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Nicole Kelly

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Everything posted by Nicole Kelly

  1. I always request, during the booking part, that the client take a shower before I arrive. I don't do incalls anymore, but when I did, they were invited to shower before and after, and whether or not it was on the clock depended on the situation and my schedule. I start my FS sessions with massage, which gives me time to get a good idea of what's going on with a client's body. Once his back is done and he turns over, I get a clean cloth dampened with warm water (it'll be needed later anyway) and clean him up with that - that applies to everyone and they don't mind because it's just something I do as a matter of routine. If that isn't going to be enough and I have a real dirty birdie on my hands, then I will offer an accompanied shower, and if he doesn't want to do that, then it's time to come right out and say that I'm going to need him to get a bit cleaner before we can proceed. It can be an awkward situation, but I find that being more subtle and then growing increasingly more insistent usually works and it's better than being totally grossed out. ~Kelly
  2. I don't see Angelina Jolie on the list - do you? Maybe I missed it.
  3. I'm having some photos taken next weekend, and can't decide whether or not to have my face showing. I was going to hide it with fans and hats and stuff, but now I'm not so sure. What do you think? None of the photos will be nude - just a few in different outfits and some in lingerie. Any input, from SPs or clients, would be appreciated. Thanks, Kelly
  4. That has always bothered me - not only the municipal escort license fees, which are usually higher than the fees for any other business license, but also the advertising fees, which are also sometimes higher. When Nanaimo set the business license fee for escort services, it was in the newspaper that a city councilperson said something to the effect that they didn't want to set a fee that would "encourage" a lot of people to open agencies. I call that restraint of trade, and I also call it living off the avails because prostitution is legal in this country and they know what's going on because in Nanaimo you have to meet with RCMP to get the license and they make it very clear that they know what's going on. Also, if you get a massage license and city hall finds out you're doing more than that, they call you up and tell you you have to get an escort license, which is much more expensive than a massage license. Basically, what they're saying when they call is "We know you're providing sexual services so we want more money". I find that really disgusting. A day trader can make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and he only pays $110 for his business license, but an escort has to pay $3,000. I have never been ashamed of what I do, but I think that people who try to cash in on it, especially city officials, should be ashamed of themselves.
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