized in the bust. There was about 100 grams of cocaine seized in total during the drug busts. Crack cocaine, marijuana and ecstasy were also recovered. Store owners and the public were the ones that complained of activities in the downtown area. Since the busts, there has been very little and sporadic activity for SW in the downtown stroll. All the more reason not to use SW, IMHO. Make good use of the Indie SP's, MP's and the one decent escort agency in the city.
  12. The Grinch That Stole Christmas.....cartoon version of course. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation rocks as well. Going to get "Bad Santa" and check it out, heard lots of good stuff.
  13. I would suggest that you pick a girl based on your interest in her and ensure that she is a quality girl, well reviewed and that she has a style you like. My personal preference is an Indie SP at her incall, whether it be her place or hotel. You have extremely little to worry about seeing a quality Indie SP using the above and Indie SP's tend to give you great VFM. If you go to an MP, make sure it is a reputable MP and the girl you see there is a quality girl, well reviewed and a girl that you like. Again, you are likely to have no issues. I will never give any personal information to an SP. There are cases of things going wrong (relationships, blackmail, etc.) with some girls, only a very few though, and guy's lives being severely disrupted because of it. No SP knows my real name, place of employment or where I live. I use a drop cell phone that I use for pooning only, and I do not have girls to my residence, ever. There is just too much risk as compared to the enjoyment. I live by my reputation and a reference if needed. There are many great girls out there that do not require personal information. If girl demands a picture, real cell number, place of employment etc., I simply move on to the next SP as there is rarely a real need for them to require this information and the potential for damage just is not worth it. Basically no SP or group of SP's could discover the real me. LE could put it together if need be, but I have no intent on causing problems for an SP, so that will not be an issue. My 2 cents.
  14. If you feel that the author of the ad is using spelling and grammar mistakes as part of her "style", then you likely should not have concerns. If it seems that the author simply cannot spell and has grammar mistakes that were not done on purpose, then that could be a clue to larger issues. Not a reason to skip a girl, but it is something that I would take note of, if I contacted her for further information.
  15. 1. Does the anticipation to meet your SP cause performance anxiety? Not at all, in fact quite the opposite. Knowing that I will soon be visiting my SP, I am filled with anticipation. The closer the time gets, the more eager I become with desire to see her. I actually last quite a long time if I am seeing an SP I have seen previously and like a lot. 2. Does the feeling get better or worse with time spent with the hobby? I am a fairly different pooner now compared to about 3 years ago when I started this hobby. I research extensively, so the sessions are pretty much always good for me. In the beginning, I went to MP's and saw some lower end Indie girls, rarely seeing the same girl twice. Now I see mainly Indie girls and have not been to an MP in over a year. I have my favourite Indie girls that I see regularly and they are all spectacular GFE SP's: Heidi Heiss, Nikita, Rachelle Reigns, Ava Jones are among my favourites. Since I have begun seeing these ladies on a regular basis the sessions are great. So, the feeling is much better because I see better quality GFE SP's and I see them often, so I have a great rapport with each one. 3. Does the nervousness continue even though you've met with her more than once? Not at all. The more I see an SP and get to know her better, the more relaxed and intimate the sessions become. 4. Do you ever wonder if she is feeling the same way? The SP's that I see are pretty professional and know how to give a good GFE, so the feeling is of a "Girl Friend" for the duration of the experience. They are not nervous at all, in fact very relaxed and playful now that we know each other. 5. And does it make it easier for you if you knew she was just as nervous? Or would it make you more nerved up? I make it a point to start building a rapport with an SP right from the first contact. I make it a point to ask questions and perhaps joke a bit with them in an attempt to put them at ease with me. If my SP was nervous, I would do what I could to have them relax, not an issue that I have noticed. The more an SP is comfortable with you, the better the session will likely be.
  16. ...............ahem, very nice honey.
  17. mmmm......love your look and those yummy legs!
  18. namssa

    Rachelle 1 web2

    Rachelle, you know I thing you have a great body and I absolutely love your legs with those stockings.....quite stunning.
  19. namssa

    Rachelle 8 web2

    Love your great legs and large breasts!
  20. Amazing breasts and such beauty!
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