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Posts posted by baileydog

  1. I love all four seasons


    I guess I like variety in all things


    I've spent time in the Sahara Desert and in Timmins ... of course it was summer in the desert - and yes there is some difference in temperature there by season ... and it was winter in Timmins


    I prefer a sunny day in any season to a grey or wet day ... i.e. sunshine and -40 is nicer than grey and +25


    living in Hawaii where it is +29 day after day would, to me, get boring pretty quickly

    • Like 1

  2. now approx. 39% of the US population lives in states that have decriminalized pot ... time for Canada to join in



    2 states also legalized pot by popular vote. Naturally this will be contested by a whole host of idiologs/Prison industrial complex and many others. Times are changeing, but when do you think policy will reflect what the popular vote wants in this case rather than the status quo?


  3. again, not a movie ...


    but, what scares me right now is the evil thoughts running through my mind as I hand out candy to young ladies who are way overdeveloped for their age ... the last one was dreessed as a vamp and as she bent over to hold open her loot bag I got a downshirt view that just about made me drop the candy ... LOL

  4. ha ha


    I got screwed in the "growing facial hair gene department" and would have had to start a long time ago ... one brother has a decent moustache that took him almost 4 years to cultivate


    I do give generously to others (just gave $100 to my son's effort) an I encourage all to do likewise

  5. while not "a movie" the "Demon with a Glass Hand" from the Outer Limits scared me when I first saw it in 1964, and still does


    I don't watch many horror movies any more for the reasons mentioned above, all blood and guts, and not much to make you think


    the original, 1968, "Night of the Living Dead" was/is pretty scary ... I first saw it 41 years ago at a Halloween midnight show


    the last good horror movie I saw was "Cabin in the Woods" ... and it was as much mystery thriller as horror

  6. well if you are dividing the country in half, then everything west of Winnipeg is "western Canada" and everything east of Winnipeg is "eastern Canada"


    I've lived all but 3 of my 59 years in southwestern Ontario and refer to this as central Canada - because, of course, even though I am a 3 day drive east of Winnipeg, this is the centre of the Canadian universe LOL

  7. The Giants were unstoppable


    I do not know how the Giants ended up as underdogs


    They were tied with Atlanta as the 3rd best team in the National League


    Detroit, on the other hand, was 7th in the American League and only make the playoffs because the White Sox fell off a cliff


    Sometimes it is good to be under estimated ... no pressure

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