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Posts posted by Gentleman11

  1. Flew in specifically for the last one and had a fantastic time - count me in for this one!!!!


    I would be remiss in not thanking Angela and Nicki for their super event during the May get together and the organizing that went in to it - no small effort!


    The one and only CERB social event I attended (and specifically flew in to for). iI was a class act - fun, lots of anedotal conversation, and filled with warmth, ambiance, and OK - very subtle (I mean very), classy sexuality.


    Short Version is that is is a class act and can't wait for the next one!





  2. I had the fantastic experience of visiting the most recent CERB Social in Ottawa (thanks to organizers to Nicolette Vaughn and AngelaofOttawa). In addition to meeting the incredibly warm and welcoming hospitality of the CERB community in Ottawa, Everyone had the pleasure of meeting folks from acorss the country, but mainly Ottawa based for obvious reasonjs.


    There were several Atlantic CERBites who were enjoying the fantastic and genuinely warm hospitality of the graciuous Ottawa hosts.


    It was not much of a stretch to copy this idea and see if it would be of interest the the CERB community down here. I recently ran this idea by a very well reviewed SP lady here and she had a very positive view, in fact, so positive, she was willing to help organize.


    Short version is that I would like to guage the interest factor about holding an inaugral CERB get together here in Atlantic Canada - Halifax would be the proposed initial site, but that could be easily changed based on responses.


    What are your thoughts?

    1. Is this a credible idea?

    2. Timing - early, late summer or fall

    3. Location - Halifax or other?

    4. Duration - evening event 6PM till closing

    5. Other


    The inaugral event could be modelled on the hugely successful event held in Ottawa organized by Nicki & Angela last month (May 11) - Very classy, discreet location, business casual attire, event location and particulars only provided to those registered and paid up. Registration fees would be in the under $50 range, ladies n/c.


    Having said that, all suggestions are open - after all the "Kitchen Party Format" works beautifully down here as well...


    It would be wonderful to see the Atlantic region have a larger presence in the CERB landscape in my view and would love to help facilitate making this happen.


    Any and all feedback is more than welcome!



    • Like 1

  3. I'm still relatively new at hobbying but have been doing acitve research here in NS. Having initially done my studies both inside and outside the CERB community, I have arrived at one definite conclusion - the CERB community reference is the gold standard.


    The CERB NS ladies here have quite simply raised the bar on many levels - honesty, transperancy, intelligence, safety and just plain incredible sexualty. I would love for CERB continue to grow here in NS and will volunteer to help make it so. The excellent CERB social I visited in Ottawa last month would serve as a great blue print for an NS experience. In fact I shared time with a lady 2 nights ago who is keen to organize a similar one down here.


    I would encourage the entire commonity, especially the NS folks to contribute, especially at the grass roots level.


    SPEAK UP NS FOLKS, its a great opportunity for us......


    Musings from a NS CERB believer....



  4. Amongst our neighbors in this quiet crescent, we have an unwritten understanding here, details as follows;


    1. Check with neighbors before application (pets & kids safe) first and then apply freely.

    2. No need for "midnight fertilizing"

    3. NOTWITHSTANDING CLAUSE - since municipal parks, privately & publicly owned golf courses are exempt from the ban, I consider that putting every now in the yard, combined with neighborhood kids playing on or near the lawn that (constitutes a park) I am now exempt.......


    Musings from a guy who hates having to define common sense - now on to the best butts posts.....



  5. Big boobs, little boobs - big dick little dicks: ever hear this conversation before (lol). I'm a nipple guy, if the nipples are sensitive & demonstratively reactive I don't care if the breast is huge or small. Having said that (second thoughts), small breasts with a high obvious sensitivity work better for me - YMMV.


    Love the topic!



  6. As a fairly new hobbyist I have yet to experience the sad & unexpected signing off by others - some to return and some not.


    Having said that, the number of new hobbyists, SP's MP's and others make this CERB experience a constantly rejuvenating one so far in my limited but great experience anyways. I look forwaqrd to seeing the number of new members who join daily, albeit many are just curious or lurkers, but all are none-the-less welcome.


    Thank you for the reflections and fond memories of good things gone by and hopefully we can all look forward to great things on the horizon brought in by a wave of continuiing fresh insights by new folks.


    More musings...



  7. As much as I enjoy the might of mother nature, being a single parent with a youngster in the arms of both hurricane Juan and White Juan, I appreciate the value of a well equipped home - generator, alternative heating, loads of supplies and... wonderful books and deep conversations that might not have otherwise taken place....



  8. CERB to me is a place to go to and have fun with friends, it a personal space for me and a place I am coming to cherish. Having said that, I want to say a couple of things and hopefully open some windows... a bit.


    Government - After 7 years & 4 elections (2 of which were unnessary at $300 million each) , we need some healing time in this country in my humble view. Let's slow down a & lick our collective wounds & reflect a bit and most importantly count our blessings. We've got a country and living space that is literally the envy of the world.


    Make no mistake, I'm not a fan of the initial moves of our new leader & his team has made, but all of us are responsible for the political system unto which his government has been elected. We have to live by our collective decision for the next 4 years, at least.


    We've got one hell of a good place to live, prosper and grow - some would say "the envy of the world" - let's not forget that. I've have had the blessing of travelling throughout many parts of the world over a long period of time. One of the biggest lessons I've learned throuhout those travels is that Canada is argueably the best place in the world to "come home to"


    Now, have to check out the best bums.....forgive me for ranting


    Musings from guy who has a few miles under his belt....



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  9. I realize drlove posted this for the ladies but wanted to echo his remarks. This is a great city and from what I understand supports local and traveling SP's & MP's very well. Not too mention the fact that the historic scenery combined with restaurants, night life and general sense of vibrancy amongst many other things, make this a great spot to spend some time in.


    Hope to see you here!



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