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Posts posted by IamaGeek

  1. A lot of people seem very proud to say "I never watch television". If that is so, then they are missing some of the best produced shows I have ever seen - and I am including movies in that statement. There are perhaps fewer shows on network TV that I watch regularly but on the higher channels:


    Sons of Anarchy


    Game of Thrones

    Breaking Bad


    Mad Men


    One big advantage that TV has over movies is the luxury of time. Character and plot can be developed over many hours rather than a maximum of two. There is not the same need to appeal to as huge an audience either. This means that the sharper edges of the writing do not need to be filed off in order to pull in as large and faceless a crowd as possible.


    I love TV (and movies, books, theatre, etc.). People who turn down their nose at such excellent work are either just snobs or have not actually looked at these shows.

  2. I see no reason why a friendship cannot exist. I am friendly with other people who provide me with services and I am even a friend of one or two of them. Of course, we must be careful to keep the professional and the personal separate. This is the aspect which can be difficult when the services provided are of such a personal nature.


    I have not had extensive experience with SPs but I feel a slightly deeper bond with a couple of the women I have met than just the provider/client relationship. I would like to give some examples.


    Firstly, there was an SP who I had made arrangements to see but then had to cancel because of an aborted business trip. Our correspondence had been fun and interesting and I felt that this was somebody I could like. More recently some events led me to question some of my life decisions and I felt the need to discuss it with someone. I could not discuss it with the people it involved so, on a whim, I sent this provider a message. Her response was empathetic, wise and helpful. Although I have never met this person in the flesh I feel a deeper bond than a simple business relationship.


    As has been pointed out above, the false names and personae that SPs and clients adopt can prevent the relationship from going too far. However, if and when there has been enough mutual trust built up between the SP and client it is possible to move past that. I am aware of the true identity of one of the providers I see at the moment and she knows that I know. I discuss my personal life very freely with her. Also, the first SP I ever visited became known to me and I to her. Of course, it makes a difference that both of these providers are very open in their personal life about what they do and who they are. Curiously, this is part of what makes me trust them more. They are obviously seriously invested in this business and know that discretion is an essential part of their service. Additionally, I spent enough time with each of them to feel that I could trust them (although it should be noted that this is where a client could be misled by someone trying to con them).


    In any case, I feel that I could ask for help and I would be willing to provide help (if it was in my power) outside the boundaries of the usual business relationship. To me, this is one of the more important criteria for being a friend.

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  3. I'm afraid that I have been a long time lurker and have not contributed to this board before now. However, it has been too long and I feel that I must give back to something which led me to meeting Cat. I don't get to Ottawa as much as I used to and I miss my visits with this wonderful woman. I don't have anything really new to add to all the glowing reviews but I feel the need to add my voice to the chorus.


    I do not have extensive experience with SPs but I am old enough to have had rather extensive experience with people in general. Cat is beautiful, charming, intelligent, well-spoken and incredible in the bedroom. My visits always start with a chat and a drink on the couch of her lovely condo. I must admit that I usually enjoy this portion of my visit almost as much as the subsequent fun in the other room. She is able to converse on virtually any topic and comes across as very genuine. There is no pretence and, like all the best people I know, has had enough ups and downs in her life to have figured out what is important to her.


    Anyway, after we have talked for a bit, as she faces me on the couch with her drink, her leg comes up to rest on my lap. I caress the ankle as we chat and, soon enough, she slides over to sit on my lap. Where things go from there is entirely dependent on how each of us feel that day. I find it difficult to believe that there is another SP who is more intuitive regarding the desires of their client. I am rather vanilla (with the occasional little quirk) when it comes to these matters but I sense that, given enough trust and understanding between Cat and her client, the limits extend farther than I could probably imagine. I have always left extremely satisfied and happy and planning my next visit.


    Thank you, Cat for those memorable afternoons. I will see you next time I am in Ottawa.

  4. The pros list is longer than my arm but the top 5 are...


    1. The wisdom to stay present and truly appreciate the moment

    2. The joy of not taking any of the little things for granted

    3. Amazing relationships that are relatively drama free

    4. Amazing physical and sexual awareness that continues to get better

    5. Recognizing that life is precious yet not to be taken seriously


    What is age? I don't have the answer for that but I've decided that it really doesn't matter in my life; I'm just me. Sometimes I feel 16 and everything is silly and fun, other times I'm ancient with quiet serenity. It is impossible to average out an age that I "am". For work, if I could pick an age to fill in the box, it would be 35 but I know it isn't accurate so I've decided to be ageless. Sometimes I put in 99, other times it's 75 and when I'm not caring I put in "timeless". In my day to day life, I refuse to give a number unless it's on a government form because it all depends on how old I am that day...


    Spot on, Cat. I couldn't have said it better myself. The 'pros' list can be summed up quite nicely by saying that, if you are paying attention, you gain perspective with age.


    By the way, if someone were to ask me what age you look, I would just say 'beautiful'.

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