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Posts posted by Gentleman11

  1. I'm single and really enjoy a fine perfume on a woman who enjoys it and wears it subtly and with pride - not show. Conversely, if a woman is not in to perfumes, clean and natural is every bit as good. It boils down to the lady being comfortable in her own skin and how she projects herself and how the gentleman carries himself and adapts.



  2. Once a day. This is a little reward after a day's work. I like looking at the new posts, in particular the general discussion area. Vanity dictates that I look at my own viewed count (lol) and hopefully see a pm.


    Thanks for starting this thread. As a hobbyist in to CERB for a few months now, it is interesting to see the more experienced hobbying CERBites' viewing patterns - love to see some of the ladies' ones.


    Thx again,



  3. Dressed in suits the 3 of us guys have finished a "lively" business meeting upstairs and are continuiing the serious discussion as we go down the elevator for beers. It is just the 3 of us in the lift and we stop half way down as another passenger gets on. The new passenger is a gorgeous young lady and is dressed in very business conservative & professional attire.


    The one of us who is closest to the door and elevator buttons is also the most conservative, polite gentleman you will ever meet. He very politely asks "going down". She (cross my heart), .......looks at him, pauses, and then says "not before drinks and dinner". The rest of the very short ride was absolute silence as the three of us metaphorically picked our jaws up off the floor while she had the most self satisfied smirk on her face I've ever seen.


    Well maybe this didn't meet the basic threshold of the thread's seam, it kinda fits in my weard kind of thinking.....



    • Like 1

  4. Many thanks for the great stories so far, love the shared experiences. Here is another of my more interesting adventures. I've heard variations of embarassing kid stories at the checkout before but this one happened to me.


    I worked part time at a national grocer during high school for a few years packing groceries at the checkout. Watching the ladies (and MILF's) at the register was the best job in the store for a part timer - stocking shelves and cleaning were at the other end of the spectrum.


    I've heard about embarassing stories at the checkout, (no wallet, expired coupons, discount request, incorrect counts, etc - you get the drift). The best one happened when a cranky youngster with his mother and another in her arms was demanding, repeatedly and increasingly loudly a candy bar that was next to the cash. She refused, he persisted, she adamantly refused, he got belligerent This went on for a bit when finally the little guy says in a raised voice "IF YOU DON'T GET ME THAT CANDY BAR I'M GOING TO TELL EVERY ONE I SAW YOU WITH DADDY'S PENIS IN YOUR MOUTH THIS MORNING".


    The poor lady grabbed both the kids, left the groceries and raced out of the store. I never said a word about this (was dumbstruck) but the cashiers spread it like wildfire.



    • Like 1

  5. I truly enjoy this site and all the ecletic views and opinions so generously shared. However, one of my favorite things is hearing some of the lighter sides of things that have made us individually what we are collectively.


    Sometimes we can get all wrapped up in righteous views on things but one of the many things I enjoy about CERB is the sense of humour and perspective this site offers. Having said that, it would be nice to hear some more humourous anecdotes about our earlier days.


    Mine starts out when I was in grade 8 having planned that big day when I was going to get my first package of condoms. Not that I would actually use them for their intended purpose, but so that I would be able to get that tell tale oval shape, showing in one's leather wallet after is had been in a back pocket a while - its kind of a right of manhood for guys in my day anyways.


    We were living in Montreal and I decided to peddle my bycicle to the next city early one Saturday morning so as to arrive at the pharmacy (condoms were only sold at pharmacies behind the counter then) when it opened. I got there at 9 AM and went to the back where this elderly crusty pharmacist was doing his thing behind the counter. I went up to the counter looking way up and mumbled my intended purchase request, the pharmacist played me like a fiddle (as I'm sure he'd done many a time). "What was that young fella?" he said, I repeated my request once again turning 5 shades of red looking all over the room noting the many curious customers hearing his elevated voice. He then says "oh you want some propylatics, is that right?" I mumbled my confirmation.


    He then says in a raised voice with a slow delivery "WHAT SIZE? SMALL MEDIUM OR LARGE?", I turned around raced out of the store and peddled my bycylce as fast as I could back home feeling sure the police were going to arrest me at any time.


    Care to share some of your earlier lighter experiences?



    • Like 3

  6. This type of behavior is clearly well planned (premeditated I guess is the term). I realized the options for addressing it can be limited, given the circumstances however the generosity and empathy of your collective views is commendable. YOur reactions are certainly at the "classier" end of the scale of appropriate reactions inj my view anyways.


    Personally I hope the ladies will register any such encounter here on CERB ( I guess the SP portal as a start) and the general site post as well.


    Musings from G11

  7. You just reminded me of things from days gone by. I too used to look at the lady servers with a more than casual eye. The personal contact, one on one smiles meant alot at the time, more so than the stage smiles.


    I used to wonder if "some" of them were dancers in training and serving was a kind of on-the-job training or apprenticeship.


    Fond memories, must go and revisit them at the local club here.


    Thanks again!



  8. I emailed her back tonight after hearing form you all and thanked her for her honest and no BS response. I also said (speaking honestly) that hopefully we can get together later this week.


    What a great sounding board this site is, thanks again one and all to those who took the time to offer their insight!



  9. This is likely a story which comes up from time to time but it was a first for me. I booked a lady early last evening for an inservice appointment today at noon. We went back and forth a bit about the time and agreed she would email me or phone at 10:30 in the morning (first get together) with the locale. Well the time came and went. I sent her a couple of emails this morning (light hearted, "are you up, lol" kind of thing) and nothing happened.


    She emailed back at 11:40, 20 mins before the appointment and said she just got up at 11:40 (Sun AM) and hoped I might want to rebook later in the week - no other reasoning.


    Normally I wouldn't even give this a second thought and be done with it, however, she is a lady that has been well recommended here over a period of time.


    I haven't responded to her email and was looking for a little collective CERB advice, anyone care to offer some. My gut says to say that everyone has brain dumps every now and then and maybe the odd hangover.


    Guys / ladies, Would you rebook? move on? or have any other advice?

  10. Seeing as I live in the area and am growing more-and-more aware of the local scene, I want to advise folks that this is the second time that the Citadel has been the scene of such an "instance" WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. They received significant bad press over the last incident. The Citadel here is known as a well located, safe, and low key hotel long favoured by location consciousness business types.


    My gut says that management was embarassed the first time round and is out to prevent similar bad press in the future and therefore kept/keeps an look out for this kind of activity. BTW, the Halifax Police Headquaters is literally directly behind the hotel.


    Musings from a guy with a little local knowlege....

  11. Canada! period.


    I've had the priviledge of traveling thoughout many parts of the world for several years. Fast fowarding through the patriotic stuff, at the end of the day, this is the most incredible country on earth to come home to. We Canadians are spoiled rotten in so many ways (my view) and have so much to be grateful for, and yet we complain to other Canadians (and whoever else will listen to our self serving drivel) about how hard done by we are.


    As an American diplomat recently opined about us about our sanctimonious view of world affairs in one of the recent Wiki leaks scandal leaks; "moral outrage is a Canadian specialty". They are right in my humble view....


    Incidentally, I loved one of the responses I heard from a Canadian diplomat replying to the heavily quoted leak (from the US diplomat), "Is that all? you should hear what we say about you".


    Be grateful folks and thank the immigrants who are choosing Canada as their new home - they are are future.


    Musings from a very grateful Canadian

  12. Just got back in town after the party and was really please to see all the kudos goling to the organizers. They deserve a huge nominated post by all and a special thanks in so many ways goes to Nicki and her team Angela and Shortcake.


    Coming from away and meeting all for the first time was so easy - thanks to the graciousness of all involved. What a great crowd CERB is and I definitely look forward to coming to the next one!


    The biggest thing I took away is putting faces, smiles and conversation to the many names I've corresponded with in different ways through CERB.



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  13. One of the many things I like about this site is that one is able to sort through through the BS pretty quick - age (real) being one of them, simply by engaging in conversation, finding reviews, reading threads and/or posts. Age doesn't hide well here I'm finding so far - I might be naive, but my gut has worked well for me these many years and my trust for this site has grown exponentially over these few months since joining.


    Thx RG for the simple yet thought provoking question.

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