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Everything posted by Peachka

  1. DJFrost32...WTF? Makes me think of the name David Frost....and that's not a good thing.
  2. Sabrina will be back in Ottawa next week. (Mon-Wed.)
  3. I like the way you spelled Ladies! 8)
  4. I saw Sabrina this weekend when she was in town & I concur with the above recos! Sabrina is a dancer in Montreal but travels to various cities as an escort. She could certainly satisfy a hobbyist's 'dancer fantasy'. Sabrina has the classic beautiful Native-French Canadian look! I very much enjoyed myself & would repeat.
  5. Actually, it will because the HST has been in Quebec for several years. Though, out-of-province shoppers used to be able to apply to get the tax back.
  6. I don't mind going over to Gatineau. For those of us in the west end, it is closer than Orleans.
  7. Are you speaking of the Board in general or just the Barrie section? Cerb serves the whole country where some regional areas are not as busy as others but they still have a presence & opportunity to grow. A board is really what the members make it.
  8. Happy Birthday Cindy, You are now of legal age in all provinces & states!
  9. Hey Spicoli, I call shotgun!
  10. Just tell them to piss off & to PM you again when they have contributed to the board in some way. This may help to get them posting or weed out the deadwood.
  11. Check out the Cowboy's blog.
  12. This email has been going around for about 10 years now.
  13. The busy hours at The Pink are between 10 PM & 3 AM.
  14. A holiday Sunday will be busier than normal at Pigales. :boobeyes:
  15. Nooooo....keep wearing it Maybe the Habs will be gone in four straight! :twisted:
  16. He's referring to this girl: http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=27628
  17. I believe she is not in Ottawa anymore.
  18. This song has been out for 2 years but it is stuck in my head right now. The Song\video is kinda something most of us can relate to! I like the way the incorporate several instruments.
  19. Did you ever find your 'Mommy'? :smile:
  20. Account info says 'Suspended User'
  21. Here is what you get get when you put them both together! :bjs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEuaVDq1dp4&feature=related
  22. Hot off the 'press': http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=26956
  23. YMMV can mean a few things in regards to greek but it usually refers to how much 'meat' you are packing. ie. too big\thick
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