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Posts posted by RubJunky

  1. It's funny how this topic has ballooned into a what if scenario. This is a business and in the evolution of a business Mature Lee is trying to get a bigger market share. 40 years ago everyone said there was no way people would go to a fast food burger joint now we have 2 dozen of them. In the eighties people thought computers would never replace the human workforce, today if you don't know how to turn on a computer you're toast. 50 years ago store bought frozen foods was a no-no according to most mom's, today check your freezer. Mature Lee has crossed the boundaries of Non-FS and semi FS and combined some services whether it fails or flourishes will be up to the public I for one will be buying stock in this puppy.

  2. -Blues Festival

    -Jazz Festival

    -Each Sunday the Ottawa River Parkway is closed to Pedestrians, skaters and bikers you have miles of open road along the river.

    -Rent a pontoon boat with me and head out on the Ottawa for 4 hrs

    -Canada Day

    -Rib Fest Spark Street Mall

    -Haunted Ghost walk

    -Wakefield Train tour

    -Rent a cottage in the Gatineau's or Ottawa Carleton area

    -White Water Rafting ( 2.5 hr travel)

    -Outdoor theatre


    lots more to do


    have fun

  3. I am also one who lives day to day, enjoying and coping with what comes my way, but there is a couple of things I would like to accomplish before my time comes

    1:change the laws concerning animals, so that they are no longer considered

    property or possesions but living beings with rights

    2:toughen the laws concerning animal abuse

    3:kick the asses of those who think it's alright to abuse animals,give them a dose of their own medicine,and get away with it!!!

    4: find a human I can trust,that isn't judgemental,mean or selfish!

    thats a pretty full bucket I'd say!


    1. I agree with Cristycurves I am also a big dog lover and they deserve to be protected by abusive humans.

    2. One day to start a sanctuary that provides a safe haven for abused and abandoned dogs.

    3. Would love to go back to Africa it's such a beautiful part of the world.

    4. To make Sundays a mandatory comedy night and make it law.

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  4. I'm hoping this has not only ever happened to me. At this one job there was a woman who loved to play practical jokes on me her favorite was dripping water down my neck as I worked, well I figured it was her turn so the next day I bought a big long cobra looking rubber snake and stuffed it in her desk drawer and then went to my stall. 8:00 am goes by nothing, 9:30 goes by again nothing and around 11 pm I heard this loud scream followed by a crash bang thud. I was laughing knowing I got her good until I saw employees running to her stall, she had a heart attack, she never died but she was never the same.



  5. Yes and many people I chat with on the boards are dropping their gmail accounts due to this new loose-privacy policy. My problem with it is that you can not sign someone up on under one policy and then change it, I understand changing a policy for tighter protocols but to make it available to everyone under the Google umbrella is wrong.

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