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Everything posted by sexnonstop724

  1. Michelle, this is going to start a riot here. Love the videos. You can practice any of them on me and some more. Nonstop
  2. New album, don't miss out!! http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=1214&pictureid=7169 Nonstop
  3. After checking with the Seductive Sexy Secret Super Star. The ones who have met her before might have guessed her secret identity. Follow this link to see who she is. http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=14070 Let me know how many have guessed right. Nonstop
  4. You're right, that was just the beginning. The rest actually got better. The soapy shower scene, the hot oil down the back, the teasing touch, on and on and on. Sensation overload, sight, touch, sound, smell and taste. It will make you EXPLODE. Pun intended.
  5. The very very first thing that makes the strongest impression. Door opens, Eye contact and the first smile. A real genuine nice to meet you smile. The next one is first physical contact. Be it a friendly kiss, hand on the arm or a good old fashion hug. One of the more memorable encounter was like this: Door opens, half a face peeked out from behind the door. I can only see her eyes, then she pop out in front keeping full eye contact, one of the sweetest warmest smile I have even seen, like seeing a love one whom has just returned from a month long trip. A nice tight hug with body contact from top to bottom, a hand ran up and down my back. On release of that hug, a hand reached out, grabbed mine and lead me further into the apartment, a quick turn of her head, again making eye contact with a wink and a seductive smile. I'm not sure if she does this for everyone, but some of the lucky one in Ottawa might have the same experience with this wonderful lady. Anyone wants to guess who this might be? Nonstop724
  6. http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=1196&pictureid=7054 Giovanna Luv What an incredible sight!! Enjoy!!
  7. Simple Punctuation could have fixed it. Must be Black, Female from Birth!!
  8. Cato, For someone with great taste in women, what took you so long to get to Michelle?!! Lovely, Sexy, Talented, isn't she?? Nonstop724
  9. I haven't read the article yet, but just by looking at the heading. Outdoor is allowed, backseat of Minivan? Heck, get yourself a motorhome!! Touring SPs!!! Whole new meaning to outcalls!! Nonstop
  10. You are correct!! It is not the super deadly strain. But it is because of the high tranmission rate, even if 1 in 100,000 dead from this flu. If the transmission rate is high the death toll is going to be high too across the world. By lowering the transmission, thus help lower the death toll. And this is a new strain beyond the regular seasonal flu. I wasn't aware that the 13 year old hockey player in Toronto has any other health issues to have weakened his immune system. Anyone care to clarify if that boy was suffering from other health issue to have weakened his immune system enough to contribute to his DEATH? And if he spread the flu to all his team mates in the locker room. How many more of these 13 year old has to die before it became serious enough??
  11. I just believe rather than sitting and waiting to see if it hits me, I would rather do something about it. Hate to say I wish I had later. Sitting on the fence really doesn't accomplish anything. There is no right or wrong. But do it or not do it. We each have to make that choice. And since we are dealing with a very intimate service, even more so than any health care or public service. A great chance to share our opinion. Reading thru some of the threads, a lot of SPs and hobbiests check for STDs on a regular basis. If they go thru the trouble to protect themselves that way. Why not take the flu shot? Is it that much of a difference? Just trying to protect ourselves and people around us that we share our time with. And for members with young kids at home, is that another reason to consider?
  12. If you have taken flu shots before, then treat it as a practice you followed. Go take the H1N1 shot. For SPs and hobbists, if there is a vacine for STD, would you take it? Since we interact with many people directly and indirectly, we bear some responsibility to reduce the risk of passing any potential harm to our friends. I would feel more comfortable if the next SP I visit tells me she has taken the flu shot. And I would feel better knowing I won't be the one to pass it on to an SP. I get paid on my sick days, SPs don't get compensated. Just a thought Nonstop
  13. sexnonstop724


    I am finding it very hard to resist anymore!!
  14. sexnonstop724


    This is totally stunning!! Need to get in between for a better look!!
  15. Wouldn't it be great if these pictures can be 3D with 360 rotation!!
  16. sexnonstop724

    Love your shoes!! I think they ROCK!!
  17. Personally I think you are doomed. This attraction to things you can't have is so strong, especially she is so close that you really can't run away and avoid. Take your wife and move away. Put some distance between the temptation. Otherwise, my guess is, you will act on your feelings sooner or later. Plan B, your wife seems very open minded, speak to her about this attraction, if nothing else, she deserves the truth. Maybe thru this conversation, a solution might arise. But bottling up this desire is going to eventually tear you apart from your love ones. My point is, you have to do something, inaction will not solve this problem. You have to start by bringing it out in the open. Nonstop724
  18. Absolutely stunning picture!! Love the whole album!!
  19. Gotta take a look at this!! http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=1100&pictureid=6448 Nonstop724
  20. sexnonstop724

    Oh WOW!! Absolutely out of this world!!
  21. And a Judge with comon sense and the Balls to stand up to these single minded groups.
  22. Just simply walk up and say hi. Asking the waitress to let her know. Ask the waitress to ask her what she like for a drink. By far walking up to say hi works the best. Nonstop724
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