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Posts posted by Jabba

  1. Thought this could be fun, perhaps all cities listed in CERB can adopt this thread too?


    Last night, Hitchbot was spotted on the outskirts of Moncton. Too bad I was driving threw, but did not see it, did anyone here pick him up? Would you?


    Would I pick it up?

    Perhaps - if I were in an adventurous frame of mind and had the time to stop and scoop. I don't pick-up hitchhikers; although I have in my younger years.


    I'm still a little unclear about the details on what/how information is collected and retrieved. Here's a link to something: http://globalnews.ca/news/1473901/hitchbot-robot-ready-to-hitchhike-across-canada/


    Sounds like a great project. I hope the thing survives the trip across Canada. How do the project inventors make available the information or any conclusions to us grunts? I like conclusions.

    • Like 1

  2. Many thanks for your replies.


    One of my family members has various yet medically controlled conditions. According to TD's insurance literature, any claims even remotely related to the conditions will be denied. Case closed.


    You have to very carefully read the terms and conditions to make your own determination of insurability.


    As a result, said family member chose not to waste time & money on travel insurance. Crossing fingers all will be good.

  3. ....So what's your advice on packing, moving, looking at houses etc. I'm a bit of an amateur....


    Do it while you're naked.

    Everything is better when you're naked.


    If you have to do it ya' just might as well enjoy it fer goodness' sake (just remember to invite me over, ok?).

    In fact, I'm naked right now! HA!:exagerefesses:

  4. An excellent thread and very timely in my case. My 84 yr old Father in law is experiencing a decline. He knows it and he is very upset.


    He's a professional man and is an intelligent, fun-loving, compassionate and kind individual. He wants to contribute to his marriage and family. He would be devastated if he hurt anyone. He failed a competency test last week & had his license yanked. His impairment was that obvious. We, his family knew it was obvious and had some very real concerns about his ability to drive. Nobody wanted to say anything. We did discuss amongst ourselves, but left the decision to the officials.


    Now here's a loaded question - are we being responsible children by allowing our elderly or mentally impaired parents to have a driver's license? The question draws an apparent conclusion, but it isn't that easy. I know what the OP is going through. We will all face a decline in our abilities to some extent. Who will be there to help us to make decisions on our behalf? Will we accept our family's, caretaker's or doctor's advice or are we all going to be stubborn, old, confused road killers?


    I for one, have the feeling I will need someone to tell me to stop driving - I'm not the best judge when I'm not in my right mind...but just where is that tipping point?

    • Like 2

  5. 2-way arrangement. SPs have the burden of being generous with their time and I can understand their piss0ffedness at the likes of me. For goodness' sake - what the heck do clients want?? 24/7??


    Sometimes, client slugs like me will find themselves with a timetable gap. Can't predict our off-times. Client slugs like me hope a provider will be able fill a gap on the drop of a hat. Just doesn't and can't happen like that.


    I understand as a provider, you want to make everyone happy - can't be done.

    • Like 1

  6. I'm a provider and knowing what many clients have told me and how they do love their wives but seek something that isn't in the marriage anymore or for other various reasons is very common. Everyone has their reasons for seeking out SPs or MAs, etc. I fully understand this and don't judge. Otherwise I wouldn't be in this line of work. I also know what it's like to be in her position and to be blindsighted by this. So I understand from both sides of the fence.


    Jabba, do you know what it's like to have your partner seek outside physical intimacy without your knowledge? Maybe you do, maybe you don't but please do not put words in my mouth! I never said she was a victim. It takes two in a marriage and a lot of work to keep a marriage going. Interpret it as you see fit but what you are alluding to is just plain wrong!



    I really don't wanna start a pissing contest and maybe this thread has run it's course. You're a well respected member who's been around the block & you have honest, nice posts. I want to respond in a respectful way - but I do feel the need for a response.


    For the sake of discussion and some fun, let's do a little role reversal:

    Lets replace all male references in your post with female references and see how it smells:


    I've been in the same situation when I was in your position once upon a time. Looking back, I find that those who see escorts or frequent massage parlours are looking for something physical.


    Imo, I consider it far worse if a female were to have an emotional affair than to visit a sex worker. Females are also visual creatures. I'm not condoning what your wife has done but if there has been a lack of communication or lack of sex, women decide to take things into their own hands. I think the best thing to do is confront your wife and let her know that you know about her activities and ask her why.


    Communication is key here and then you can begin to make sense of it all. And please don't blame yourself.


    I hope that puts my thoughts in perspective....maybe, maybe not?

    Am I just being too sensitive?

  7. Imo, I consider it far worse if a man were to have an emotional affair than to visit a sex worker. Men are also visual creatures. I'm not condoning what your husband has done but if there has been a lack of communication or lack of sex, men decide to take things into their own hands. I think the best thing to do is confront your husband and let him know that you know about his activities and ask him why. Communication is key here and then you can begin to make sense of it all. And please don't blame yourself.


    Dear me...

    I find this post to be somewhat offensive. It's demeaning, confrontational & accusatory in tone toward males. Your charactarization of men is rather simplistic and dismissive. I won't suggest we as male people are perfect, but we do have our positive moments. Please lead me to a different conclusion if I am mistaken


    Are all females sexual victims in a relationship - is that what you are suggesting?

    • Like 1

  8. Hi Shelly,

    First of all: "Ouch" for your recent discovery. Not very pleasant. As a habitual and secretive hobbiest, maybe I'm not the best person to lend an opinion. Let me just say that sexual exploration is not exclusive to the male domain. Try not to feel too much hurt - curiosity and variety occupies a large part of a healthy sexual life. I hope you find friendship and informed companionship here on this forum.


    On the upside, maybe it's the 1st step toward honesty in your relationship? I hope you are mutually able to discuss your desires and find a way to work them out.

    • Like 8

  9. I have a couple of family members traveling to the U.S. this Summer. Read a couple of articles about people getting screwed by insurance companies upon a health claim.


    1. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/hefty-medical-bills-rejected-by-travel-insurance-firms-1.1407701


    2. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/travel-insurance-doesn-t-pay-for-these-bank-customers-1.2651318


    Does anyone have any advice about any insurance company who you can actually trust?

  10. I believe the OP was voicing his past experiences by which he could meet MAs at a spa and I'm sure he didn't mean to give offense. It's interesting to hear of other client/business practices in other cities and I appreciate his question. I'm all ears to hear about alternate means of meet & greet. I've read some very good suggestions & opinions in this thread.


    By some standards a line-up may be an inelegant method of selecting a hostess. It conjures up images:


    Police suspect line-up. "Turn to your right, turn to your left. Ok, #4 - step out in front...".


    Or you walk into the market, ask the question: "What's your selection of meat like today? Can you show me what ya' got?"


    Somewhere, somehow - despite a certain awkwardness, business gets done. What do the MAs themselves have to say?

    • Like 1

  11. As a space gangster & slug, I think I could be an excellent public official....I think....sort of....


    What do I have to do?


    How do I get started?


    What do you think I'd be good at?


    Does anyone have any experience they can share?

  12. Snacks. Gotta have 'em. I like 'em when I'm watching the tube or surfing. Oddly, I do have different snacks when I'm doing the 'puter or TV.


    Ummm, I'm getting an urge for popcorn. I'm doing the 'puter while watching TV. I like popcorn with a little butter + seasoning. Something with a little parmesan + lemon.


    I really like Costco Chicago Mix - Popcorn + Caramel...ooooohhhh. Sex in a bowl.


    I really like the small, hard crunchy shell Easter eggs with a chocolate centre. I like 'em mmmmm....gotta get more.


    M&Ms they are spawn of the evil dead. Same with the chocolate/peanut butter thingies. They make me want to bungie jump out of my familyroom. I feel sooo good while I crunch down on these sinful little eggs.

  13. Geez, brings back memories. I'm not a fan of football...can't stand the game actually but met a few of the players. Stand-up guys.


    I remember attending a Grey Cup parade in downtown Ottawa in the mid-60s. Russ Jackson was on a float along with a bunch of other guys. They won the cup that year.


    Met Tony Gabriel a couple of times in the course of business. Now there was a true gentleman. A fellow who understood PR. Even though I didn't understand or appreciate the game, I wished him luck on a game he was playing that evening & he was very gracious and receptive to well wishes.


    Met Ian Mofford - Running Back/Wide Receiver. He used to fly out of the flight school I used to work for. Decent fella. Had some nice conversations - not about football.

    • Like 2

  14. Thanks Fishstick.

    Father's Day is a day of reflection of what it took to make you a Dad. All the care, worries, recitals, sports, driving lessons, piano lessons, singing lessons, swimming lessons, teacher interviews, story telling, book reading, vacations, biking, dog walking, cuddling, conversations, arguments, consoling, prompting, stupid & fun stuff....Dad's are always guilty of something. Kids remember all the weird shit we did to them. It's called damaging your child's upbringing. At the same time, your kid probably remembers your good points - vaguely....maybe.


    Meh, just gimme a beer & I'll cut the lawn....again. I think I'll hide-out in the garage.

    Enjoy the day. It won't come again for another year.

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