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Posts posted by IamaGeek

  1. You've already had good advice in this thread. I just thought I would chime in and say that it occasionally happens to me too. However, I've never really worried about it. My enjoyment seems to stem from the intimate time together rather than the pop at the end. You know, the journey rather than the destination, etc. It would probably get old if it never happened but it is only about 25% of the time for me.

  2. Interesting question. When I was younger I always imagined that a threesome would be my ultimate fantasy realized.


    It happened and it was one of my most memorable sexual experiences. There are images, feelings and tastes that I will always remember. Like any sexual experience it depends almost entirely on the people participating. The two women involved were beautiful and very desirable. They also were attracted to each other. I don't think I am mistaken when I say that there was a chemistry between all three of us. However, I felt slightly overwhelmed at the time.


    I am incredibly happy that I had the experience, especially with the women involved. However, I don't think I will do it again (never say never). I don't think I am suited to the dynamic.


    I think I am a one on one person.

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  3. 1- if you're a gentleman does it bother you that knowing a lady can do your job just as well as you can?


    Not at all - I personally know a number of people (both male and female) who can or could do my job as well as I can.

    Sadly, the physical sciences and engineering do not have equal representation from both genders. I have tried to help this situation by working with WISEST:




    2- Would you allow her to pick up your tab for dinner?


    Of course. I have done so.


    3- Do you know a lot of successful business women?


    Depends on how you define "a lot". I certainly know some both in my field and in others.


    4- Does a successful business woman scare you about your job security or she may advance more quickly then you?


    Of course not. I believe in a meritocracy and in my ability.


    Do you feel that in 2013 things are the same, or getting better???


    I am disappointed in the poor connotation that the word "feminist" seems to have acquired but I believe that the past couple of decades have shown some small advancement.

  4. I could and I have lived comfortably without technology. I still do from time to time. However, I love it and would never choose to be without it. My books, my magazines, my music, my direct means of communication to my friends and loved ones - all wrapped up in an easily transportable package. Why would I choose to go without it?

  5. I don't think it is love them or hate them in general - at least not for me. I have none and have no plans to get any at the moment but I never say never.


    On one hand I admire some tattoos and on the other can't figure out why some that I see are so poorly done. If I was going to get something permanent on my skin I would see that it was done right.


    Anyway, I had a lot of looks as I was growing older and I regret some of them now. I'm relieved that my style choices were not always permanent. I suppose that is why I don't have any myself.

  6. Your situation sounds remarkably and painfully close to mine. My wife and I have progressed to a different but still caring relationship. Of course, despite any similarities, all situations are different enough that they cannot necessarily be resolved in the same way.


    I sympathize. PM me if you would like to talk.

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  7. Thanks to the OP for sharing his lovely story. The post and the responses have put me in mind of a blog entry I read this morning. It talks about how the people who we love and those who love us shape our identity. It tends towards considering the parent/child relationship but is applicable to anyone you love.


    The TED talk at the bottom of the article is beautiful.


    "I do not accept subtractive models of love, only additive ones."



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  8. The author may be right. Changing the law may not have changed the outcome in this particular case.


    But what about all the other countless scores of instances where it might have made a difference? Arguing for or against a law on the basis of a single case makes no sense.


    There are many people who continue to drive when they have been banned for drunk driving and then end up hurting themselves or others. It doesn't mean that we should not have laws about driving under the influence.

  9. I tend to talk a lot. I probably reveal more about my personal life than I usually intend but there are 2 reasons that this really isn't a concern. First, while I try to be discrete in my personal life, the fact that I see providers is known to my wife. Secondly, I take quite a bit of time in deciding who to see and I prefer repeat encounters with someone I know and like. This means I am already pretty confident that the provider is professional and also discrete. If I see them again it means I am that much more confident.


    As for the other way around, I worry that I occasionally cross the line since I tend to ask plenty of questions in conversation. I have no problem with someone pointing out that I am going too far. I just would hate to create an awkward situation or embarrass the provider. I'll try to reign myself in a bit.

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