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Nicole Kelly

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Everything posted by Nicole Kelly

  1. Hey folks! Just wanted to let clients know that I am offering a special for the month of August (it's all about the tuition and textbooks right now). I have also extended my hours because even though my massage room is air-conditioned, the rest of the place is so hot that I really wouldn't mind seeing clients after sundown. Looking forward to meeting some new friends, Nicole Kelly Comox Valley Massage www.comoxvalleymassage.com
  2. Hmm...let me think....I have travelled a lot on the West Coast from California to Vancouver & Victoria. Met a few people back east as a kid, mostly "Mr. Rogers", Sesame Street type stuff. Ronnie Hawkins. Later, traveling with my mother I met Frank Sinatra, Brian Wilson, and a very strange cult leader in California. As an adult, Johnny Depp & Dustin Nguyen (21 Jump Street), Jim Belushi, Ken Wahl (Wiseguy), Anthony Michael Hall (Wierd Science, Breakfast Club), The Manhattan Transfer, The Nylons, Goldie Hawn (in Victoria filming 'Bird on a Wire'...more my brother's friend than mine), Charles Bronson, Lou Ferrigno. Calypso Rose a couple of weeks ago. It's always when you don't expect it, you see someone and it's like, OHAI! So much fun to talk with them. Not much on the Island, but when I worked in Vancouver it happened all the time. My ex has been the one getting to meet everyone the past few years. Sometimes with clients it's fun to say "Has anyone ever told you that you look exactly like ...--?" and they mutter, "Yeah, I get that a lot" LOL
  3. I've had cops show up at my door...but never without an appointment :wink:
  4. It's a dream come true for them, all right. I was not always independent. I was once very naive. I didn't work in TO for long, but at the time it was full of guys, like my ex, who called themselves "businessman" and "entrepreneur" and had cash registers for hearts. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and have a long, serious talk with the girl I used to be...but you know...my past self probably wouldn't listen.
  5. Aww, I'm sorry to hear this :sad: I lose things a lot. Important things, too. I lost a pendant that my mother gave me. It was gold, with a little disc and when you blew on the disc it would spin and you could read "I love you" on it. It had been my grandmother's and my mother was quite upset about it. Sometimes when I start looking for something I've lost, I find something that I lost previously. Maybe if you "lose" something else and look for it, you'll find your earrings. Failing that, I do hope they turn up at some point.
  6. MMMMMM....central air! That sounds fantastic! Gonna file that away for when I'm ready to move....add it to my must-have list, which includes "allow cats", "jacuzzi tub" and "fridge that dispenses ice cubes and water" Nicole
  7. I have AC in the bedroom so I can hide in there, but that will get boring. Last year I could drive to Tofino (4 hrs. drive) to surf but the AC broke down in my car today so no Tofino this summer. I think I'll go to Comox Lake and jump in if it gets bad enough, that's only a 20 minute drive.
  8. LOL the "wassup guys"... *ring ring for the tenth time* - it's 4 a.m. Me (annoyed): HELLO. Caller: How's it goin'? Me: How's it goin'? It's 4 in the morning. Caller: It is? <pause> Oh, it is. So.......HOW'S IT GOIN'? AAARGH.
  9. I do the exact same thing. IMHO, a database is the greatest thing ever. I think they call repeatedly because they're drunk, high, obsessed, or some nasty combination of the three.
  10. "All I need is a healthy ovum and I could grow my own Leonard Nimoy!" (Sheldon Cooper, "The Big Bang Theory") "Last name? I'd rather not say. My brother's in politics." (Raoul Duke, "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" "You know, you could pay me now, and break the ice." (Vivian, "Pretty Woman")
  11. Nicole Kelly


  12. From the album: Photos

  13. Hoo boy, do I ever hear that. I have guys phoning at ridiculous hours of the late night and early morning, leaving messages on my voicemail, even though my hours are very stated in my newspaper ads and on my website it says that messages left outside of business hours will not be returned. Often, they even say in the message, "I know it's outside of your business hours, BUT..." which to me is just the height of ignorance. I would never do that. I just don't phone businesses when they are closed. I can only imagine what would happen if I left a message for my nail tech at 4 in the morning, asking for an appointment. She'd never touch my nails again. Anyway, just listening to the messages was annoying me a lot because I work from home, so I eventually decided to just turn off the ringer at night and in the morning I erase whatever came in the night before without even checking it out, and I just leave it at that. I mean, I work from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 days a week and if that's not enough...well...too bad because you can extend your hours as much as you want but you can't win. The only thing that will satisfy some people is to be available to answer that phone 24/7. I have done 24/7 and it's no picnic. Never again!
  14. That's a great idea - maybe they can tell which individual banners are working best that way too. I signed up for the site, although I don't know how much time I'll have for it, it looks like fun. It even has "guides" to show you around!
  15. When you click the link, the url changes to http://social.redlightcenter.com/?trq=468cerb2 Is that an affiliate link?
  16. Don't worry...I wouldn't charge you much ;)
  17. He knew, and was very enthusiastic about it...but he can't stand up. :( At least I'll have more time to get the right outfits together!
  18. I did have fun shopping, got a couple of hats. I'd rather not have the photos cropped or blurred...I think they would look better if I used other ways to cover my face, so we're going to go with hats and fans and such. Today, I'm getting a Chinese fan, that will be really nice with the red and black lingerie. Unfortunately, my photographer has been injured and is out of commission for a couple of weeks, so now I have to find another one to take the pictures this weekend. That's going to be difficult, because all the weddings are going on right now..
  19. I looked for that style of decoration - it's somewhat distinctive - and found another one for July 25 under this heading: *(?`'?.♥?.?'??)*Sensual Goddess*(?`'?.♥?.?'??)* - w4m - 23 (Ottawa- IN/ OUT) I don't understand that. It doesn't take that much effort or money to get some decent photos done. What does she say when she shows up and the clients is disappointed? Someone could get very upset. I think that's dangerous. Several years ago, I advertised with an online directory and the owner put an ad together for me using a model's photo. I was not at all happy with that because it was like lying right from the start, so I asked him to pull the ad, or at least replace it with "photo coming soon" or something like that. He wouldn't do it, so I closed the e-mail account. Once I did get photos done and was using them to advertise myself, he took one of them (the face was showing) and used a close-up of my face on one of his sites' banners. He thought I should be happy about that too...I wasn't. It's a tricky situation with photos because it's so easy for people to misuse them.
  20. I wish I could show my face in the photos - it's my best feature - but there are privacy concerns. I'm not going to crop or blur them - I think it would be better to hide my face in creative ways during the shoot. Since they're only for work, there's no point even having another set that shows my face, I'm just going to hide it behind fans, hats, etc. and try to be creative about it. Actually, now that I think about it, that could be a lot of fun...I'm envisioning a belly dancing outfits with the veil...a geisha costumes with a nice Japanese fan...a cowboy outfit with the hat brim pulled down. I need to go shopping. Funny how most of my thought process eventually lead to the conclusion that it's time to shop.
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