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Miss S. Lane

Verified Independent
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Posts posted by Miss S. Lane

  1. Tonight - greek salad (including cherry tomatoes, cucumber, feta cheese, of course,red onion, etc ) and shrimp. The dressing is based on dijon mustard, red wine vinegar and minced garlic.




    A wonderful tasty summer supper.



    Ok I'll be there in a couple hours. Hahaha!

  2. How can they possibly not realize they're doing it? If you touch your cellphone during an appointment, that's unacceptable. Period.



    Don't think this can be so black and white. I have had clients who have apologized and had to take a call. I have touched my phone to show a client a picture on my phone of something we were discussing, or to show them the awesome app I use to keep track of the wines I've tried :)


    Now I wouldn't dream of texting away during an appointment but it cannot be so black and white :) xo

  3. The purpose of Bedford wasn't to argue for decrim for escorts. It was to fight for the safety of street workers. And now, thanks to the Harper government, street workers will die. This is disgusting. Things will be ok in the long run for independent escorts. But agencies are through and street workers are in inherent danger. I truly fear for their lives :(

    • Like 5

  4. This proposed bill is ridiculous!


    Its a copy of the American model of prostitution, which is not surprising considering Harper's government is like Bush Jr. Lite.



    So the new bills provisions means this website has to come down, Including not being able to collect money for banner ads as well. No SP can advertise their services at all online on any website including their own.



    Next stop, mandatory minimum sentences for johns, pimps, and SPs.



    OMG stop with the fear mongering!!! Seriously... Independents can advertise for their own sexual services without prosecution. Sheesh!!!!

    • Like 7

  5. CRAP I forgot about Bill C-13 Protecting Canadians From Online Crime Act. They will have the ability to monitor your net use without a warrant. So no privacy on the net period.



    286.5 No person shall be prosecuted for


    a) an offence under section 286.2 if the benefit derived is from the provision of their own sexual services or


    b) an offence made under section 286.4 in relation to the advertisementr of their own sexual services.



    • Like 3

  6. Lots of SPs are very specific about what services they offer and have specific price lists in their ads/websites.


    ie "Trip to Greece $100 extra".


    That doesn't fool anybody.



    If they are advertising their own sexual services they won't be prosecuted anyway. So what difference does it make?

    • Like 3

  7. Independents will not be punished for advertising. It's our body we do what we want. Communication in public still illegal (funny, wasn't that already struck down???). Working girls families are no longer criminals for benefiting from avails.


    Not AS bad. The clients being criminal thing is tough, but that's where established providers are going to be ok. Clients know they aren't a "sting". The new ones that pop up will suffer.


    The entire purpose of Bedford was to help street workers and this hasn't helped them AT ALL!!!!!

    • Like 9

  8. No advertising? No communicating anywhere? Purchasing illegal without exception?




    Am I reading this wrong?








    I expect there will be changes before it becomes law but will be surprised if they are more than superficial.



    You are reading it wrong. No communication in public. No different than now. :)

  9. Cocaine is illegal. Yet there is demand. Murder is illegal, yet it happens. The government has done nothing but waste time and taxpayer dollars. As Phadreus said... All they've managed to attempt is to "distract and redirect" public attention. Make it LOOK as though they've made an effort and have taken action, so that the preachy groups will get off their backs.


    Business as usual, folks.

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