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Posts posted by Seymour

  1. Recently reunited with Monique. As always she's well prepared and ensures I'm well received. This is truly a lady that goes the extra mile to take care of everything. From the decor, to the lighting and the music, selected for lovemaking. Her skills in that department, second to none. Her passion is natural, and her zest for life and love will make you wobbly in the knees. Always a treat, the vibrant and ever so charming Monique.

  2. I was in earlier today - this pm. The club was awfully quiet. About five or six dancers or so, and one that was on stage that kinda looked like Charlize Theron, but with bigger breasts and long nipples. Didn't get her name nor did i see her on the floor after her stage show as i was ... otherwise engaged.


    Very few dancers i knew, actually the only one i recognised from a previous visit was the tall and blonde Maya, but i've never had a chance to talk to her, nor taken for a visit in the CR.


    T you're holding out on me. There was a blond spinner with the cutest little natural breasts working the later shift. Goes by the name Passion. Went for a little one on one time and she certainly did not disappoint. Petite, blond, tight and toned body, and knows how to work it. A definite repeat in my books. That's one way to warm up on a cold winters night.


    You are correct, lots of new faces.

  3. This all makes sense and most of us get it. That said there are valid reasons about gents not wanting to divulge their cell phone number:


    • their phone is provided by their employer and they need to be discrete about the usage (because records do get checked)
    • difficult to juggle multiple phones (explain that to a spouse/kids if/when she/they find it)
    • getting the stories straight - explaining to friends/co-workers why you're texting or taking calls on a strange phone when they all know you have a phone from work
    • some people just don't have one - (yes, some people are old fashioned and don't own a cell phone)

    Yes, there are all kinds - not defending them, just saying.

  4. Do the ladies prefer an outcall to a hotel or incall to their place.


    Some thoughts, both from the ladies and hobbiests



    The responses will be as diverse as the respondents are diverse. There is what one would prefer and then there is reality. Reality suggests that most men have little time to get out for a date and thus the incall is more convenient. In the end reality (and economics is a part of that) wins.

  5. I cannot shake the fear of getting busted


    No one here can tell you what to do - only you can decide what you are going to do. With everything there is risk and you are the best authority on your risk tolerance. Incall or outcall aside, if the above fear is on your mind, you likely will not enjoy your experience if/when you decide to proceed with it. When you have conquered your fear, you will benefit from a much better experience. Good luck.

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