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Everything posted by JuliaOttawa

  1. I am paid very well :) I make a lot of money dancing. If I wasn't making a lot of money, I would be complaining about the tipouts. But $55/night is absolutely worth it. It's a fair exchange, in my view.
  2. It personally does not infuriate me that we pay house fees. By the way, 95%+ dancers in North America and 100% of Ottawa dancers pay each night to work. We are independent contractors and enjoy many benefits as a result. I've worked in Thunder Bay where the pay was $200/night for 4 stage shows and I much prefer paying to work. Here are a few reasons: -I own my business. I don't work for someone. -When we pay housefees, there is MUCH greater flexibility in scheduling. I get to show up when I want, work however many days I want, take breaks whenever I want. When you are paid by the club and "on schedule" you have to work when you are scheduled and when they tell you to. -I can do whatever I want onstage. When they don't pay you, they can't tell you what to do. When I worked in Thunder Bay, they were much stricter about your shows, costumes, music, etc. Most dancers have to purchase new outfits to work there. -Money is power. When I'm paying to work there, I have greater control over my environment. For example, when I give staff money, they know they have to treat me well or else I won't pay them, or I will pay them less. I could keep going but I think you get the idea. I am happy to pay to work, and I don't want to go back to a shift pay club. One of my favourite things about dancing is that I own my own business and that I don't work for anyone but myself.
  3. I was under the impression that a higher court ruled that "benign" contact cannot be illegal.
  4. I dance in Ottawa and in the Ottawa/Hull area, low mileage generally means you can touch the girl anywhere but pussy and she can touch you anywhere but cock. No licking/kissing/sucking. This is what the majority of the girls follow but there are girls who break the rules at every club. Also, grinding is less common than it was in the past, but still pretty common. I personally don't. If you're talking about Ontario in general, there are some clubs like Centerfolds in Thunder Bay that are strictly no touching. Others areas, like Missisauga, are full of extras.
  5. I'm a dancer, not an escort, but I have a long-time male regular and an occasional female who would come and buy dances from me. They ended up dating! I don't think it lasted too long, but I sure had a good laugh at their "how we met" story. I'm had several guys "share me" with their friends, but I'm sure that's more common amongst dancers than escorts because men sometimes go to the strip club in groups.
  6. I never claimed to know all of them. I said dancers you've mentioned on this board are included in the numerous dancers who I've never seen wash their breasts after seeing customers. Plural (ie. dancers with an s) means more than one, not "all of them".
  7. Oh yes, but my comment was specifically to curious2 who I've known in real life for a year and a half :)
  8. If it's for school and stuff you're handing in, I recommend printing at school.
  9. That spectrum may make sense to you as a customer, but as a sex worker, the spectrum doesn't really work the same way. You may think that women who sell sex would have absolutely no problem with dancing, but I have known many services providers who shun the thought of $20 dances for multiple men each night as degrading and cheap, and then there are dancers who shun sex work as degrading and cheap. Each business presents its own challenges and rewards. There really is no linear perspective the way a client seeking services sees it. I think the biggest problem with dancing over escorting is that you have to hustle and face rejection. Also, when you talk to 20-30+ men a night, surely a few will be rude to you. It's rare I leave a shift without having a guy be an asshole to me. I don't know if escorts would say the same thing. Also, the rejection can really wear on you and your self-esteem. The competition is harsh, unlike escorting, you are working right next to your competition. ***The job is about so much more than just the mileage provided.***
  10. LOL. You shouldn't take a girl for a dance if you don't like her, sweetie!!
  11. Well said, Cowboy_Kenny, and as a dancer, I approve this message. You have an insight into the biz most people don't have unless they've actually danced.
  12. I'm sorry, secret_admirer, but dancing can be very cut-throat as CowboyKenny described and it is most definitely survival of the fittest. Dancing also can be harmful. One of my friends tried it and ended up having a really bad experience that hurt her badly. I've had dancer friends who've been assaulted. I think dancing can be done correctly, but there are safety precautions that need to be taken into account. If Suri chooses to go into dancing, I would want her to do so with her eyes wide open. Suri - If you choose to go into dancing, feel free to PM me. Okay, getting lapdances does not make you qualified to talk about the "emotional consequences" of stripping. Please just stop. I feel your advice is dangerous and so I'm responding in this thread so that Suri and other women considering dancing will listen to people who've actually been there, and not a lapdance customer.
  13. Thank you for your post, monk. It was interesting to read. I've always understood that there is grey area in the laws. My understanding has also been that direct genital contact and exchange of bodily fluids are not in that grey area. Such a shame, because when you are working in a profession you really do need clear knowledge of the laws. There were a couple ladies arrested in TO for allowing the customer to touch her breasts (I can provide full documentation for this by email if you wish, though the charges were dropped) and one of my dancer friends won't even "admit" to customers on the floor that any contact goes on in the back for fear of police.
  14. If that makes you feel better, fine, but I've been dancing a couple years and I've NEVER seen a dancer wash/clean her breasts in the dressing room at any club I've ever worked at (and that includes dancers you've named on this board).
  15. A $5 tip always makes my day just because the guy is being so thoughful. It's especially nice since I tip my DJ and bouncers, and I never have bills less than a 20 unless a guy tips me. It's certainly not obligated or the norm, but always appreciated! The only time I'd lean towards tipping being "necessary" is maybe if you kept her for just one dance.
  16. I'm not mad. I just disagree. That would involve risking his own job. I agree with you that you should be allowed to kiss a consenting woman, but it's not the bouncer's fault for doing his job. The problem is current laws regarding prostitution and adult entertainment, not as you say "a-hole bouncers."
  17. The main concern for the club in enforcing the rules, I believe, is that they risk losing their liquor license. You are correct that the result would be a fine, like speeding or parking. I've known dancers who've gotten fines. My main point was not that these are important laws that need to be followed, but that the bouncer isn't a lawmaker, club owner, or club manager. He is just a low-wage employee paid to enforce these rules and we shouldn't criticize him for doing his job. Our problem should be with lawmakers.
  18. Ottawa's municipal by-laws regarding adult entertainment. EDIT: I just wanted to add that I'm pro-sex work and I have no problem with activities between consenting adult. I do have a problem when people get mad at the bouncers for just doing their job. I've had jobs in the past where I've had to enforce dumb rules and it sucks.
  19. It's the law. Your problem should be with lawmakers, not the bouncer who was just doing his job.
  20. I'd say there are 30-50 dances signed in on a Fri/Sat night. You won't see them all at the same time since a good number will be in the dressing room, and another good number will be lapdancing, but LOTS of ladies for sure!!
  21. UPDATE: She was at the Den today! You could try your luck tomorrow afternoon/early evening.
  22. I also work at the Den and I'm quite sure she retired.
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