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Everything posted by AttilaTheHun

  1. Thats great Youngstud, keep at it and you'll reach your goal. I've used this technique for years and usually start right after winter when I've put on a few extra pounds to lose some weight. As for keeping fully engaged, well I don't have a problem in this area. ATH
  2. My first wife was devout Italian Catholic girl and of course wanted to keep her virginity until the honeymoon. I had to resort to Greek and BBBJWCIM for 3 years but she remained a virgin until our wedding night. I never once complained but I didn't know it was called Catholic School Girl style. Learn something new everyday. ATH
  3. Samantha, I really like your advice to all the younger men out there. I'm in 50's and I have always taken care of my body without abusing it. I don't smoke, drink very moderately and not daily, eat healthy and exercise every day. The key is moderation because anything in excess is bad for you. Once you've taken care of yourself the body will take care of you. As for Viagra, if you have a fit healthy body most of the side effects from drinking, smoking and obesity will disappear leaving your equipment to work like it should and you won't have to resort to ED medication. Just losing weight and getting rid a few folds will make your penis look longer and is a great morale booster. Getting regular sex is important and some reading on how to control your ejaculation will benefit you and your lady. If I have one piece of advice that anyone can do stay in shape it's this: Get up in the morning, first thing slip into your jogging clothes or shorts, get your runners on, have a glass of water and go out for a 20-30 minute brisk walk taking a deep breaths and exhaling with the rhythm of your stride before you do anything else. I can almost guarantee you that in a week you'll feel your energy levels increase, you will lose weight and feel much better about yourself. Its that simple but do it everyday if you can. Its real easy and anyone even the ladies can do this. ATH
  4. Thats sounds so incredible hot. I have on occaision gotten hard again from being in the position Emma is talking about. Cumming and keeping my dick inside while sensually kissing just gets me hard again and I'm good for another hour....I'd would really love to experience that again someday. The Hun
  5. Hey Joeblow I was referring to the Juggler vein. Its that tickelish one right beside the Jugular. ATH
  6. Yeah you're right AvaFoxx. Its all this sexual energy that has been building up inside of me..For a moment I forgot where I was. Thanks for bringing me back home The Hun
  7. Hot! Hot! Emma I love your story especially since I know the parking lot well. Isn't being in the heat of the passion great? You feel like you two are alone in a bubble and invisible to the world. The Hun
  8. Samantha, the next time I'm in Ottawa I'll make sure to stop in for a service call. I'll bring the appropriate tools but we will encounter a serious overheating problem. Hun
  9. Please share Emma, your Hotel Housekeeping story is what prompted me to share mine. You showed me yours now I showed mine.. The Hun
  10. Thanks T but luck has nothing to do with it. I am constantly on the hunt. When I was 15 I learned real quick that you get to sleep with women by asking one. You have have to ask 20 and you may get one or two to sleep with you but you must be consistent. When I was younger it was all about the Thrill of the Hunt which I appropriately named Thrill of the Cunt. But I'm much more refined now and in tune to womens signals. When I see a signal I go for the juggler and they rarely leave my clutches, metaphorically of course. The Hun
  11. You can look but you can?t touch I was doing some renovations for a building where one of the tenants was moving out. I have been at the apartment many times and know the couple living there on a first name basis. He is a musician and she is a legal secretary. The girl is about 25-27 years old long brown flowing hair, gorgeous smile light green eyes and killer ass. I?ve seen her leave in the morning and come home at night so I noticed her gorgeous body quite often. She always dressed very businesslike, nothing flashy but at the same time she had trouble hiding the hourglass figure underneath. We were always very polite to each other and at times a little flirtatious but never crossing the line with any remarks that might have made the situation uncomfortable. The tenants were moving out and I had been at the apartment several times now to finish the renovations ready for the next tenant. I noticed the BF wasn?t around, so I casually asked if she was all alone to pack. She responded that her BF was on tour and was away for a month so she was stuck packing everything. So I sympathetically asked if she needed any help and she just smiled back with a devilish grin and said ?maybe?. I didn?t think anything of it, so I told her that I would be back Saturday morning at 10am to finish up the last details. The following morning I showed up and rang her doorbell exactly at 10am. She answered the door in a bathrobe as she was rubbing her hair with a towel. I asked if this was a good time or if should come back later, she responded ?no it?s fine, I just got out of the shower and was going to dry my hair?. I said I have few more things to fix up and should be finished in a few hours. ?Go ahead? she said, ?make like I?m not here?. Well I was having a hard time with that since I imagined she wasn?t wearing much underneath. I started doing my things when I noticed she had come into the bedroom where I was working and plugged in her hair dryer. She was bent over hair covering her face as she blow drying when I noticed that her robe was starting to open up and I had a full of view gorgeous breasts. I was thinking that she must be playing with me but I pretended not to look too obvious. She was almost all dry so she flung her long flowing hair back and started brushing it while her robe was really getting loose now. It had opened up and she caught me having a glance. She grinned and said ?oops? I have to more careful as she opened up the robe to give a view of her cute pink undies before she wrapped herself up again. Now I?m sure she was intentionally playing with me. So I asked if there was anything I could for her before I packed to leave. She responded biting her bottom lip and ?hang on a second?. I left the bedroom to start working in another room when I noticed she slipped back onto the bed. I had planned to make a few more flirtatious remarks before leaving to see if she would bite. She called me to come back into the bedroom to help her out. So while I was walking towards her room I was trying to think of something smart and flirty to say to her when I noticed that she already sprawled on the bed, robe just barely covering her breasts and pink undies but showing off her shapely legs. I was tongue tied and really didn?t know what to do at that point, when she asked me to stand at the foot of the bed. ?OK? I responded not knowing what was going happen next but I was getting very excited just watching her on the bed. She closed her eyes and started biting her lip again while she was sliding her perfectly manicured hands up and down her stomach. As she approached her breast with her left hand, her right hand started pulling her robe off and was now rubbing her pussy through her undies. She let out a moan when I was thinking this poor girl needs some help so I started to lean over to touch her legs when she mumbled while moaning ?you can look but you can?t touch?. ?What do mean I can?t touch?? as I stood there in shock. She said she didn?t want to cheat on her BF?? WTF. I thought to myself there is no way this woman is going to go through with this and not have me touch her. So I played along and asked ?what is it that you would like me to do?? She responded, ? you can anything you like but you can?t touch.? Now I lost my mind at this point. My dick throbbing trying to jump out of my jeans, when I realized I still had my tool belt on. I started by removing my tool belt dropped on the floor while I was watching her play with her now very moist pussy. She said to me ?now you?re getting the idea? .She turned to the night table beside the bed and pulled 1 large dildo and a small vibrator. She started to rub her clit with the small vibrator and I could see her pink undies were all wet now. She started breathing heavy and looked as if she about to cum, stopped, looked me straight in the eye while pulling aside her soaking wet panties and slipped the large didlo in. She started slowly to move in and out all the while gazing into my eyes. I was about to lose it right there. I so wanted to touch her. She looked down to see that bulge in my jeans and licked her lips. I could tell she really wanted me. She then slid that dong deep inside her pussy while throwing her head back. I couldn?t take it anymore and so started unbuttoning my jeans to let my manhood see the light. I was hard as rock while this sexy woman was gyrating her hips into that dildo using the small vibrator to stimulate her clit. I couldn?t help but start stroking myself following her rhythm, but it wasn?t long before I had to slow down and pace myself. I didn?t want to come now just in case she wanted me to make love to her. My pace slowed as my breathing got faster she could tell I was on the edge. I was still at the foot of the bed when she turned her body around with her head now a few inches away from balls and just a little off of the edge while her feet where propped up on the pillows. I thought this is it, she going to suck my dick. I was mesmerized by the sight of her playing with herself and her beautiful breasts. So I started stroking myself while watching. She started moaning again and told me to go faster, squeeze harder. I was wondering when she was swallow my manhood when she yelled ?ok come now?. What? Come now? Where ? I said. She replied while panting ?come on my tits? Come On! Now. I was completely caught off guard not realizing that I was about to let loose my load. Her body starting quivering, shaking and bucking her ass up and down while exploding in ecstasy. It was so hot I had to come. I few more strokes and I released an incredible amount of cum all over her breasts and she looked as if she had almost passed out. She slowly slid out the dildo and started to rub my cum all over creamy white tits. I could hardly stand as my knees where now shaking and ready to buckle. It was incredibly hot to watch. I was going to lean in to kiss her when she got up and gave me a Kleenex box to clean up. I did and was to approach her again to thank her with a kiss, when she turned around and said. ?You can look but you can?t touch? She headed for the shower and before she went into the bathroom she turned to me and smiled with that devilish grin. ?Please lock the door on your way out. Bye.? I never saw her again. The Hun
  12. Its a proven medical fact that the first third of the vagina has most of the nerve endings. The rest of the vagina won't really feel anything unless your long enough and in the right position to pound her cervix. Some women go absolutely nuts when their cervix is poked while for others it is quite painful. I have to agree that in my judgment thicker is better than longer but not too thick. The Hun
  13. I believe that the value of the trade is never equal and someone always feels like they got the short end of the stick. Business is business and should be paid in dollars and not perceived value. Now if I was to get a BJ for free because I did a great job, I wouldn't refuse unless it was a man. The Hun
  14. Hey PistolPete Thanks for the vote of confidence on my AvaFoxx'x Rec. I'm no literary genius but I do detail the experience that made it special for me. I tell it like it is. The Hun
  15. In my case unless the lady is able to purposely dilate her pupils, sweat profusely, get flushed and have her pussy and sphincter muscles contract uncontrollably then she is really having a orgasm. I love making a woman come but if she doesn't come at least once with me then I'm not turning her on or there may be some other underlying problem she is dealing with. But some women are just not multiple orgasmic and I'm OK with that too. Some have one or two incredible releases while others have multiple (5-10) mini orgasms. For me it's not about the number but the quality of time spent together. I feel it more of a spiritual journey that with some ladies it really clicks and with others it doesn't. The Hun
  16. I have never and will not never ask for a discount from any SP or Courtesan. I usually end up leaving more money on the table either as a tip or a bring special gifts. I have however been offered a lower rates to come see them more often and I've refused the discount. I'm flattered that they want to see me more often but for me it has nothing to do with price. If I want to experience the girl I will gladly pay her what she is asking and nothing less. Whether its $120 or $1000hr. I do a considerable amount of homework before choosing a lady whether its studying her website or talking to her directly so I know in advance what I'm getting into, how much it will cost and what services I can expect. I've noticed that some ladies do offer a paid up front for X number of sessions at a discounted rate which I think is really smart and would personally support. It gives the SP money up front, gives me better or preferential time slots and of course incentive to go back. I think everyone wins. The Hun
  17. Welcome Cara to the greatest board out there. I too am a member of 3 other boards and I keep using this one. The subjects are interesting, people are nice and most all no bashing here. You can see by the number of people who said hello that this board is different. The Hun
  18. I'm saddened to hear what these A-holes were even calling you. IMAO I think you should raise your prices because the GFE experience you provide is worth much more than what you are currently charging. Maybe if you were to raise the rates, your phone may not ring as much, but then the type of customer that you are attracting with your low rates won't bother calling. It's just my opinion and you know what I say about opinions. They are like A-holes everybody's got one. The Hun
  19. Wow Boner, so you were responsible for getting these two together? Man you should get an award or something. I have to admit, that I am a little jealous..."Fuck her Boner! Fuck her hard!" Cloe concurs "Fuck me Boner....fuck me hard...pound my pussy!!"" sounds a lot better than Fuck her Attila or Fuck me harder Attila. Gotta change my name. Nice read as well. I can see that while the two women were the same that our experiences were completely different. That just makes me want to do a another duo to experience what new surprises I'll be presented with. I can't wait. Thanks The Hun
  20. Very nice Red. I can tell you had almost as good a time as I had with the Duo. I can't wait for my next encore presentation with these two. The Hun
  21. I believe that most SP's are pretty good about being clean, but there are times when I'm in DATY that I catch the scent of a condom or lube. It totally turns me off so much so that I can lose my erection. I understand that you can't be douching after every client but maybe just using a scented lube or a quick wash using a finger may help. The Hun
  22. I dove in a long time ago ( 22 years almost to the day) and haven't looked back since. I have met so many wonderful ladies over the years and plan to meet many more. The greatest part is the memories and the experiences I cherish to this day. I don't remember all their names but I can tell where we were, what we did and mostly how they made me feel. Did I feel a little guilt the first time, of course but it was mostly fear. I have since learned so much about lovemaking and the art of pleasing a woman because of my hobby. It's a gift that every man should have and learn to use. The more you do it the more you learn about yourself and others. Thank you to all the woman who have a place in my heart and have left memories for a lifetime. The Hun
  23. Wow I can't believe that there are men out there who visit the ladies that either don't wash, make unreasonable requests, have no respect and just generally don't know how to behave in front of a lady. The mere fact that there needs to be a post like this is just beyond me. I guess that's why I'm a highly sought after hobbiest by the ladies lol The Hun
  24. Awesome post. Thank You for the really great detail. Nice writing skills too. The Hun
  25. My opinion on rec's is that love reading and writing them. I get a pretty good idea of what type personality the lady has, by reading about the hobbiest's experience. The more detailed the better. There are usually key indicators in the stories that turn me on and make want to seek out an appointment with that lady. I read any and every review I find and do a thorough search of posts about or from the provider. Again this gives gives me background on the way she thinks, her sense of humor, seriousness about safety issues, sensuality etc... I guess you can say I do my homework before making my appointment. I always ask a provider if she would approve of me writing a rec and if she didn't mind if it was detailed. Of course I would never write one without permission or if it was a negative review. The Hun
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