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Posts posted by emiafish

  1. I just went on an Oscar binge. Here are the results. In my humble opinion...


    Birdman: An actor's movie. Edward Norton and Michael Keaton give Tour de force performances. Emma Stone and Naomi Watts turn in credible portrayals. The constant drum score that prevails throughout the film is a little hard to get used to, but it's worth the effort. I loved the camera work, the entire film seems to be done in a single take, following the characters around while day turns to night and locations seemingly and seamlessly blend into each other.


    Boyhood: Gotta love the commitment of the film makers and actors to work on this project for more than twelve years. Good performances by Patricia Arquette and Ethan Hawke propell the story. But overall, the film left me ambivalent.


    American Sniper: I had Bradley Cooper as my pick for best actor until I saw Birdman. Docudrama or propaganda aside, this was one of the most compelling and saddest stories that I have seen this year. Note, I haven't seen the Theory of Everything or Foxcatcher yet.


    Whiplash: This was my pick for best picture of the year. I loved J.K. Simmons and Miles Teller. The great acting was backed by an intimate and intricate story that examines the cost and pursuit of greatness. The musical score was a treat.

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  2. I am grateful because I've realized most of my sexual bucket list. There is still one box left to be checked. That would be a threesome or moresome with at least one member of each sex. I love the idea of a choice between male and female partners in a fully interactive romp. Mm mm mm variety!

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  3. Good topic. I was just discussing this very subject with my SO last night. She wanted me to accompany her to "Paddington", a real action movie with a CGI teddy bear. I told her that is one of the few films that I was certain I would never see. I see a lot of movies, so my list is short. Here are a few of the highlights:


    - Brokeback Mountain

    - Sex in the City plus the sequel

    - Magic Mike

    - The Note Book

    - Fried Green Tomatoes. :sm48:


    just to name a few!

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  4. Don't ask how I know what a few of these actually smell like, usually the story behind the smell is unpleasant.


    Fermented pig shit!

    Decomposed carcasses that have been baking in a barn for half a summer!

    Hamburger that was left out for a weekend!

    My grandfather's cheesy feet! Uber gross.

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  5. PS4 - It's a game system, a Blu-Ray player and it does laundry!


    Being sick with the flu or giving birth to a flaming porcupine during a raging case of hemorrhoids while laying on a bed of nails at the North Pole?

  6. My new favourite snack is Lays original potato chips with a square of milk chocolate at the same time. The combination of crunchy/salty with creamy/sweet is amazing. If you eat them while standing, they become low calorie snacks. (It could happen)

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