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Everything posted by livenudecats

  1. Doesn't sound like it was an experience worth repeating? Was Ashley there as has been reported?
  2. Maybe the "other girl" is actually the guy who ownes the place in drag? :icon_eek:
  3. Cool! Prince Livenudecats. I like the sound of that.
  4. They were Sherriff's officers and their bid to have the video's removed form the website was lost. It was deemed that they did sign the appropriate release forms and Ocean did have the right to publish the material on her website. After that she did retire to focus primarily on video production. At some point a year or so ago she and her website disappeared. Maybe her and Prince "Hide In the Closet and Wack Off While Some Other Guy Bangs My Wife" moved to Europe to be closer to his aristocratic roots. ;)
  5. The number she posts is "not assigned".
  6. My point isn't what you like, its 99% of the women out there do not like being told they have a big ass. ;)
  7. LOL! The most dreaded words any man can hear from his SO... "Does this make my ass look big?" LOL! . . . . To which you reply, "No, your ass makes your ass look big." Then duck and run for cover. ;)
  8. You're right. While I have no problem with the press letting people know if creeps like Mr. Jetz are in or out of jail or where they are living, for public safety reasons they should ignore all of the rest. Like it or not, as much as I'd like to be the one to lead the tar and feathering party, he has not been convicted of anything yet. Yes at times it is distasteful but we live in a society where you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. In cases like Mr. Jetz, who likely is the disgusting pervert/pedophile he is accused of being, it is very annoying to see him out and about. Even running for public office. But you also need to remember all the other innocent people out there who have been wrongly charged or convicted of a crime because of overzealous narrow minded police or prosecutors. I have personally been wrongly accused of a crime a long time ago and harrassed by police. My life was hell for over a year becasue of accusations made by a vengeful ex-GF until I was able to prove my inocence (a story for another day). So yes, he is likely a disgusting human being who if I saw him even near my daughter, I'd beat with a baseball bat and I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep if he was found dead in the trunk of burnt out car near the floodway but because the rest of us cannot allow ourselves or society to sink to his level, he is entitled to his day in court. Until then the press just need to ignore him unless it is a matter of public safety. Cheers
  9. I'd have to check but I'm sure one of his bail conditions is he not have any contact or be within so many feet of anyone under 18. How the hell is he going to campaign and avoid somebody's kid answerring the door. That said, maybe someone could set him up and when he is caught in violation send his ugly ass back to the slammer.
  10. The Phoenix on EC is supposedly not the same girl as the one from the famous team of Phoenix and Savannah. Evidently she is trying to cash in on another lady's popularity.
  11. Maybe you should change your handle to Indiana Jones. :)
  12. I'm sure if your cruise through Wolseley you'll find more than a few with that and more. LOL! :) Now whether or not they are SP's is up to you to find out.
  13. If this waste of skin was pimping underage girls, can the cops go after the johns for sex with a minor? I can just see this asshole having a bunch of numbers in his phone records for the cops to start investigating. I'm sure there are a few nervous dudes around waiting to see what happens next. Serves them right for having anything to do with this scumbag.
  14. Never had the pleasure of Ms. Holland's company back in my pooning days but not for lack of trying. Our schedules just never aligned. Anyway congratulations and all the best. Being a parent is the hardest yet most rewarding job you'll ever have. Enjoy the journey and take in every day to the max. One day you'll blink and your precious little baby will be in junior high. LOL. :) Best wishes LNC
  15. Hopefully he'll end up in the big house, where he's the one being "pimped" for smokes or whatever.
  16. Maybe somebody is cloning Kendra's? Or better yet, Kendra fembots!
  17. Can you confirm it is the original Kendra and not someone new using her name? I was told it is a different Kendra which is what I heard. Being curious and wanting to save others from getting fooled, I called her friend Cherry the other day. Kendra actually answerred the phone so I asked her if the Kendra at Nevadas is her as well. She told me no, it is another girl but Eric is trying to cash in on the confusion the name will cause. That's the story I got.
  18. This entire issue came up a few years ago and the city learned then its a non-starter. That was when escorts started calling themselves "Service Providers." I know it sounds ridiculous but as long as they can't prove the lady is in fact calling herself an escort they can't do a thing. This was discussed on another board the other day and Ladyluck, who got caught in the sting operation, got out of her ticket by admitting in open court she is a prostitute (which is not illegal) not an escort. Another lady hired a lawyer who argued she was a Service Provider and the city or the crown (not exactly sure who) backed down.
  19. Just a hint. Guys here don't want creative writing in your ads. Just lots of naked pictures. LOL!:boobies:
  20. Good on you for walking away.:bigclap: Too often guys will accept this kind of thing and all it does is positively reinforce the SP's bad behaviour. Maybe while they sat there for a few minutes after you left, thinking of that rock they were going to buy with the money you paid them, they leaarned a little lesson. Cheers PS: One question to clarify. Was this also a B&S (Chloe is also Natasha) or was there actually a Natasha as shown in the BP ad? (I'm a little slow this morning. LOL!)
  21. Can't do much better than Soleil.:bigclap: Seems to be so much discussion of the boards about this girl or that girl. Too often they are accompanied by a poor review with the pooner wishing they had made a different choice. Why risk your hard earned money? You will NEVER find a bad review on this lady. This is the kind of SP Winnipeg needs more of and we should be supporting all the way. I've retired from pooning but if I was still in the game I'd be seeing her regularly. Cheers
  22. That was the place that was shut down shortly after the hostage taking invoving the Yuletide Bandit.
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