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Everything posted by buggernot

  1. I think there are some girls who go through their rolodex on slow days and 'get back in touch' with some of the old regulars that haven't been around for a while. I don't have a huge problem with that if it is done right. I've had emails asking how I'm doing and I knew it was genuinely social, but I suspected there was a bit of hope for business on her part. And it's actually worked on me a few times, I would get her in my head, remember how good it was and hook up shortly after. And we'd both be happy ;) But then there's the random texts and what they really mean: SP to client: Haven't seen u in a while? which means - Things are slow and I need your money Client to SP: Sorry hun, been busy which means - I found someone else less annoying than you I can deal with these too, minor nuisance. But yeah, never ever ever should they be looking for a date. Other than being tactless, I think they also call that soliciting, which I believe is somewhat illegal...
  2. It was Cat and it was the first thing I thought of because it was brilliant...she was a bit more diplomatic than you though ;) I think it was closer to "why are you calling my husband's phone?" or something like that.
  3. Fuck, I tried that on a test and got it wrong; I used y = (69-BB)/CDAT. I was wondering why she was so uncomfortable...
  4. As mentioned, stopping and starting is great...pull out, recharge, do some teasing, maybe go down a bit. After doing this a lot you may find that you'll get to a point where you have worn little jimmy down and then you can go at it pornstar style for a few mins. Another thing that works sometimes is have her get on top and tell her to go easy with the hard core up and down motion, but more of a grind of her clit on your pelvis. You'll stay hard but not too aroused, and she'll be pleasing herself while you admire the view and get ready for more of the 'heavy lifting' later. Keep it more sensual with lots of kissing and caressing. And then on to round 2, where you may have to work at it ;)
  5. Damn, now I see! Not all the girls have it and you know when you see something so much, it's like it's not even there anymore? Or maybe I'm just getting old ;)
  6. If you call the phone number in the ad, that might be a good way to find out
  7. That's only an indicator or how frequently you post, doesn't have anything to do with your profile. When you get to 100 posts you become a Senior Member, 500 makes you 'Elite' and 1000 gets you a picture of a crown. And probably suggests that you live here ;)
  8. The Canoe article was from almost a year ago, the Chronicle Herald article was in regards to the Crown's appeal of the sentence which was dismissed by the Ontario Supreme Court on Wednesday of last week.
  9. I think that was the appeal, this guy has been out for almost a year
  10. This is a tragic and truly sad tale however, without saying that I agree or disagree with the sentencing, the 2 links provided show a stark contrast in proper legal journalism. The Chronicle Herald link provides very little detail other than a sensational headline stating that a man got a one day sentence for murder. Certainly makes you believe that the justice system is run by incompetents and simpletons. But I couldn't believe it was that simple and read the other link as well. Canoe reported an account of the known details surrounding the event, and presented a picture of what the people involved were like. All of a sudden, the circumstances become muddied and more difficult to say with certainty that a travesty of justice has occurred. It's never so simple as the sensational headlines. I would suspect that whatever really did happen, this man deserves to be in jail for a much longer period of time. But that's the thing, I can only guess because I don't know, and that's how the legal system works. And the mother saying that it would have been ruled upon differently had her daughter not been a drug-addicted, sex worker is likely only half right. If she wasn't a drug addict, she wouldn't have been so high that night where she had a potentially lethal amount of cocaine in her system, and maybe someone would have known she was going to this man's house as a client (if that were the case). Sorry, I'm not trying to trivialize this but in many of these crazy court decisions, there is logic substantiating the outcomes. My gut reaction is to lock him up forever...but what if I'm wrong?
  11. Whoa now, what you're talking about here is censorship...tsk, tsk, you should know better ;) They can spew all they want, only the people that had the same opinion to begin with are going to agree. I found it interesting that the majority of the comments to the article were pro-legalization, and only a few supported the opinion in the article. And much of the agreement was with the horrible 3rd world situations where girls are forced into it.
  12. I took mine off the day after I got married and never wore it again, I don't like wearing jewelery of any kind. Took a few years longer to get rid of the wife ;)
  13. I do my research as well, I am very cautious about who I will be seeing. And it isn't solely about looks, the mental aspect is paramount. Unless the SP is rude or inconsiderate, I will continue with the date as I would with anyone else. I couldn't turn a girl away because she wasn't pretty enough. Maybe I could be tactful and come up with a way to explain why I wasn't interested, whether it be sweetly honest or a bullshit story, but I'm not sure I could completely hide my disappointment. It's not easy for these girls to do this work at times and I know some could handle it, but I can't imagine how it must feel to be rejected like that. I wouldn't want to be the source of any neurotic grief, it's not worth me saving a couple of bucks. Just imagine a girl coming to your door for a call, giving you a once over, and telling you, "No way honey, don't matter how much you give me!" I know it's not the same, we're paying for a service and I'll wager a guess and say that most of these girls are better looking than we are. But there's a human factor here for me and turning a girl away is not something I can do. Bait and switch is a different matter, and if she's a bitch...sayonara baby! And ok, if she looks like the Elephant Man - that's something else altogether. I think I would find it my duty to explain to her that maybe she's in the wrong line of work....
  14. And there's the rub...you may work 40-50 hrs a week like John Q. Public, but only get paid for 10-15 of those hours...
  15. I forgot to mention that I would only use this power for the good of mankind and protecting the universe. Because we all know how spying on people and walking into bank vaults undetected helps those in need, right? OK, OK, I'm just a perverted voyeur....
  16. I often wonder how much time, money and effort is spent on the stuff outside of the actual client visits. Occasionally, I'll bring up my pastime to a female friend and mention what I've spent here and there. And the response is usually, "Gee, it would be nice to make that kind of money for an hour!" But, as we all know, there's a lot of other things that go on in the background. Communication with clients - some of whom that will never follow through, preparation, tools of the trade, travel time and costs, hotels/incall locations, no-shows, advertising, even bookkeepping for those that work as a registered business. If you were to equate all of that cost in time and money, what are you really getting for your 'hourly' rate? Looking at all that, hell even 50% seems to be generous....
  17. As mentioned, some agencies are...optimistic shall we say, about the time it takes for the girl to be ready. I booked a lot through one in particular for awhile, and eventually I just added 30-45 mins on to the time quoted...even the girls complained about it because they were the ones taking flak for being late. Agencies are great if you need somebody right now. But you're taking a chance on a girl that may not be suitable for you. What I like about Indy's is that, for the most part, the communication is direct and all the money is going into their pocket, less driver fees of course if it is an outcall. And generally, the girls are more experienced since many start with agencies and then move on to independent status when they've learned the ropes.
  18. You did right in refusing him. He obviously does not know common courtesy. And it's bad enough when someone ignores specific instructions that were obviously given for a reason, it's also just plain dumb for a client (or SP for that matter) to arrive early and unannounced.
  19. Click on the drop down next to the Stats header and pick "View more results". You should see your name in the top 20, and then you can relax without feeling the pressure of wanting to be on the A list so bad. You're just going to hurt yourself trying to post so hard ;)
  20. Funny, I was having this conversation with a girl about this last night. Soft C 'serb' for me. If it was a hard C, then it would be curb like one you get kicked to. And I think the rules of english dictate that a word beginning with "Ce" makes it soft.
  21. You'll have to take it one step further by doing the same to 'Me and Giuliani Down by the Schoolyard'. That'll give you 9 mins too ;) I find the title track of that record to be incredibly sexy (Protection). If I had to pick an album to get it on to though, Tricky's 'Maxinquaye' would be my choice hands down. A bit of something else beforehand required.
  22. I'll second that. I hooked up with her just recently and Annessa is pure class, exotic sexy and dare I say, the best kisser I have ever come across. Absolutely wonderful in all regards. My only complaint is that I have yet to win the lottery in order to see her as much as I'd like... Posted via Mobile Device
  23. I love all different kinds of styles, gotta love variety. My ideal is shoulder length brown hair...I always find it a shame when brunettes go blonde. But sometimes a cute girl with short blonde hair is totally hot, redheads always rock and brunettes are beautiful. Then there's the funky changes, blue, pink, black...it's all good. 70's microphone afro perms....ok, I draw the line there. Unless she's really cute ;)
  24. God, I hope you're talking about eyebrows with the plucking... I cannot for the life of me bring a razor down there...no hands of a surgeon on this boy, I know I'm gonna slip. And I think I wouldn't mind having a girl do it for me, but that's like the complete, ultimate, epitome of trust. Maybe someday...bottle of wine first. For me, that is ;)
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