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Posts posted by Seymour

  1. My personal two would be Gisele - an indie that used to visit from Montreal and Larissa. Larissa worked out of Montreal but lived in Ottawa for a couple years early on.


    To echo the sentiments of SA -let's hope that they are happy in their travels. It is good to reminisce - makes you appreciate a lot of things.

  2. Some SPs prefer the first contact be via email. Later on they will give you a cell number to contact them on the day of the appointment. Some will ask for your cell contact prior to an appointment (seems fair so they could contact you if they need to cancel -good business model). To be absolutely discrete you should have your own cell phone so you're not using the hotel's system. It may not show up on the hotel's bill, but there is still a record of it.


    The other members here have provided good in site in terms of pay as you go phones - get one, set a security pass code on it and secure it from anyone that does not need to know of it's existence. Good luck.

  3. There's a scene in the movie Stand By Me where one of the boys asks another, "If had to be stranded on a desert island and could only bring one food with you, what would you bring?"


    The other boy answers, "That's easy. Pez. Cherry flavoured Pez."


    My answer to your question? "That's easy. Cat. Catherine St. Claire. Cat."


    I don't think Cat is retired my friend. I think she's just finished a tour to Ottawa.

  4. Nothing is forever, everyone moves on after a while. If you've been hobbying for a while (perhaps a few years) chances are you've seen many of the ladies come and go. If you had powers of persuasion to lure one or two of your favorites out of retirement for ONE night only, who would you select?

  5. Be careful with the sun, you will likely get burned. There are lots of ladies highly recommended by many members on this site. See the recommendations section here . There is a hard working member by the name of Cowboy Kenny and he's outed many a Bait and Switch / con artist from the sun and other parts. Check out the Warnings section here and CK's blog.

  6. Regardless of time of day, one should plan. No plan could result in no luck or worse - bad experience. If you're calling an agency - best to call ahead to see who's on, or will be available, location etc so you could get there and enjoy your encounter. If you're calling an indy - you'll likely not get an appointment as most tend to prebook and can only see you if someone cancels.

    Good luck.

  7. Warning - the following account of events contains descriptions of graphic nudity, vulgar language, crude humor and is intended for horny audiences! Reader discretion advised!


    I had a crazy work week, a sign that this fall season is going to be pretty god damn busy. I was in need of some lov'n and saw that Phoebee was still in town and had another of her friends (Sabrina) over to play. Hmmm could lightening strike twice... - so a couple hours later I'm heading over to their place for a Friday night all you can eat french canadian buffet!!!


    I arrive and call up for the room info - small problem. It is Sabrina's first night and the previous dude overbooked - so duo possible, but could be later than our planned time.


    I decided - ok, no duo -why not -Phoebee is such a treat, you have to spend some one on one time with her.


    I went up and am greeted at the door. Like my previous encounter, I am offered a kiss, a glass of wine and a seat and encouraged to engage in stimulation conversation on different topics. I can see why some might feel intimidated about seeing Phoebee -at 21 years old, she sounds very mature and experienced in life for her age. But make no mistake she is young and a sweetheart and easy going and if I might add, could be quite the business woman one day.


    We were talking about Montreal and sipping wine and didn't realize the time - this was like catching up with an old friend, this didn't seem like a 'session'. On her lead - we move over to the entertainment palace. We're undressing, slowly, caressing, touching, licking. Oops, one of her boobs makes an appearance, "hello" - now the other, hhhmmm - boobies.... must entertain the boobies.


    We are nude - we are rolling around, kissing, sucking, touching, massaging each other. She's into it. I start teasing her with my tongue, slowly, attempting to discover her erogenous zones, lingering, licking, flicking her nipples, applying a little pressure with my teeth but not biting - we going into uncharted waters here with this aggressive, sexual healing....


    She's moaning and I'm persisting. I'm heading south and this time, it is Phoebee who's writhing like a snake, moving her hips in unision with my technique and very into the moment. Very into the moment. I took her to the big O - (not Montreal's Olympic Stadium) ;-)


    She needs a breather, or so I thought. Instead she give me this incredible body slide and has positioned herself at the foot of the bed and goes to work on discovering my erogenous zones...


    I remember that sensation -her oral skills are amazing. This time she's teasing the shaft, teasing the boys, teasing the whole damn 9 yards

    teasing, licking, tongue flicking, slurping, moaning and I'm the one that needs the FUCKING breather.


    It is time I say - without missing a beat, she locates our rubber friend. She has this technique for putting these things on - no hands !!! Amazing! Simply amazing!! What a sensation. I'm ready, but am still being tortured and given a Deep Throat tongue lashing by this temptress.


    We change positions and I enter her missionary style - interesting cause all our foreplay and dirty talk involved us calling each other "devil". Ah - my Montreal devil!!


    She's bent up against the headboard - looks uncomfortable so I lift her back, and position her so her head isn't banging on the headboard and we continue our roller coaster ride. Our hips are in sync as we enjoy the ride. I pump faster and stop, now I'm being the devil in charge. I smile wickedly -she begs me to change positions. Maybe I say, and leaned over to whisper in her ear "maybe not" and I laugh. Ahh -who's the devil now Phoebee, who's the devil now!!


    I thrust slowly, I pump fast and hard, I thrust slowly, I pump hard and fast - I stop! I smile, she's begging me now to change. I say "no my

    devil, this is how it's going to be" and increase the tempo. We're sweating like marathon runners and it's 2:00 the the morning.


    The dirty talk recommences - "I wanna feel you fill it she says, go on, fill it". I comment on her muscle control -fan-fucking-tastic!

    We increase the tempo like Usain Bolt in a mad dash to win Olympic fucking gold and I say, yes, my devil, I'm gonna fill it, I'm gonna fill it. She's very loud now, coaching, cheering me on, "fill it, fill it, fill it. I wanna feel you fill it."


    I filled it and won my Olympic gold, announcing my victory in the process!! - and now my devil is flexing her muscles. What a sensation, as I'm still inside, throbbing and she's squeezing everything out of me!


    We clean up - boy is it ever late. We chat for 10 - 15 more minutes more before I take my leave. Absolutely not a clock watcher, as I discovered on my previous visit. Phoebee likes sex! Great that makes two of us and she is very mature for her age. I like Phoebee because as a 21 year old independent SP, she is open, honest and respects your time as a client so that the encounter is fun filled. You do not see that in a lot of other 21 year olds - this is refreshing.


    Her pictures on her site do not do her justice. She is not a spinner, she is curvy kinda with a Mariah Carey figure -



    And - she has some interesting friends. ;-)

    A la prochaine (the original Devil)!


  8. Just a brief clarification that I wasn't referring to any specific member or anybody's age in particular. It was a general statement as one possibily for some (not all of high spending members) that it could be less taxes (as senior citizens pay less in taxes and don't pay for pensions) and the fact that if they bought real estate when they were 35, now their investment could worth five times more as another age-related reason to have the capital in order to afford relatively huge spending on entertainment.


    As I have said before and I say it again, it is only the size of the heart that matters which shows how much one loves and is being loved by others rather than any other factor such as age or race or religion or skin color or orientation that defines or measures a person.


    Secret_Admirer - no worries. I'm cool with the points you have made - and understand the scenario you were trying to paint.

    On another note, looks like dummpy has returned to the dance floor.

  9. I had to tie up some lose ends with Mia after our previous encounter. Immediately after that, I called the dispatch and booked for the following day! I'm scheduled in like Flint!


    Late afternoon I call for confirmation - the dispatch (Mona) remembers, yes, you're good to go she says (it is scary when the dispatch can recognize your voice ;-))!!.

    So I get my shit together and head downtown. After parking and making the last call - I get the nod to head on up! By the way -this new Honeyzworld dispatch is WAYYY better than the previous!!


    I knock - the door opens and my girl is standing there, immediately her eyes light up. Hi, come on in she says. We head immediately to the zone. I take care of business, I steal some kisses, I ask how her day is going. She looks tired, she's been trying to get sleep but it hasn't worked out. Mental note to self - don't get raunchy with Mia tonight.


    I excuse myself to the washroom, returned and resumed matters. No fooling around here - I'm already nude, now I'm helping her. I learnt from previous experience (use both hands) ;-) She is clothing free. I can feel her body heat on mine. Her skin is soft, smooth, warm, we collapse, hugging, cuddling. I nibble her nose, she giggles. We could go to sleep like this and we have not had our workout yet!


    I convince her to lie back and relax. I explore, I discover, we enjoy!! We change positions, she explores, she discovers, I enjoy! ;-)

    I could take no more, I tell her, there's that wicked smile again. We rekindle memories of last night (President's Choice, eat your heart out) - her back is arched, she draws me in even closer, she's getting loud again. It is all coming back - minus me babbling like a lunatic.


    It is passionate, it is hot, it is intense. I think to myself - where the hell is she getting all this energy from???


    So young and such an accomplished lover!!!


    I scream her name, she's even louder, she's giving me instructions, what to do. I oblige, she's louder - damn those neighbors are gonna complain to the front desk.So much for not being raunchy tonight. With great fanfare and gusto we finished our workout. OMFG - what a workout!! My girl's been exercising her Kegels and boy you can feel it!!


    She goes to clean up - and when she return I say, almost out of breath, "this is twice you've done this to me" - she laughs and says, you'll live!


    Unfortunately, it is time to clean up. I'm dressed, I get my crap together for departure. She kisses me again, thanks for coming to visit, she says. Come by anytime she whispers in my ear. WTF - that was so HOT!! With warm wishes for a great rest of weekend, I take her leave.


    What a night, what an encounter and What a way to end 10 fun filled days of debauchery - I didn't die, I'm alive -so FUCKING alive!!!


    MIA -




  10. hihihihihi !!

    Im Happy u enjoy !! You are one lucky man ,u had the best timing ever,believe me hehehe! Hope to meet again for more adventure ;)


    My dear - I have BOTH those numbers and once I free up my schedule I will find you. Even if it means a road trip to Montreal I will find you because that adventure was just fan-fricking-tastic to not repeat!! Don't be shy to share this with Angleika as well. You gals are truly amazing!

  11. I have one more encounter to share - it was a repeat with one lady from the original list. This one you'll have to wait for until tomorrow. Perhaps you can guess who that lucky lady was.....


    These should make it easier to find what you're after:


    Nikita - http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=N&t=5121




    Maxine - Pink Kitty Agency - http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=M&t=5123


    Phoebee and Angelika : http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=P&t=5137


    Stacy - http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showpost.php?ltr=S&p=24158&postcount=6


    Monique Matheson - http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showpost.php?ltr=M&p=24161&postcount=6


    Ava Jones - http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showpost.php?ltr=A&p=23393&postcount=7


    Lolita - http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=5138


    Kelly - http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showpost.php?ltr=K&p=24172&postcount=10


    Mia - http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showpost.php?ltr=M&p=24179&postcount=37


    So - when people complain that summer 2008 sucked, I beg to differ! :-D

  12. Called mid afternoon and got the new dispatch Mona at Honeyzworld. Yes - I can book you with Mia, no problem. So I arrived on time and call back for the specifics. Oops - they sent me to the wrong Hotel ;-)

    No worries - the right one is down the street. So 5 minutes later, I'm en route to her suite. I enter her suite. She is gorgeous, what a bod. I steal a kiss - I'm babbling on about how long it took for me to book her <Christ I must have sounded like a babbling idiot> I present her with the gift I had brought her - turns out these are her favorite chocolates (OMFG)!!


    Dumb luck - how the hell could I have guessed that?? I should buy some lottery tickets cause I might pick the FUCKING winning numbers..


    We sit on the sofa - I'm still babbling, still checking her out, she pounces on me, kissing slowly, passionately, this shuts me up. Mental note made


    Perhaps we should take the show on the road I suggest - I am led to Mia's playground. I take care of the business side of things and head

    to the washroom. I return -she is waiting. We regroup -we're reacquainting after a two minute lapse in festivities. She reminds me I'm still dressed -oh yes, she's right. I fixed that right away, and lie down, she pounces on me again -I try to help her out of her top - one of the clasps is a little tricky I need help. She obliges.


    What ensued was an all out intense, extreme, vocal synchronization, calorie burning, passion consuming hour of sweaty, wet,loud, full contact hour of pleasure. We are still locked in combat and I started babbling again about how the world was against me and I couldn't get to see my Mia!! She shuts me up with more kissing - and starts playing along with this theme - she tells me to come back and see her anytime.Come back turns to come, come, come, so now she's cheering me on, begging me to climax -no I say - I need to torture you some more for making me wait so long. She smiles, and rolls her eyes - it wasn't my fault she says. I know I say - but now you're mine, all mine!!! My Mia!! FUCK - did she ever get loud after that!! I probably said too much already. Sorry Mia, our story must be told. :oops:

    I think all the neighbors on the floor heard us that evening. Perhaps our performance might have inspired Stacy from GoE (she was in

    the next suite over) and her own performance with the dude that was with her (perhaps he got the Euro trip of his FUCKING life) :-).


    My time was up I needed to clean up an split - that whole thing about not overstaying your welcome. I'm showered and dressed. On my request, my girl accompanies me to the door. One last passionate kiss and I'm gone.


    Overall - a truly wild GFE encounter. It got more intense as it progressed. Unplanned, unrehearsed, unfuckingbelievable.


    Oh Mia - save the last dance for me! My Mesmerizing Mia. MMM. Muah!!


    schedules synchronization - months

    last minute location change - minutes

    One wild, mind-freaking blowing encounter - one hour

    Memories of Mia - forever!! ;-)

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