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Posts posted by cometman

  1. Ass or tits? Sigh......the question headed the wrong way from the neck. Give me a pleasant personality with a personal connection and it's a moot point. Big, small, fair, dark..doesn't matter. If I like you, you like me, and we get along, you could be anything at all and I'll be back. What a good thread this has been!

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  2. Best bud bought a bike.....1300 VTX. I loaned him my extra gear and we're ready to ride. All my girl needs is a wash and then check the air pressure and oil level and we are sooooooooooo on the road. Goodbye, civilization.

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  3. Every lady has to decide how many clients she wants to see per day/ week/ month........what her comfort level is. If she doesn't get enough business, she has to discern- why not? If she gets too many bookings........why? She'll sort it out to her comfort level and it will depend on service, chemistry, clientele, financial need, etc. Clients will look at price point and chemistry- depending on the client/provider vibes. These are all moving targets. So many intangibles and it's impossible to pigeon hole them and make a rational analysis about the experience unless it's an extreme one way or another. It's a really unique lifestyle here and there is no Coles Notes on it. Ladies......if I'm happy, you'll know it and if I am not, you probably won't hear from me again. However, if you don't hear from me, that doesn't mean I wasn't happy. See how fricking unique this lifestyle is? Only YOU will know if you're doing it right. If you're meeting the people you enjoy meeting and making the living you hope to, you're doing it right.

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