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Posts posted by herelookin

  1. i think that's the retired nurse she's 56 bbw


    Yes she is... but orally talented. I was there when Deb was there also.

    I have often thought of heading back when she was alone; I've always thought ?2 on 1? is unfair for me!!! Too much. LOL

  2. Please !!!!

    Take it from some who has been where you are. GET SOME HELP!!!

    You are not living your own life but a life of a victim controlled by circumstances. There are plenty of Community Health Clinics that have great counsellors. Trust me, I used to go to my Centre and see the counsellor there at least 2 ? 3 times a week.

    I also had a son and hated that some one else was spending time with him rather than me. This is where a lawyer (Legal Aid if you have to) to ensure that you remain in his life and ensure that you are afford the rights you have as a father? including child support.

    I cut my ex out of my Face Book? not because I didn?t want her to see what I was doing but also because I didn?t really need to know what she was doing. I needed to draw boundaries (healthy ones) and stick to them. This is where good counselling comes in. I never made a move without discussing it with a professional first because, in the beginning, was ruled by too many conflicting emotions.

    AND, you know what??? There is a life afterwards? your son will still see you as ?Dad? no matter how many men pass through her life. My ex averages one a year that she moves in with. HOWEVER, I never maligned her or her boyfriends with the kids. All of the men she has had have nothing to do with me UNLESS it interferes with the kids.

    I choose very little contact with her, for my own health? and enjoy every minute with my kids (without her coming into the conversation). And the kids will know if you try to get information from them about the ex. Please don?t let her (or emotional immaturity) interfere with the relationship you have with your child.

    Easy to say? months, years to do. BUT PLEASE go and get some help to deal with this.

    I?ve done all of the wrong things and nothing right ever came out of it. I tended to (past tense) to learn all lessons by myself rather than rely on someone else?s experience. No more.

  3. ...the child is in danger & second, the legal issues


    No where has anyone said that the child was in, or ever was in, danger. And as for a ?legal? issue? is there one???

    I really do not think that ?we? have the right to make a judgement of morality here.

    We may not agree with what is being done? but we have no moral authority to judge this person. Perhaps some of our own issues cloud this fact. IMHO

  4. disturbed him when he heard a young child in the next room.


    Glad this never bothered our parents... or most of us younger sisters and brothers would not be here.


    IMHO the issue that seems bothersome is the multiple people in and out of the place...


    Nowhere has anyone stated that the child is improperly cared for; in fact most have said that the place is very clean and orderly.


    And this is no place to discuss whether a child is being improperly cared for on one or two persons limited time involved with the mother. Or the morality of the situation.

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