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About dragonlitek

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    Suspended User
  1. The Exorcist Legend Poltergeist Forest Gump Saving Private Ryan The Last of the Mohicans Planes Trains and Automobiles The Wizard of Oz Pulp Fiction Scream Citizen Kane
  2. My parents were gone for the weekend. Since I am disabled, I required and attendant to look after me. I was 18 years old and my attendant thought to celebrate my coming of age, he would take me to an adult video store and let me pick out some movies to rent. I was so embarrassed walking through the parking lot to the video store, during which time my attendant shouted out: "...is going to the adult video store!", or something to that degree. The video store was called Rixxx Flix. He also started singing a song he made up: "Rixxx has flix, that will make your dicks do tricks!" The walk through the parking lot to the video store seemed to take forever, since I was serenaded by his shout and song. Once inside the store, my embarrassment turned to disgust and nervousness. Disgust, since there was a guy in a trenchcoat ducking down the rows, as he searched for videos. I was so worried that at any moment he was going to open his trenchcoat and flash everyone in the store, including myself. Luckily that didn't happen. Eventhough it didn't happen, to this day, the image still haunts me. I was nervous, since it seemed like all the naked woman on the boxes were continually staring at me and saying: "Pick Me!" I couldn't decide which one to pick, they all seemed tantalizing. I just wanted to pick out two movies and leave quickly, before someone I might know spotted me. My attendant wasn't any help. He told me I had to pick out the movies without his help. The longer I stayed there, the more nervous I became. Finally I picked out two movie and headed for the cash. We didn't have ID, but they assumed we were trustworthy, because I was disabled. For some reason people are too trustworthy of disabled people. We weren't to be trusted, since we gave a fake phone number, so there was no chance they would call my house, alerting my parents, that I had rented xxx movies. One of the movies we rented was: "The Wicked Woman", starring one of my favourites, Jenna Jameson. You should definitely check it out. It is a classic. I can't remember the name of the other movie, but it pretty much sucked. The girls in the movie were nowhere near as attractive as the ones on the box. Talk about a real boner buster! Actually, being a man, it still made me cum! lol.
  3. Has everybody forgot about the diving dolphin lol. Actually, do they still make it?
  4. I am definitely up for it. Great Idea. Will spicen things up!:icon_biggrin:
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