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Posts posted by Hector17

  1. I dont think you can really go wrong with just doing the research and finding a lady who appeals to you, and then just tell her it is your first time in your correspondence.

    I suspect they all can and have dealt with the jitters that go along with the first time.

    I remember my first time was with Sweetshay, and it was easy for her to tell, but she told me that it wasn't my problem, rather, she would make it hers.

    Things went fantastic from my point of view that day...I still see her when she is in town, or if I am in TO

    • Like 1

  2. Yeah, they have both, the sealed and real deal from the manufacturer (in original packaging with the hologram) and also a generic version. I don't think I would "trust" the more generic versions as you can't be sure.


    ----The "generic" works for sure, at least the ones from "Ahorro Farmacia"..called "Sildenafil"


    These substances should really be prescribed by a medical doctor and I was kind of shocked to see they weren't.


    ----I think you were right in your first post...if you are Okay to be taking them in the first place, then there is little downside, as per my Dr...




    If you are entering Canada with medications that normally require a prescription here you best have the prescription (or the placard from the pharmacy baring the name of the prescribing physician) or could run into trouble.


    ----Yes...I have a prescription here for all of them (V, C and daily C) in case I ever feel like getting them filled, however I declared pharmacy items to the counter agent and there was no further questions or search.

  3. I really should do the honorable thing and divorce her






    because it makes me feel so good about myself and that hasn't happened in a long time.






    I'm not sure what I'm going to get out of this in the long run. My hope is that I will become a more complete and confident man whom she will find attractive again.



    It has always been my experience that women come to you when you are not looking for them. There is still likely the chance you will meet another woman and enjoy a great relationship...I did!





    I've been working out, taking better care of myself, doing some activities on my own instead of clinging to her all the time.


    BETTER SELF ESTEEM WILL HELP...your new physique will give you some confidence and ladies will take a second look




    I don't know what the consequences ultimately will be but at the moment. I don't care. I think on some level that makes me a bad person.




    Happy now?


    Just have fun if you can .

    I can relate to you a bit, as I sometimes "overthink" things, but am making an effort to get out of my own way and just roll with the pleasure

    • Like 1

  4. Much cheaper in the generic name "Sildenafil" in DR or Mexico etc..no prescription like "Backrubman" said.

    Tell him to go there on vacation and bring back a supply, or get a friend to do it on their next trip.



    Just had my annual physical, and the Dr told me he has 80 year olds asking him for Viagra...good for them!


    I am not aware of any plans covering the cost of Viagra or Cialis etc...




    Prescriptions are dead easy to get and Doctors do not bat an eyelash. Why would they? As many have said if he/she knows you have health issues then he/she can refuse or suggest some different things to do or have done. Chances are the client can get it a lot cheaper through his drug insurance plan then you can anyway. Let's face it most hobbiests have a good income and a drug plan so it makes sense that they supply.


    You should feel no compunction in saying "No sorry that's a prescription medication that you have to supply yourself."


    If he doesn't book with you for that reason you're better off not seeing him.

  5. I'm thinking I just want to meet pretty ladies with great personalities who I enjoy spending time with, and hopefully they me...and having fun together.

    I have, and continue to do so.

    I dont even give the $ a second thought ...I hope they are all very successful. I learned early on not to ask questions you might not really want to know the answer to....and luckily figured that out before I asked any...so all good.

    A lot of good insight here from Cat, Samantha, Erin and others, but I always see Amelias' points as very sensible...especially in this thread.

    • Like 2

  6. Ha..losing weight is not that hard...keeping it off is the hard part.

    For the guys

    I suggest that you lose 30-40lbs, then get in over your head with some beautiful ladies here on CERB that are much younger than you...they will flatter you, and you will like it...a lot, and be motivated to eat healthy and exercise like a fiend to maintain your new physique....There you go...sounds easy enough doesn't it?

    • Like 2

  7. Intake of food is about 80-90% ofthe process it seems.

    Carbs are the first thing to cut out...no bread, potatoes, NO Snack foods etc, and enter healthy eating with more protein (chicken breast, eggs, almonds etc), including supplement powder in a berry smoothie.. add a half a banana too (delicious).

    Exercise is also important...build muscle as it burns more calories...even at rest. Aerobic exercise is good for you, and burns some calories.

    Like "Weight Watchers" motto...eat less, move more.

    Stick to it....you may lose some bigger numbers in early days but plan to lose about 2 lbs a week.

  8. I am just looking at the recos page and I was the last one to post a reco, so this is 3 in a row now. Is that allowed?

    I just cant help it.

    I met her Monique 6 months ago and found her to be incredibly beautiful, with a stunning body and a manner about her that I felt like I deserved to drink it all in.

    I have been seeing her often, and each and every time I walk through the door some of my breath is taken away as I anticipate seeing her face...it feels to me when I peek at her naked body that I am getting away with something.

    We have enjoyed Duos as well, with Erica and they were unbelievable too.

    But a one on one is different, and today was one of the best.

    We started on the loveseat with little wine and Christmas conversation and that turned into some nibbles which ended up in our both being nude, and heading for the bed. We took turns holding on for dear life while we pleasured each other orally and then we couldn't wait any longer.

    It was like surfing and riding the crest of a huge wave, and when I would pause my thrusts I felt no pause, as Monique just took over and she was thrusting.

    It was almost surreal that we fit together so perfectly today.

    Finally I descended fom the crest with an explosive orgasm and we both just collapsed into relaxation...some fun conversation including some exclamations about how hot that was...a little fruit plate to get some strength back...a quick shower and then back to the reality of the winter storm.

    The time I had was like a total retreat into a sanctuary of pure pleasure today.

  9. I am not seeing any recent recos for "Kelly", who I am hoping is the same person as KellyXO.

    Recently the ladies at CMJ have started advertising individually and I have been intrigued.

    That, together with a reference from a special SP that KellyXO would be an Ma that would get my motor running, made me call and book.

    I was not led astray....KellyXO is total knockout!!..and had a beautiful, fit and tanned body.

    My motor was more than running...it was racing from the start line, and I completely enjoyed the showericon12.gif.



    Kelly has a unique and gentle way about her, but not such that she is fragile...she could be the definition of "nice and naughty".

    She was in no rush, as we shared some tender moments after and then off to the shower...Her outlook and comments on things was refreshing .

    It was hard to believe that this was a first time encounter as she made me feel like we were in sync from the get go.

    I see she is off this week, or I'd be there today, but look her up in the New Year...I will be!!

  10. I have dabbled a bit there (Mexico)and had a fantastic time in Sept. I found some Forums just by googling the words escort, and the City. You will find the SCs' are FS with little effort, and the Massage Parlors too...the extras are offerred up .

    The total costs can be less if you want to take advantage of that...I tended to treat the nice ones much like I would here, perhaps to assuage guilt, but also as a courtesy...the only problem was then the gal wanted to come with me, out to the bars, back to my hotel etc.

    Sometimes there are "guys" there that are connected to help you in this way too. I met a guy that was very friendly and helpful. There were 4 of us and we all had a ball, although we weren't in PV, I suspect it is similar all over.

    It's very open there as far men enjoying themselves.

  11. I have only had one massage DUO (Claire and Lilly when when they were doing it ,and it was unbelievable), but for sure Jessica and Katrine would be mind blowing, and I have no doubt that Amelia and Evelyne would totally rock your world too.

    I have not had their duos but have met all of them individually and you cant ask for more....

    well you can ask (lol)

  12. I hope that that fellows here are not believing they are being fed false info when a "GFE Massage" is advertised.

    I for one fully know the difference between between the expectations I should have and the service I will receive from an SP and an MA.

    If some guys are getting DATY and Rimming from Mas...good for them

    Like Pistol Pete (above) I like both, in different ways, and quite honestly my favourite "GFE MA" (Jessica) can make me feel the "experience" of her being my girlfriend in our time together even more intensely then an SP can, so I as a client do not really get bogged down in the defining of a GFE massage.

    I do expect some form of kissing will happen, but that is the only thing I expect...true enough, I enjoy some other things from different Mas that are ymmv.

    I know that this post doesn't help the OP with his query, other than to suggest it's not something to get hung up on...If it feels good with the ma you are with..do it...again, and again, and....

    What it boils down to me for me is that nobody can actually make me feel any way...I am the only one that can make me feel, from within, the way I do. The MA in this case is the stimulus for that feeling....and it feels good!

    • Like 3

  13. I had a friend send me a natural supplement called "Himcaps" (60 pesos/approx $5) from Mexico, and they contain 300 Mg of MACA you mention above, and 100mg of Guarana...take an hour before?? We'll see...

    Maca is at "Bulk Barn"


    Additional Comments:

    Ok...I tried them today, and went to see, the gorgeous, Jessica...

    Now, I know I reviews for Jessica should go in the review column, and she totally rocks my world, so I hesitate a bit to give the pills too much credit, but the experience today was unbelievable...I didn't get past the kitchen counter before I was up and at it, and that went on steady for the whole time....reaching the absolute peak about 4 times and backing off until the final trip to paradise....I'll try them again later this week, for research purposes (haha) and see what happens. Will report...

  14. I am not reading this to be his VERY first experience as is xplr69 above?


    I am reading it rather his first vist to Ottawa, hence joining CERB??.

    I could be wrong.....

    Now that you're on CERB you can easily research the recos and ads to pick out age, body type, hair color and service options you like.

    Enjoy your stay

  15. Jessica is an MA (not FS), and a terrific one at that.


    If you are not looking for SPs, but want massages instead of FS, then there are many great SPA locations that will have more than one Massage Attendant available such that you can both arrive and see them at the same time.

    They include Paradise, Angels Touch, or any ALO location (5)...+ CMJ may allow some access too as a "visitor".

    BUT...if FS is what yous' want, then best bet is to research for SPs that will accommodate you.

    Good luck

  16. Because of that I have no place in a SC, and fortunately, after reading this thread, don't have to navigate the minefields of dos' and donts', and also be overly concerned with my charcter traits and qualities to afford me max enjoyment from a visit.

    Sorry to seem naive, but I guess my query then is...a naked dancing girl is kissing you, so I'm assuming some natural stuff happens....but then what? Or is getting kissed the mileage one hopes for in a SC?

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