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Posts posted by baileydog

  1. ... nice ... it might not have been the same if the other guy had won


    AP ... Published: Friday, 14 Dec 2012 | 9:17 AM ET


    President Barack Obama says he won't go after Washington state and Colorado for legalizing marijuana.


    In a Barbara Walters interview airing Friday on ABC, Obama is asked whether he supports making pot legal. "I wouldn't go that far," he replied.


    But the president said he won't pursue the issue in the states where voters legalized the use of marijuana in the November elections. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law.


    "It does not make sense from a prioritization point of view" to focus on drug use in states where it is now legal, he said.


    Marijuana officially became legal in Washington state last week; it becomes legal in Colorado next month.

  2. Regarding incest, it's all about historical context; taboo by today's standards, but in ancient Egypt--the best form of marriage was brother-sister. Honestly when it comes to adults, if consent is given, I don't give two shits what you want to do.

    yes ...


    when we think of incest, we usually think of mother-son, father-daughter, or sibling-sibling when the child is or children are underage


    if both are adults ... it is only our religious "brainwashing" that causes us to be disgusted


    many societies, not just the ancient Egyptians, viewed incest as completely normal


  3. as good as the show is ... and I am a fan


    if you have not read the books ... please do ... they are quite different in some ways and Dexter's "dark passenger" is more developed as a character and the adopted kids (Cody and Astor) also have a dark passenger and Dexter is training them in the CODE



    Mine is National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation! I watch it everytime it comes on!!!


    I had a copy in VHS (I think my daughter still has that one) and have a copy in DVD ... it is a must watch every Christmas


    this year my daughter won't make it home for Christmas (sad) but hopefully my son's new girlfriend will enjoy watching it


    also ... a very sentimental favourite ... "White Christmas"


    I think I OD'd on "Its a Wonderful Life" a few years ago but maybe it is time to try it again

  5. I remember a similar thread last year when I was new to cerb and had not seen a service provider since the very first time - in 1978


    my remark then was that I was surprised to see that prices were quite flat over the significant number of years between 2011 and 1978


    yes that 1978 encounter was in Edmonton in the middle of an oil boom ... and it cost me a little over $200


    but last time I checked, Alberta was in the midst of another boom ... and it is not hard to find SPs charging a little over $200



    ... and to an earlier point ... luckily I can afford to pay quite a bit over $200 and have often done so ... and enjoyed the longer encounters tremendously

    • Like 1

  6. in just 3 1/2 hours I will sit down with HR and turn in my company cards, keys, computer, blackberry and other misc stuff


    then I am off for a year or two of travel and fun before I decide what I want to be when I grow up ... first part of the plan will likely be driving around the USA and then Europe, Asia ...



    • Like 2

  7. the law is the law is the law


    the rules are clear


    and while the judge did say that in his opinion the punishment was too severe, he had to apply the rules


    if Mayor Ford was not involved in other court cases (like being sued for libel) and had not shown a consistent disregard for the rules over the last two years, I might feel different, but as it is, I believe he deserves what he got

    • Like 1

  8. I left Bell and long time ago and went with Rogers ... I am "happy"


    I have a work provided BB Bold 9900 and I will be mostly glad to see it go when I retire in FIVE DAYS ... I will miss the keyboard and ease of switching between applications


    I got my first ever private smart phone last month ... iPhone 5 ... so far I like it


    I think all mobile service providers could learn a lot about customer service


    my daughter just got a job with Wind ... so she is very happy with the totally free service they give employees

  9. that sounds like a wonderful idea - let me know when you start taking reservations


    I'm 59 and a hope that every thing continues to work for some time, a long time, into the future



    We will start a national chain retirement home for cerb ladies and gentlemen. I have been looking for a project. :)


    I just noticed mrrnice2 and I have the same idea ... maybe we should pool our resources

  10. if you don't count being an assistant paperboy - I helped a friend in grade 8 for a short while, handling half his route ...


    my first job was moving/stacking newly printed cardboard boxes the summer between grades 10 & 11 ... hot, dirty work, but it paid an adult wage and started my savings pool for university


    ... and now I have 8.5 working days left before I take an early retirement package ... it will be interesting to see how long I last before going back to work

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