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Posts posted by Gentleman11

  1. Multiple calls for car dates from the same incall hotel dates - Change hotels, that "dog don't hunt and that pig don't fly" in my books. Something is not right there, get out. There are tons of good guys looking for good dates but this scenario is not encouraging..... The best case scenario here is that they are trying to be "thrifty"....


    Musings from a guy whose "weird radar" is pretty good and warning/flashing lights are going off here!!!!!

  2. Having been a member now for a bit, am wondering if the SP'ing/hobbying ratio is slightly distorted (OK rhetorical question) by the number of SP's and hobbyists in our nations' illustrious capita vs the rest of the country on this site.


    Seriously though, I would love to hear a few words / extended views from all provinces and territories, in partucular how we can get more CERBite involvement from across the land. The chat site is fun diversion, but it appears to be pretty Ottawa centric, no disrespect to the Ottawa folks but it would seem to me, would offer a different and another sexual / fun dimension if we could capture more input / humour / views etc from other folks....


    Don't get me wrong at all. I'm flying in to Ottawa on Wed for the CERB social of Thurs for the first time and am really looking forward to meeting all - no ulterior motives here - just fun & diversity!


    Musings from a who thinks from both heads ......

  3. There are any number of services out here that you can call forward to (15 seconds effort) to personally (and anonomously) take your message and text you the info for your later response. I use a service here in Halifax that I turn on and turn off several times throughout the day rather than using my secretary.


    Nothing replaces the personal, human touch unless of course you want to be one of the regular, run-of-the-mill SP`s....


    Musings from a guy who values connection.

  4. At the risk of being anti-anti, I loved the show! I'm a definite "anti-Canadian monarchist", but what the Brits do is their own business and it made for outstanding real life TV.


    Let`s ligthen up a bit and savour some of life`s moments`a bit - with all the negative crap out here, this little bit of shining light was pretty good in my humble view.


    And before some talk about the milions of dollars in cost for the event, its important to remember that the event drew a BILLION dollar plus boost to the UK economy, not to mention the incredible positive boost to the national self confidence.


    I would love to get rid of the GG and all the LG`s in the provinces and dump the Senate, but what the Brits do is their own business - let`s not rain on their parade....


    Musings from an amateur politico and anti-Canadian monarchist...

  5. Nicki has been organizing the social next week and as far as I can tell is doing a great job and I was looking forward to meeting her to thank her (personally & professionally) for her efforts, now thanks to PP, I'm going to have ulterior motives and fantasies on my mind!


    Don't know whether to thank you PP or curse you!...lol

  6. As a guy well past 40, and I use the word "generally" very liberally, I prefer women over 25 - YMMV


    I once heard many years ago from a famous source and I can't remember the source, who said that men shouldn't "date" women younger than half their age plus ten years......


    Musings from a single (again) guy who is into emotional maturity...(OK sensitive breasts drive me crazy as well)

  7. I too had the lovely occasion to visit with Jasmin today and found it to be one of the most exquisite experiences I've ever had. To put this in perspective, much as can2904 offered, I have traveled quite a bit as well, including many, many trips to Thailand. She is simply a sensual, sweet, sublimely sexual person that makes you feel like a king. Her "after" pillow talk warms the soul and is accentuated by her lovely feminine laughter.


    I too thoroughly encouraged her to visit again and she indicated that she will be back in June or July.

  8. Definitely, definitely hot! with exclamation marks in my view! Having said that, lets qualify it a bit - 2 legged camels only, no costumes.......


    Great thread, made my night!


    Additional Comments:

    $@%&, I hit the send button before reading Old Dog's reply, exception is the right hand photo....lol

  9. "The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat" to use a older sports broadcasting term from the ABC Wide World of Sports days comes to mind. What I'm learning from this site that the homework capability that this site provides, saves a whole bunch of guessing - no guarantees but sure improves the odds of a warm, thought provoking incredible satisfying SAFE experience - repeat at your own risk / reward.


    Musings from a guy with ecletic & sensual interests

  10. Am going through a bit of a rough patch right now, but have always found that solitude in regular small doses is good for the soul - it has a rejuvinating effect. I find this site and the folks here in particular, very honest, introspective, articulate and like to let their collective hair hang down.


    Musings from a guy who values heart felt & honest conversation (no saintly stuff thought!)

  11. Come on folks, I know we are a community here but the common thread is not politics.


    I'm a bit of a politico junkie in real life and enjoy a great debate. To be honest though, I really would rather share politcal conversations in other venues - CERB is not the platform for airing political rants / views / opinions in my humble view.


    Remember, why did we log on here - To talk about a Harper / Igggy / Layton threesome - not.....


    Musings from an amateur political junkie who loves the ladies...

  12. Voice messages, full mail boxes, auto generated out of the area messages, full mail boxes, unanswered calls, stupid, insensitve repetitive callers are a new reality in my view - and yet,just another minor challenge to deal with in the grand scheme of things in our world.


    The challenge is to market the SP / hobbyist product in the most effective manner. Hmmmm; CERB;& Escorts - Canada comes to mind, PM's, continued private call blocking and all the other measures I'm sure our experienced SP's are very familiar with.


    As a hobbyist, I feel badly for the ladies but know that the leadership (& solutions) will prevail, and yes the world's oldest profession will continue to prosper, thankfully.


    Thank you ladies, you all make my day more often than you know.


    Musings from a techically challenged, but an eager student....

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