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Posts posted by RubJunky

  1. Although I can't compete with MOD's expertise, I do have some options for those who wish to unbloat their OS. I use NOD32 for all my anti-virus, email, MS crap scanning its very small on resources but very powerful when it comes to catching viruses. You get auto updates during your subscription. I use AtGuard as a firewall, AtGuard was developped many years ago by a net guru and placed online as freeware for many years. One day Nortons came along and gave him millions for the code to implement AtGuard into their suite of softwares. Nortons in their infinite wisdom destroyed the software by adding and tweaking it to the point that AtGuard is now useless under the Nortons banner. Well my friends the net guru has come back to life with an updated version after many years of partying and now released AtGuard 3.3. Google it and try it.


    To monitor registries... I use RegRun Gold... its the best i've seen so far but its not for the faint of heart.



  2. Angela, I pretty much agree with everyones suggestions specially MOD's info seems the old boy did his homework. I have a 50" 1080P Panosonic plasma in the playroom where I can control the light sources. My other TV is a 50" LCD in the livingroom where I get huge amounts of sunlight during the day. What ever you do do not mount the TV I have one mounted and one on a stand and the mounted TV is a pain to get to all the connections because of the limited distance the mount gives you.


    Oh by the way size does matter when choosing a wide screen, to big in a small room not good, too small in a big room terrible. The trick here is get blanket measure it out to what ever screen size you want tie the corners with wooden dowls and test to see how it blens in your room.



  3. I was going to suggest to take her on a very romantic pic nic, woman love it when you pamper them on a beautiful sunny day specially if you thought of everything and its very discreet. But I realize you're in Winnipeg and I guess no matter where you go people can see you for miles.


    just kidding.



  4. Only way I can think of a tax write-off is to have the SP design cleaning services invoices for your LOL services rendered. Only problem is, you get the write-off and weekly cleaning but if RevCan decided to check things out they will see no registered PST number or GST with no file and then all hell breaks loose. Remember 99.999% of the girls don't claim so why would they want to start.



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  5. With the laws today you can't speed, can't do brake stands unless your 50,000 miles out of the city and city racing is out. Back in the day my hobby was racing on Carling and Baseline in my jet black 69 Camaro, on any given night 20-30 guys would set out and race all night, cops where around and usually never paid much attention unless someone was being an idiot, those days are long gone now. I ripped rubber everywhere I went and never got a ticket. So I guess now its about practicality, my choice is a SUV Off road Nissan Xterra.

  6. Paige even though we have never met, I have however read your posts and your clients testimonials you seem to be a great person. Your situation can escalate if you don't do anything about it. Call the police or hire a detective to look into it.


    The fact that he knows you have a child can mean many things, he either read it in a post, or over heard you during a conversation or this person actually knows you and is willing to use this info and involve a child is very very dangerous. Have you checked your computer for spyware? Where did you get your computer? You can purchase equipment that can detect bugs in your home ( telephone, hiden camera's etc.)


    Good luck



  7. Cancer Prevention Tips


    Stop stress in its tracks. Stress is probably the number one cause of cancer in the human race. When your body is stressed your organs get stressed, chemicals produced by the brain and organs to control these (negative conditions) feelings are good for temporary relief, but prolonged stress on your mind and body sends your body out of whack. Eat healthy foods, foods that grandma cooked 50-60 yrs ago. Always use fresh ingredients and not processed foods. Smoking is up for debate, but if you can roll your own go for it, its not the tobacco thats killing you its the 2000 chemicals you're inhaling from the filter. Some WWI vets smoked 2 packs a day of unfiltered smokes, they ate healthy meals 50 yrs ago and lived at a slower pace then we do today.... Average death of a WWI vet is 89 anhd many of them died naturally. And last but not least have as much good sex as you possibly can ( SP promotion...LOL) The 2 natural body healling things to do in your lifetime is to have sex and laugh.


    Oh yes..... never trust your government or the pill popping industry.



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  8. A little tongue in cheek helps too.....


    My technique is to not muff dive 12 seconds into the bedroom, but to bring a woman to climax using all her senses, ears, neck, lips, nipples, thighs... etc, and when she's good and hot its time to lick and nibble. I love it when a woman is on the edge of her orgasm and just when she is ready to pop I gently place her clit between my teeth and lick her clit until I get a face wash..... Feeling her legs tremble uncontrollably is fun. It may seem like a lot of work but man when its your turn watch out.


  9. Angela.... I use the WinTV-HVR950 by Hauppauge. Its a USB tuner and all you do is connect it to a free open USB slot connect your cable to it, load the software and your done. I get both HD and analog. It comes with a credit card size remote and antenae if needed. You can record anything thats signalled in. The beauty is you can take it with you anywhere and connect to any cable line if your runing off a laptop.



  10. I did see an article on CNN about teenagers using viagra to screw all day or all night. These teens in the interview said they don't need it and said it seems to be the drug of choice for now..... A doctor was also interviewed and she said that viagra's long term effects on a healthy male was not know at this time but did caution that taking viagra while your healthy may not be a smart thing to do.



  11. Don't ever buy from Future Shop or Best Buy. They have little or no support and try to get a refund or replacement on a lemon LCD. My best advice is to find a good local computer store, in these times they will price match and you get great service. I can name several here i Ottawa so give me email and I will pass on the info.



  12. * I will respect my client?s confidentiality, and not, under any circumstances, divulge the names or other identifying features of my clients.*

    Over the years, many top-end call girls and escorts who have been charged or caught in some political nightmare, have all opened their books to court lawyers to save theirs asses to get a reduced charge.

    I know many of you try and live by the confidentiality standards, but when push comes to shove, will you really go to jail or open your black book?


  13. Good news to all you Vista users who got sucked into buying this terrible software. Windows 7 is out in Beta me and a bunch of users have been abusing it for weeks and its actually a very good smart OS. It's not a huge resource hog and it does seem to run as nice and faster than XP SP3 on 3G's of ram. My suggestion is to wait and get it when its released.

    But! if you really want to have a worry free computing experience then I would suggest getting a Mac. Mac comes with a built-in Apache/Python so with some tweeking you can literally run a server on it, as well as your daily work stuf. Load the winOS and now you can dual boot between mac & windows.




  14. True not all LCD's are equal, I have a dual set-up using VG2230wm's these are high end LCD's for graphic design work. They both run off a digital connection via the graphic card they are pricier then most but unbelievable quality. So as a note, you will see a hugh difference in colour, contrast, sharpness of text and images, but remember you must match then up properly with the right graphic card.


    By the way, you'll never find a good quality CRT, they are dinosaurs.


    hope this helps.



  15. Well not being a chat geek, I did freaquent yahoo chat, those rooms are insane 90% bullshit and 10% real people. Cerb chat is a little different because most people who do enter are cerbites and I'm assuming most have met each other and so on. But when I enter the room and I see 3-4 guys I don't shy away, I say hi how is everyone..... then silence. Guess if you don't have a pussy your not really worth hitting a few keystrokes....



  16. I just spent 14 days in Florida playing golf, a few visits with Mickey and friends and grabbing some serious rays.... While I was on vacation I couldn't stop my addiction for coffee, and in Florida, Duncan Donuts is as bountyful as the women on this site. That said I've had roughly 30 to 40 DD's while travelling in Floriday and the States. Once I got home first thing I wanted to do as a proud Canadian was to get a Timmies to get me grounded and ready for the onslaught of work waiting. Well!!! was I ever shocked when I took my first sip of coffee, it tasted like shit I could not believe how awfull it was. I even went inside to see if I had a bad batch and they said it was freshly brewed. A few hours later, grabbed a second cup, then a third the next day and so on. Today, my taste buds seemed to have adapted to Timmies beans. Guess one can't really complain about a buck foutry-five cup of hot toilet water.



  17. You know its bad when people want cheaper sex instead of cheaper gas or food.....LOL!


    I just came back from Florida and man is it bad down their. Sarasota, Orlando, Tampa.... all bad. Rented a 5 bedroom, 3 full bathroom home with a pool in back for 14 day at 1050US. Drove a brand new Xterra for 14 days for 347.00US. At the Total wine store where they carry 8000 bottles, I picked up a nice French red for 2.97US same bottle here is about 18 bucks. The house I stayed at was selling for 600,000 in mid 2007, the owner had it reduce 6 times its now on the market for 190,000US and we are only 6 months into a recession...


    count your pennies people.



  18. Well, if it was my brother it wouldn't shock me, he's dated everything from Bank managers to strippers....... Bastard!


    But seriously, if they are both open and comfortable with their partners current or past job and they're happy, then what the hell, let it be....


    On the other hand, if the girl he was dating was still active and she is one of my SP's.... I would tell him the day he shows me her picture.



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