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Everything posted by buggernot

  1. So who's limbs and body were you eating this weekend? You must have become that zombie creature like you've always dreamed of...
  2. If you're nervous about meeting a girl cold, there are some great ladies here where you can read their thoughts as posted in the forum and get to know them somewhat that way. Find one that tickles your fancy, send her an email or pm to check her availability and mention that you have some anxiety that you're concerned about. These girls come across enough fellows that are nervous and the good SP's know how to make you feel at ease...it's part of the job. You'll still be a bundle of nerves as the clock ticks down to the hour she's arriving, but that's ok. And don't worry about your performance, I'm sure it's nice for the SP to be pleased and satisfied, but the girl is there for your enjoyment. If you still have problems, focus on her. Get her excited and maybe that will get you into it and excited as well. Besides, it sounds like you're probably a nice, considerate chap and more than anything else, that's what these girls probably appreciate the most.
  3. I've tried, it's hard! Not the easiest place to shave, you know? Maybe I should do what Dave Chappelle says - botox your balls and then shave them. So round and smooth...obviously he was on to something ;)
  4. The only part of a woman's body I'm not fond of is when you take off their panties and there's a dick there. Hasn't happened yet but if it ever does, I might lose my woody. Feet I am apathetic about either way. Guess the only part of a woman I don't like is a tiny brain... Posted via Mobile Device
  5. I lick the tail until it gets all moist and creamy and then....oh wait, chocolate bunnies? Always go for the head, doesn't everybody? ;)
  6. Definitely depends on the girl and how bad it is. I liked PistolPete's way of doing it...pure class. It has happened to me twice I think. One instance turned out very well - we talked about her anxiety, she became comfortable and opened up to me. We made a very good connection and because of that, she wanted to continue and we both had a really great time.
  7. As mentioned, it is complicated. Take away the context where you enjoy your job, and what's left is that you are working and he is entertaining himself. You need to work to put food on the table, he is spending his money for something he wants to have. However from his perspective, maybe your work schedule and family commitments were difficult for him to be able to spend the time with you that he wanted. It's even possible that he felt that you wouldn't be able to give him your all or wouldn't be as interested in having sex with him if you've had a busy stretch. Or perhaps his intentions weren't as 'thoughtful', and he was just trying to get some freebie's. Bottom line is that there was a lack of honesty and no doubt that's likely the source of your distress over it. Reminds me of an article I read a few years ago about porn stars dating each other. Don't remember who exactly, but this guy was talking about how difficult it was for both of them to be intimate with each other at times. She would come home at night and be too sore for sex after a shoot. The next morning she would want to have sex, but he had to go to work that morning and needed to be professional and save himself for that. End result was that the relationship did not last because they had difficulties in coordinating their sex life. So yeah...it is complicated sometimes...
  8. I jumped into this world out of my own desperation. Similar to some of the other guys, my marriage ended and I did not want to enter into a relationship. I didn't even want a casual thing going on, out of fear that I might just hurt somebody. That's how the marriage ended and it was awful. I couldn't do that to anyone again, nor did I want the same experience...lesson learned. But...a guy's got needs! I contemplated the escort thing for months, but I did have an underlying emotional conflict about going that route. I had money but I've never been the type to spend it on services of any type, so it seemed to be an elitist perk to me. It was also something I felt that would ultimately make me feel bad as well, that I would end up spending a few hours with someone I didn't like, that I wasn't attracted to, that it wouldn't go well, and the money would have been wasted on a negative experience. And I did have some of the preconceived notions that a lot of people would have about prostitutes; that they were either stuck-up model type girls gouging you to get rich or they were only doing it because they were emotionally damaged in some way. I really had no idea, I was completely ignorant to the realities of the industry. When I finally did take the plunge, I still remember with total clarity the feeling I had after she left. She was a beautiful girl, very sweet, intelligent and easy to talk to. I felt alive again, I felt refreshed and excited. It was perfect and it gave me exactly what I needed at that moment in time - a little bit of fun and intimacy with a nice girl and I didn't have to worry about whether or not I should be calling her the next day ;) It was money well spent and the problems it ended up alleviating would have cost me 20 times more in therapy! Since then, there have been many more experiences and I have learned so much about the industry, about women in general and met some really great people. And in all honesty, it has given me more confidence with girls overall...my abilities in bed have improved and my comfort level with meeting girls for the first time took a complete 180. Whatever stigma I thought about it before has been completely erased. Granted, there is the odd occasion where I run into a girl that obviously does not want to be there, that the life of a SP is not for her. That's about the only time the moral dilemma comes in to play. I can't imagine the stress that it's causing them, and I always hope for their sake that they get out and find something in life that takes them where they want to be...
  9. Spotsylvania? Somehow it doesn't surprise me that they would not understand certain things down there. I think they left the part out where Deputy Cletus was serviced by his sister/cousin and he gave her that $350 tip to re-do the kitchen in her trailer...
  10. Not necessarily favourites, just a few interesting ones off the top of my head. OK Go - Here It Goes Again Pretty creative, sure there were 5000 takes This kind of thing has been done a lot before, but I love this chick, she's so cute and hilarious. And pay attention to what she's saying boys... Liars - Plaster Casts of Everything This will either annoy you or give you nightmares. I like it, doubt you will. There are tits though. Flying Lotus ? Parisian Goldfish Hard core fucking in a music video. I'm not kidding! I'm sure you'll click here first! This has some heartfelt singing...literally. Kinda icky. Best video ! But if you haven't seen it...where have you been?
  11. It'll all be good once we get rid of every mentally unbalanced person out there...the guys who stalk and the girls that do too. Not limited to this industry, everyone in general. Other than that, not much can be done unless you can change the world. No offense, but these daily utopian fantasies are becoming tired. Noble sure, but ultimately pretty fruitless... Posted via Mobile Device
  12. These are mostly dirty not sexy ;) I think Come by Chance, Nfld deserves a mention
  13. Haven't watched the videos yet but I know the girl I've been with lately loves it when, after a lengthy licking, I start sucking on her clit hard like it was a mini-dick. Holy moley, don't know how my nose hasn't been broken yet...might just be worth it if it does happen ;) Posted via Mobile Device
  14. Great story...poor girl though, even though none of it was intentional. Probably a bit too wound up lol
  15. Hell, I know smoking is bad and it doesn't really do anything for me, but I still continue to do it. I keep trying to quit and maybe someday it'll happen. But if you told me today that DATY without a doubt, 100% definitely gives you cancer, maybe I'd have more incentive to quit smoking. Might give me a few more years of eating pussy, because that ain't being stopped ;)
  16. Unfortunately, everybody reading this already knows these things and the ones that don't know proper etiquette will not be reading it or don't care...
  17. I think it's safe to say that breathing causes cancer these days, so why bother worrying about it? ;)
  18. I love this stuff ;) This is just a fake trailer made from scratch: Hobo With A Shotgun Comes complete with classic action dialog just before killing somebody, "I'm gonna sleep in your bloody carcasses tonight!"
  19. Do a search on YouTube for Beatallica. They mix up Beatles and Metallica songs. Just the titles alone are funny enough like, "And justice for all my loving" and "The thing that should not let it be". They do a good job too actually ;)
  20. Awesome stuff ;) Half movie related, but I love this one: Raging Fred
  21. Yeah, I saw that a few months ago and for the first time ever I felt disturbed watching porn! I'm straight as an arrow but given the choice, I'd watch 2 guys have sex over that...too weird ;)
  22. Really tough to pick just one, isn't it? Well, as much as I love all of them, I'll go with guy on top. Sorry "69", I love to dine...but I'd miss kissing more. And since the poll option was "Guy on top" and not "missionary", I will use that loophole to turn her over and get on top of her doggie style. Shit, then I guess I could get on top instead of her for 69? Yeah, yeah, definitely going with Guy on top ;)
  23. Makes sense, pretty simple really. It's a man that should have been born a woman, and more women are straight than homosexual. Or it's a gay man with boobs, or...well, it still makes perfect sense to me ;) I'd love to try it once. I would have to admit that I find dicks very erotic - just not what they are attached to. So you put that on a beautiful girl and it becomes the total 'package'. She would have to be very feminine though, otherwise it's still a guy in my eyes. Like that Ahlyn or whatever her name was that visited a few month back (wow). Unfortunately, most of them have distinct male facial features...
  24. Y'all got to remember that there's enough guys out there who have undies in their drawer that were too dissolved to be a decent rag 2 years ago, and will have BB greek with their SO then fall asleep without cleaning it off first. Health and cleanliness is an afterthought to some. But BBFS is always a bad idea because if a SP provides it, well what does that say about her and your chances of contracting something?! I like the analogy of trying on lingerie though...can you imagine guys trying on speedos over their tighty whiteys? Posted via Mobile Device
  25. Well if you're talking about guys who specifically seek out SP's to date, the pct is likely pretty low. First you'll have to subtract all the men who have SO's and that might be anywhere from 30-60% of clients? Then there's the single clients who are just looking for some temporary 'relief'. Some of them would not be interested at all, and then there's a few who think they could date a girl working in the sex industry, but when push comes to shove, their insecurities and personal beliefs will eventually bring things to an end. It would really have to be a guy who either gets off on knowing his gf is having sex with other guys or, has one of those true bonds with her where there is complete trust and understanding. And the latter part wouldn't really apply here because that only comes after you get to know someone. Personally, I could date a girl who is/was an sp and not have issue with that. However, if that love emotion started to come about...I don't know, really tough to say. There may be some guys out there that hope they can meet someone by seeing SP's, since it's a really simple way of cutting out the traditional meeting rigours...but going out of their way to do it in that manner? 1 or 2%, if that?
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