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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Tonight it'll be fruit salad with bleu cheese and topped with bleu cheese dressing..................................................... Now while everyone is getting frowns on their faces or worse its a salad with avocado, tomato and olives...all technically fruits A Rambling From A Hungry RG
  2. Dumb thread time. Describe how COVID has affected you in regards to this lifestyle in a song For me its been...well rather desert 🏜 like LOL Song seems rather appropriate A Musical Rambling RG
  3. I guess with all the real problems out there (eg Covid) this is really relatively minor but the F*CKING GODD*MN good time oldies radio station is playing almost steady Christmas music already And it'll get worse till 2021 Now listening to classic rock...good music but not local A Rambling From Scrooge RG
  4. December rent, gas, groceries, prescription Now home coffee in hand , feet up trying to relax if Beatrix would let me LOL A Tired Rambling...Did I Mention I Hate Shopping RG
  5. Thank You Notch for your interview. You show a supportive and positive insight into this lifestyle. Enjoyed reading the interview and I enjoy your contributions on a variety of Lyla threads too😉 And Thank You once again Lydia for the time, trouble and effort you put forth into these interviews and the effort put forth into making Lyla the Great and Positive site it is A Rambling RG
  6. Personally I believe Twitter isn't on the lookout for "bad" accounts. Its some petty people who see an account they don't like for whatever reason and go running to Twitter high command reporting an infraction of Twitter rules. Twitter acts on the report and thats how an account gets shadowbanned. If someone doesn't like an account just Block, Unfollow or Mute it. No need to go running to "the high command" Live and let live. And JMO Twitter should let the person being shadowbanned know not just why they got shadowbanned but who complained about them A Rambling over cup number one RG
  7. Now I know the perfect Christmas present to get😂 A Chilling Rambling RG
  8. Took a little road trip today to Peterborough (2 hour round trip for me) to pick up my prescription. Got it came home (obviously) and picked up a box of KCups (Starbucks Sumatra) and munchies (Miss Vicki's salt & vinegar chips and peanuts)...I know not good for you, but good LOL A Rambling While My Mouth Water's RG
  9. Finished watching a documentary on Netflix "Trial 4" About a wrongfully convicted man and dirty cops in Boston Recommend it RG
  10. Of course it wouldn't be complete unless someone is blindfolded too (eg 9 1/2 Weeks) RG
  11. Actually being optimistic and I guess on the scale of things a date postponed while disappointing is relatively minor compared to being a covid casualty a real concern in this day and age Casualties due to coronavirus just in Ontario 10768 deaths (as of time of writing) so yes coronavirus sucks. A date postponed relatively minor i guess Let's hope the vaccine comes (soon!!!) and more importantly NO MORE CASUALTIES. A rambling over cup number one RG
  12. A things that suck...coronavirus!!! Well the restrictions back on my date is off...well postponed (I hope)🤞 All in all better safe than sorry but its a bit of a disappointment...but we both agreed it was better to postpone. Keeping fingers crossed🤞that 2021 turns out better A Rambling RG
  13. Who knows where that mug has been or whats been in it LOL A Rambling Over Cup Number One RG
  14. I really don't see this as a priority for Biden-Harris. I'm guessing things won't change much at all down in the USA in regards to laws surrounding sex work. We here might find it a priority for our lives but for the average person likely doesn't give it a thought...and for politicians they're more concerned about who they offend the least (they think about the next election too) A quick off the cuff rambling RG
  15. Maybe her ban could be revisited and reconsidered. It took place a few years ago when she was banned. Maybe she could be allowed to rejoin Of course thats a decision for those at a higher pay grade than me LOL but if she was allowed to return its a decision I for one would support RG
  16. I would like to nominate Greenteal. He's on Lyla regularly not just contributing posts but starting threads in a number of different forums that yield discussion. For this reason I'm recommending Greenteal for November member of the month RG
  17. My laptop died yesterday...fortunately my phone has internet capability but I see a purchase in my future I was hoping to buy in April (signs of old age in it for the last while) but I'm going to buy (hopefully) end of December A sad rambling LOL RG
  18. Finished watching a series on Netflix... "The Spy" a true account of an Israeli spy in the early 1960s. A series starring Sacha Baron Cohen as Israeli spy Eli Cohen. Highly recommend it A rambling on my phone over cup number one RG
  19. So I'll stay glued to the news till Jan 20 2021...or better yet watch Netflix Better go out and buy some popcorn LOL A rambling RG
  20. I've noticed, as I'm sure others have noticed too the media still has Joe Biden down as projected winner. Just wondering when he is no longer a "projected" winner and becomes the winner And on a side note do you think Trump will golf on inauguration day or will need to be removed from the White House, maybe with extreme prejudice Two images to consider, the first he is golfing...well obviously, the second he's leaving the White House and no his pride is not intact LOL A half serious half humorous (I hope) rambling RG
  21. Last night watched a classic..."Rocky"...yes the original first one that spawned a whole series LOL But it was pretty good, music seemed appropriate considering the election win LOL And I half watched (it's a movie requiring 100% attention) The Good Shepherd a fictional account of the OSS and founding of the CIA. Stars Matt Damon, Angelina Jolie, Alec Baldwin, Robert De Niro and a cast of 100os LOL. Less a shoot 'em up spy thriller (no not Jason Bourne or James Bond) but probably closer to reality. Going to give it another watch A Rambling RG
  22. You're Very Welcome Lydia Glad I could help A bug eyed rambling LOL🤓 RG
  23. A dumb video making the rounds on Twitter If you're sick of the election watch this LOL A fed up with the election rambling RG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yH7zn52M_BA
  24. With the pandemic still going on and what's going on south of the border (aka the US election) it seemed especially appropriate to wear my apocalypse outfit. Got to dress properly when it looks like a major crisis may come LOL Now I'm prepared for anything LOL A stupid rambling I know RG
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