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Everything posted by Naughty_Nadia

  1. Neither the Westin or the Marriott requires keycards to use the elevator or locks their doors.
  2. I've worked in both of them, and they both seem to be very SP friendly. You can PM me if you have any specific questions or anything. :)
  3. The guy's being hailed as a hero by people who also hate their jobs, hate dealing with the public, and fantasize about making a dramatic exit like that from their jobs. It's not that he did anything heroic. People just wish that they could quit their jobs too, but know that they need the money; so they just live vicariously through someone like him, without having to take the risk of being unemployed in this economy. Not everyone gets to have fun jobs where they get to be their own boss like I do. :)
  4. I don't mind doing short notice appointments, a lot of mine are. I always need a couple hours, so they can't be THAT short notice, because I have a bunch of extra steps that most girls don't have to take care of, but I rarely have people booking in advance. What really bugs me though, is people who get an attitude about not being able to do super short notice, like the guy who called you "irresponsible". I can't imagine how far someone's head has to be up their own butt to say something like that.
  5. Yeah, there's a CL bitchfest going on in the Halifax area. I agree that we should try and keep that stuff out of here. It's just so dumb and unprofessional.
  6. You totally had me going there too. I was like "OMG! How is this going to resolve . . . ohhhhhhhhhhh hahahah" Good job. :)
  7. It causes the head of the penis to rub up against things like the inside of your clothing all day, instead of being protected by the foreskin. This causes it to desensitize over time, and since it's where the majority of the nerves in the penis are, it makes sex less pleasurable.
  8. Seconding Pete for 8 Mile. I can't believe I forgot that one, I listen to it all the time on my ipod haha. :)
  9. I just still can't get over the fact that it makes sex feel less pleasurable. Sex is amazing, who would want to deny their child the full experience of it?
  10. I've thought of trying an agency but my mind keeps going to what Emma was talking about, why would I want to pay someone, when all they are doing is bossing me around and providing nothing?
  11. Fight Club had pretty much the best soundtrack that I've heard. Run Lola Run had an awesome soundtrack too.
  12. Circumcision reduces enjoyment from sex and makes the penis less sensitive to pleasure. That's pretty much all I need to hear to know that I would never do it to my kids. Knives and genitals just should avoid meeting.
  13. What annoys me is when I give someone my number, and I tell them straight up, "This is my personal line. Do not call it for any reason whatsoever unless I tell you to." and seriously like half the guys I give my number too end up calling and texting whenever they want, and keep trying even after I tell them not to use that phone, and to only use email.
  14. I ask for stuff like 150, and have also never been asked to make change. I'm occasionally given 160, but no one's ever been like "can I get $10 back?" I personally never carry any money to a job though. I always have a friend nearby who I meet up with after the job is over, and I'm nearby when she's working, so the one who's not there is always the one with the money. It just seems safer. There's no reason I should need money in there, so I don't bring any. Generally my purse just has condoms and lube haha. :)
  15. I have multiple orgasms without cumming, and I pretty much always have a few orgasms when I'm with any client. There's probably only been once or twice that I haven't been able too. Cumming is a different matter, it doesn't matter what the stimulation is or who it's with, if I'm not in a relaxed and comfortable enough mood, it won't happen. I've had times where I had sex for over 6 hours without cumming, I stayed hard the entire time and had easily over 50 orgasms, but I wasn't able to cum. There's been other times though that I'll just masturbate or something and I'll cum in under 2 minutes. It's something I need to figure out before I do porn I think though haha.
  16. I'm listening to DJ Shadow - Midnight in a Perfect World. Such a good song!
  17. Am I the only one who's favorite is unnatural colors? Hopefully people don't find it a turnoff or anything.
  18. You bet. :D I'm a bit more on the wild side, so I like my hair to match. :D
  19. I'm weird, in that what most people think of as "chill" music or whatever, actually stresses me out! When I want to relax I usually throw on something really intense. Like, if I put on some industrial or metal or something, I find the stress just melts away with it, instead of when I try and fight it by putting on music that doesn't match my mood. Though when other people are around and they want something more relaxing (or when I'm seeing a client or something) I'll usually go with Trip Hop. DJ Shadow has some great stuff, Portishead and Collide are amazing. :)
  20. I think that normal colors are a bit boring myself. :) I think pinks and purples make for the best hair. :D
  21. Well acronyms aren't supposed to keep the original pronunciation when you make a new word. It's supposed to be a new word that's made from the letters. So cerb would have a soft c, as in serb.
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