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Everything posted by oneshotguy

  1. No sooner posted than found site right before my eyes. Thanks anyway.
  2. KIH Everyone's raving. I'm in love with someone else, but...Can you PM me coordinates just in case I need a back-up ?
  3. Wish I could join you, but ...unfortunately can't. Happy returns.
  4. My back's starting to get a little stiff already. No...wait, that's not my back.
  5. Not that I could ever handle one of these fillys much less two, Cowboy, but just curious, what was the damage?
  6. Seems to me it was $140 for membership and half hour with hostess who provided the message with happy ending but you may want to check with CMJ website.
  7. Well, I thought they must be crazy recommending "mature woman" when there is all that hot young stuff out there???? Wrong. I took the advice of the majority vote and visited Catherine last night. She is everything you guys (like dummpy, Chelsea, antlerman, Cowboy K and Chuck) said she was. And fit my needs to a "T". Now my only fear is that I will never get to move to #2 on the list. Why would/could anyone go farther? The only thing I would change is the time. Forget one hour; two's the minimum. I've had Very little experience in this sort of thing but Cat's got to be 10/10 all round. But please don't tell anyone else, OK?
  8. Well this definition doesn't seem that much different from Igotaboner's-- as far as I'm concerned anyway. Both mean business is pretty well closed for the day!
  9. Camella at CMJ is a pretty and gracious hostess who offers a very nice massage in safe and comfortable suroundings but on my visit at any rate, stuck to the company rule of offering no extras other than a happpy ending.
  10. Thanks for all the help, guys. At the rate I'm going I may not live long enough to explore all my options. Well, at least I'll die happy. Look forward to some ratings from the perspective of a OSG
  11. Price Range $$-$$$ and Gentlemen's Club was CMJ. There seems to be near unanimity on the names you suggest. Can you PM contact info. for PP-22?
  12. I lost my partner of 40 years recently and have just recently taken up the hobby so I know you'll be forgiving of this, my first, post. My goal in taking up the hobby was to find some release without making the commitment I fear most of the widows in the neighbourhood are looking for. I started by checking out a couple of spas I found by word-of-mouth or public ads. What a disaster! My natural shyness was only exacerbated by the "wang bang, thank you mam" approach I met on my first one or two encounters. Perhaps the equipment had atrophied from lack of use? Damn. Fortunately, that fear was recently put to rest when I visited the relatively new Gentlemen's Club in Ottawa. Equipment all in good working order when tested by the tender ministrations of a lovely hostess with talented hands. But something is still lacking. No extras were available in spite of the promises made on joining that "we are very open minded here and what goes on between you and your hostest is strictly between you and her". The result is that the experience, while physically satisfyinng, leaves me a little empty. Before abandoning the field altogether I thought I would ask for help from the combined wisdom of the group. Are there still SP out there who provide GFE of the calibur formerly offered by Sophie and Stella of PK? I'm looking for slow starts to warm the engine, with lots of LFK, DFK, and cuddles.
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