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Posts posted by waterat

  1. What Bonnie says is right on point. I've visited her a couple of times and wish it were more. My totally open provision of information made both of our visits comfortable and spectacular. "That's the way that the world goes round", to quote John Prine, whom I'm still mourning the loss of to covid; yet even more invested in his songs, 


    "It's a half an inch of water and you think you're gonna drown"

    Screen alrady. It's so straight forward and simple.

    Aside: there are great version of the song I linked that involved a 'Happy Enchilada", lol. Enunciation was not Prine's strong suit. Though neither was listening for the fan, lol. When I was a very little boy my grandmother would always remind me,; whenever i felt ill treated my my much older siblings, that the pancake may be thin but it always has two sides.

    Simple choice: meet a lady's screening protocol and have a great visit or don't and expet disappointment.

    I recognize there are many factors that come to bear in these interactions and acknowledge that each one is unique. It's not difficult  to put on your thinking cap and figure out what works for you.



  2. As a senior with multiple underlying health conditions, I won't be at a club anytime soon. Sadly, my perception is that the healthy (and much admired) strong young dancers are part of the population that has a good chance of being asymptomatic yet effective spreaders of the virus. 

    The results of 'early' opening without effective control protocols in place (nail spa in Kingston, for example) to say nothing of Texas and Florida as well as other states gives us information. 

    My last club visit was a farewell tour to Barb's on the Wed. before it closed..... so clearly I'm not one whe frequents clubs!

    Remaining cautious and quarantined, 


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  3. LOL I voted commando - it's not that I'm interested in rushing past the enticement and seduction; but truly my main insterest is to admire and worship the female form! I've provided many gift cards to lingerie retailers but they're intended for the ladies to enjoy. My intention is ultimately to remove it all :).

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  4. A terrible situation. And here's the answer: you need to call the cops. I know all the current news may not inspire confidence. He's the one breaking the laws in many ways. She's extremely unlikely to be charged for using drugs. 

    No idea where you're writing from but here in Ottawa the Police Service (despite other failings - and those are less common than the positive and supportive interactions) have a female officer assigned to assist and support sex workers. She has been referenced and acknowledged by our local sex worker collective, OIC, Ottawa Independent Companions. I'm hoping you can find the same support in your location.

    If nothing is reported or done about this then it will likely be a short time until another sex worker is attacted and abused. 

    Don't get me wrong, I fully recognize how difficult this situation is, so I'm not suggesting it's easy. I'll simply hope that you and your friend are able to recover from the shock and find the best thing to do FOR YOU.

    Thorough screening is always important. Most of our local ladies, and touring ones too, will only do an outcall to an upscale hotel. In the 10 years I've been seeing SWs I've only had three ladies visit me at my home but they already knew me well, full name, phone number, email, business and trust had been established. This is not a 'blame' comment. Clearly the client was the only one who created any trouble.

    Stay safe,

    Best, waterat

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  5. Never been there but recognize the address - it has been around for awhile. I'll note the LL ad was posted in the escort section so 'additional' services are likely available. Equip yourself with the cash you're prepared to spend and stick to your budget. 

    Personally I prefer to know the service and pricing ahead of time but I'm guessing you'll not get answers through text....

  6. Haven't seen her nor have I noticed her on leolist before - not that that means much. I would suggest going to the Ottawa recommendation section on here and see if there's someone there who appeals. I'm batting 1.000 here on Lyla but have to admit to a few leolist mistakes experienced. Do your homework: use tineye, and other image search tools. Text and/or call (she clearly prefers texts so start that way) to get a sense of whether it's a good option for you. 

    I generally always stick with lyla ladies, These new times have altered both client and provider approaches. 

    Ask Jess if she'll offer some sort of online option to help you decide.

    • Like 2

  7. Hey Jaden, I understand that you're in a communiity with priamrily itinerant sex workers but, clearly, lyla is your best resource.  Take the time and engagement to establish your lyla profile and choose to engage with ladies who advertise here. I'm writing from Ottawa, where there are many options,  so I understand the limitations in Fort Mac (yep, I've worked there).  I tend to only book providers from Ottawa or who visit here regularly , who have an active profile on Lyla and who have a reputation here. I've had a few leolist disappointments but nothing dangerous.... so far! 

    • Like 2

  8. I love my Scotch Whisky - don't have in the apartment at the moment: I'm fearful that I'd start day drinking it, put myself in the poorhouse and end up unable to crawl to my bed, lol.

    I still remeber my first bottle of Glenliver 15 yo. I had just resigned my position at Waterloo and went to the Prospectors and Developers Association conventiion at the Royal York in Toronto to track down a new job. One of my technicians from the university had previouslly worked for Getty Mines and had the key to their hospitiality suite so when I saw him there he immediately myself and a friend up to the suite and handed each of us a full bottle of Glenlivet. No job but alot of fun at the convention that night! Always have whisky when getting together with my ski team and grad school buddies.

    I tend to switch and try a new-to-me scotch though I am rather partial to the smoky taste of Talisker.

  9. Back in early 2011 Cerb was extremely Ottawa centric and I simply googled escorts ottawa and Cerb was one of top two hits. I just tried it again now and lyla didn't meke it onto the first page of links. I had started viewing Cerb for a few months without registering but back then you could only view 5 posts if you weren't registered and then you'd get bumped off - I joined, lol. I appreciate the positive approach on this forum and never visit any of the other 'erb sites.

    • Like 3

  10. Yes the fish, corals and scenery were spectacular. We got on our dive boat in Fort Lauderdale and all six of us got violently sea sick on the crossing to the Bahamas - only rough part of the trip. We were there for 8 days and toured aroundto numerous islands. We went to the casino one evening in Freeport with the agreement we would each spent $20 and gamble until everyone had lost their money. Of course I won $150 on my first pull at the slot machine. It only took about 3 hours for all of us to lose our $20 stakes and all winning, lol.

  11. On 6/16/2020 at 2:36 PM, JoeBleau said:

    blatant spelling and grammar errors are a quick no from me, cross reference ads to see where and when they may have also been posted. .....


    I've noticed a good number of providers won't post a direct face picture, for obvious reasons.  So be weary of seemingly 

    LOL, yes wary and weary are two very different words......

    I do acknowledge the rest of your post..... - though you've only joined the board 3 days ago and have 11 posts: that's a good thing.

  12. 5/26/2020 at 5:35 PM, grizzlybear said:"...  if you invite someone into your private space, you invite your address being broadcasted and you have no recourse legally or otherwise."

    In this business nobody 'invites' their address to be broadcast, Clients and SW's alike: these activities deserve and demand respect. Sex work just slightly increases the risk both ways, though I believe it's greater for providers. And there is recourse, both legal and otherwise. SarahAlexxx's comment above made me spray my computer screen with coffee, lol!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1

  13. On 5/24/2020 at 9:41 AM, NotchJohnson said:

    I'm not quite clear on the specific of what happened here but I think that Melanie said that her exact location was given to her new clients from another member from Lyla, am I right?

    If her exact location was given to the new client, who is to be blacklisted?  The new client, the Lyla member or both? 

    Both. No dispute or discussion.

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  14. On 5/24/2020 at 1:18 PM, Greenteal said:

        To be clear, sharing that information was wrong. That's true

      But in my opinion, what was said and in what context matters. Nope. Wrong is wrong period

      Most cases of doxing are maliciously done with the intent of damaging ones reputation. But in this case, we seen no evidence of that. We're not a court, we're the internet: see comment above. As far as we know, he could be one of Melanie's most generous patrons who accidently dropped that information while writing a private recommendation. Clearly not a 'private reco' then: whatever that means.  But we also don't know that. This could only be clarified if the member in question privately explained himself and apologized to her. Doesn't help. Melanie was obviously creeped out by this or she wouldn't have started this thread.

      I certainly understand (your comments indicate you don't) how unsettling the situation can be (is) and hopefully Melanie will soon get answers and some peace of mind. Not holding my breath, though my thoughts are with her.


    My experience, here in Ottawa, has been that most providers only offer location during an immediate pre-meeting phone call. Doesn't offer complete discretion but does limit the risk of that being easily and inappropriately shared.

    At this stage I'll choose not to comment further, (oh yeah, I've got waaay more thoughts on this but they stray too close the edge of lyla rules) so I'll simply post two video links: one from Arlo Guthrie and the other from the Canadian treasure, Willie P. Bennet. I've shared WPB with Greenteal before but the message hasn't been recognized. Willie and I shared harmonicas at the Ottawa Folk festival back in the late 90's (something that doesn't happen these days!) : Anyway two good questions to address. I know where I stand. I do, and always will, stand with my sex worker friends


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