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Sensual Erin

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Posts posted by Sensual Erin

  1. Pete, I have one comment to make in this thread. For someone that is retiring quietly, you have positively commented with everyone that agrees with your take on the situation here. You're still hanging in there so all is not completely lost from your starting this thread? You have many that look highly upon you and your status here.


    However, I'm just a lady that gives the same advice I give myself. We're not always going to be right, not everyone will agree and we're all of different views. I"m learning that more and more as I spend time here. Your posts have been appreciated, but diversity is now key and we are evolving.


    Hoping you do come back as I'm pretty discouraged too by this posting. We're much stronger together than being divided right? Perhaps in most situations.....


    Happy Holidays everyone.



    • Like 1

  2. This video is so sweet. I couldn't give you rep points Emma, but have sent this video to three of my friends for Christmas. Thank you for sharing.


    I love love love dogs...and all dogs are puppies to me just like our children will always be our babies...


    Lets make this the official puppy thread.


    ...this is what i'd like under my tree.

  3. I would like to add that in my situation, the cancellation fee is subjective and I've only had to enforce it once with a client that just decided he was within his rights to just not show up. When I did ask him what happened, he admitted he got sidetracked and couldn't make it. He's a regular of mine and has tried to disrespect my time on a few occasions. The night I asked what happened, he made no apologies. He thinks because he see's me often, which was suggested in this thread by a few, that it all adds up to the same thing anyway. I don't care if you see me once a week or once a year in this case. It very inconsiderate.


    I had no problem letting him know how much compensation he did need to bring me when he messaged the next week for another apt. If he wanted to see me again, it was the least he could do to pay for my preparation time. If not, he is quite welcome to find another provider. I had mixed feelings about the fee, so that's why I started this thread.


    Thanks to those that let me know my policy is fair, and for contributing to a very informative subject.

  4. First my family and friends


    My cell phone








    My morning coffee


    The ladies here during my stay as a member. They're my strength and support system during times that are challenging. As much as I value and appreciate the Gents, the emotional support I've received from the ladies is invaluable.


    Things I thought I needed but gave up:


    My microwave


    My cable. Just cancelled it and will report back on that one.

  5. I'm not touching this thread, well maybe just a little but I hope this in not another case of the boys ganging up on the girls? Charlotte and Berlin have good points and this is a good question for MOD to answer? Let's stick to the facts even though it may be good wank material. If belongs in another area boys, you'll have to wank off there. Did I just say that?

  6. Please stop taking me to private chat when you're from way out on the other side of Canada and have no intention of booking, asking what I offer and what you would like to experience.


    Number 1: You have taken me to private chat before and promised to see me in a week or so after I spent a great deal of time talking to you. I gave you the benefit of the doubt you may be visiting our city and inquiring about my services. You never booked and now several months later.


    #2. Please don't act like you don't remember this when I call you out on it. You've done it to other ladies too I know.


    #3. Stop being a major WOT! I speak to members all the time about general stuff in chat so expect the same from you.


    #4. Please don't request to take me to private chat again and distract me from members that are there that have engaged in good chat.


    Passive aggressive rant done!

  7. I think this is a crucial point for travelling ladies. One of our members from the East coast traveled here last spring and this was additionally mentioned in the Ottawa reco area that she had a few last minute cancellations. It was Sophia Varoushka, if she does not mind my mention, and Cato kindly reminded the guys just as you have. If the Gentleman want the ladies from other provinces or cities visiting, please do not cancel at all even with notice as their cost is high to travel and the decision to do so is based on this factor.

    Ifa n apt. needs to be cancelled in this case for any reason, definitely a cancellation fee is appropriate and should be pre paid.





    I would also think that one of the other reasons that touring ladies have higher rates in general would be due to cancellations that have to factored in when talking about ROI in their travel costs, hotels.. ect.


    The part that really needs to come through in all of this is, if you are not 100 percent sure you can honor your appt, don't book it! It causes everyone grief, it makes the no show look like a schmuck and in the end everybody loses.

  8. Very well said RG, as a very respectful Gentleman. I don't like to see this thread go into "she could have done this, or avoided that." Please let's avoid what she could have done to avoid abuse? This has nothing to do with Isabella and everything to due with the client. He's the danger and do believe Isabella is courageous and strong by sharing her story. Not everyone calls out violence due to fear or retribution.


    I know as well Isabella is a very caring, kind individual and did not deserve this under any circumstance! No excuse!


    Additionally, Isabella has warned the other ladies. She's handled this situation with the class and dignity I admire and respect her for.



    First, you did nothing wrong.

    Second, tell the man (through pm/email) the only way to make it up to you is to reimburse you for the no show. And as jafo said, use email money transfer or credit card

    Third, your call since you were there, but when he physically touched you, did you feel in any danger. If so, perhaps a warning to the other ladies. This is unacceptable behaviour, no excuses. If he would do it to one lady, he would likely do it to another lady. As a sidebar, I was ripped off, no other way to put it, to the tune of $500.00 once, but there is no way I would or could bring myself to physically assault the "lady" to get the money back. This guy showed his true colours

    As for the replies in general, call it a gut level emotional first reaction reply. We like you Isabella, and don't want to see someone wrong you, or any lady for that matter. You deserve to be treated much better


    • Like 5

  9. Thanks Pete,


    I've had to cancel a few times myself on short notice as especially in this profession, a client just may not be able to give ample notice in delicate situations. IE: The SO has come home and now you have to shovel. Texting in these types of situation is not always available. These situations are completely valid and as providers we are understanding. My mother showed up once unexpected, and I had to cancel last minute on that note. :) I then offer a discount for a rain check as it goes both ways.


    I fully understand why a lady would introduce or has a cancellation fee, as they say "time is money".


    Over the years I could count on one hand the number of times that I have had given proper notice (more than 12 hours noticed to cancel an appointment for legit reasons).


    Now on the other hand, I have had many more times, where I have been actually totally forgotten,text at 30 minutes before hand, delayed for 30 minutes or greater, phone called to be canceled on while driving to her place,emailed, and only been offered an apology, which is fine I fully understand that other issues may arise for her as well. My time is important as well though.



    But the few times, to be fully forgotten, she also has made my list. It is a two way street, and I fully understand why some ladies would do it(having a cancellation fee), because of the loss revenue (potentially another client).


    Just my two cents on the subject.

  10. Thanks for all the feedback everyone. It's something I'm implementing on a case by case basis. I only have one so far that has been a little inconsiderate and has stood me up for no reason. He proceeded to make another apt. a week after and did let him know he needed to bring me a nominal fee as his actions were not right. He's the type of client that would not have thought to do this if I hadn't asked. He paid it with no problem but I had mixed feelings about it. That's mainly why I ask. There's been great thoughts presented in this thread from both sides.


    I will happily answer your questions Jabba. I welcome all opinions in this topic:


    Show-up for an appointment only to have a client no-show


    It happens and depending on how the business owner handles this problem, it's case by case.


    Show-up for an appointment only to have a client want to have a totally different experience.


    My communication process with a potential new client is detailed and they know exactly what to expect. It's never happened as anyone new knows my services, restrictions, boundaries and limits before an apt is made. I've never experienced this due to a stringent pre apt. rapport with my client so all is understood. I would simple not proceed with a client that wants a totally different experience. I let them know I'm not for them and if they ask during an apt. I would not book again with them.


    Show-up for an appointment only to have a client no pay


    My clients pay before the encounter starts to take this out of the way and not have to worry about the money after. I've not had a problem with this procedure, and this ensures I'm not cheated.


    So, and I realize this makes a very challenging question - why do you think your services should be immune to real world experience.


    I do believe this business is a part of the "real world" and no business is immune. That's why I asked for feedback. As providers, we can implement procedures to make sure our business thrives like all others. It's simply good business practice.


    Wouldn't it be nice if everything went the way it should?


    Oh would it ever be nice but as a realist I cannot answer this one Jabba. Any suggestions? :)


    Sorry if I sound harsh.


    Not harsh at all. I don't mind answering all questions or concerns in this thread as the others have.




    Additional Comments:


    I'm just wondering what the other ladies and gents thoughts are of implemented "no show" cancellation fee for the next apt. if the client does not rebook as soon as he's able? I've had a few no show's and am always willing to book again promptly after a cancellation if a rain check is made and the client had a valid reason. I'm very reasonable and understand life comes up. The reason I ask this, is I had one no show in particular that had a valid reason and let me know after I messaged him asking what happened. He had an good explanation. I offered this person a rain check and have yet to hear back. There was plenty of opportunity to rebook. As a result, if he possibly contacts me again months down the line it would be nice to have him make up the time I put in getting ready for the apt. I think there's still an absence of consideration when it comes to the matter of how much time we prepare to see our clients. It's not just the apt. time.


    Thoughts please? This in no way implies a fee if I have to cancel. In fact, when I have had to for a valid reason, I take a percentage off my rain check offer after I apologize profusely. I know it's implemented with a few travelling ladies as last minute cancellations and no shows are a very different thing in their situation.





    I totally agree with PK - As someone in the contractor business, I get the following business situations. It is NOT exclusive to Ottawa - just the cost of doing business:


    Show-up for an appointment only to have a client no-show

    Show-up for an appointment only to have a client want to have a totally different experience.

    Show-up for an appointment only to have a client no pay


    So, and I realize this makes a very challenging question - why do you think your services should be immune to real world experience. Wouldn't it be nice if everything went the way it should?


    Sorry if I sound harsh.

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