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Everything posted by jforjigs

  1. As described above, She's very beautiful and very nice girl. I met her yesterday. Too bad i couldn't get longer than 45 mins appointment. But, She made sure it was worth it. She's very sweet and i plan to see her again soon. @dreamweaver : She's canadian and does not have any accent. But, I am sure she'll be more than what you would expect
  2. I don't mind giving my name out. The more I make SPs feel secure and comfortable, the more enjoyable my date goes.
  3. Since when do we need special time for new idea generation?
  4. Thanks so much mods and Secret Admirer :)
  5. @ Secret Admirer : Could you please explain me why outcalls is legal? does it mean incalls are illegal? sorry i am new to this so i have to ask :S
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