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Miss S. Lane

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Posts posted by Miss S. Lane

  1. Valid points Cristy, but I wasn't referring to chemistry. I was referring to them being themselves, an authentic true representation of who they really are.


    We ALL simplify things from a discretion standpoint and I know being fully open in a client/SP relationship is rare, and something that takes time, effort and commitment from both sides. That being said, for myself (as an example) I don't try to be someone I'm not. Every word that I type, every conversation I have, and who I am when I am with someone is ME. I don't say what I think people want to hear, I don't embellish on details or try to make myself into anything. I am just me.


    Does that make more sense? I realize I didn't explain it well :)


    I'm really curious to know if the men can tell the difference!

    • Like 3

  2. ...So from that moment I decided to ignore every other AD and not allow it to influence how I might word my own.




    Maybe a lot of ladies do what I was doing...which is try to fit into what may appear to be the expected mold. I mean, if everyone else is doing it, somehow it works right?




    Personally I think uniqueness and sincerity are key sellers. Be who you are, write what you feel, say what you think, be yourself and don't try to fit into any mold.


    Hmm, I'm not sure I like what you've said here. Advertisements ARE personal expression. Each woman in this industry is unique and our ads provide a first impression into that particular SWers style, as the type of clients they wish to see.


    If one woman's style of advertising is to be what some may call "crass" (who the hell came up with the rule book on what crass looks like anyway? It seems to be individual perception!) -- what if that IS her being who they are, writing what they feel, saying what they think, being themselves and not needing to fit in a mold? Fairly presumptuous to think otherwise.


    I am in desperate need of new ads as I'm bored with mine, however the last thing I will do is read through and judge others ads.


    To each their own!!!

    • Like 5

  3. I have never and will never advertise my phone number. If a client cannot take the time to email me first, and display some patience, then I am not the companion for them. I always share that initial contact is via email, at which time further points of communication will be established. That's just what works for me and everyone really needs to fine what works them!!!! :)

    • Like 6

  4. While reading another thread a question occurred to me. Why ask for the donation in an envelope? I understand wanting to complete the transaction early in the encounter, quickly and without requiring a prompt, but why the envelope? :confused0024:



    It has nothing to do with a desire to be "classy" and everything to do with safety and discretion for both the client and the SP. If ever there was a situation whereby law enforcement became involved, it would not be possible to deny payment for what was going on if there is a pile of bills laying on the dresser. However it is possible when in a card, an envelope or a gift bag. This way, you are simply two consenting adults and you - the SP - can claim ignorance as to knowing what was inside, which protects BOTH parties.


    Using a card, envelope or gift bag just makes sense.

    • Like 5

  5. I am one who is not very good at providing dirty talk. I am practicing and getting better but it's not something I am great at.


    Now that being said, when a man does it to me? Oh fuck... "Mind fucking", as I call it, has been known to send me into wave over wave of orgasm. If I am engaged in intercourse with someone and they start talking dirty to me... Im over the top in no time!!!!

    • Like 5

  6. I also absolutely adore when a man lifts me up... Carries me to a couch, a bed, presses me against the wall... And I don't care how tell they are for that. I've experienced that with both shorter and taller men. But I am an absolutely natural sub... So height has little to do with it for me.


    There is a certain Cerbite who I adored kissing at the last social, who even in my 5" heels, towered over me. YUM!

    • Like 2

  7. Another tech tip for you... ALT+F4 will close the current window. Most of those pop up viruses/malware will run whether you click yes, no or the X. So don't do any of the above. Press Alt-F4 and voila. Window gone. You're welcome. Happy porn-ing!!!!

    • Like 5

  8. We were discussing over exaggerating height for the ladies, which prompted this side discussion...


    Men: Do you prefer women to be shorter than you, taller than you or the same height? And why?


    Women: same for you!


    For me personally, height isn't a factor. I don't care if they are taller or shorter or the same height. I am a very tall woman myself (5'9") and well over 6' when in heels -- so on the EXTREMELY rare instance where I find myself in the arms of a man who is taller than me with heels on, I do get a little extra tingly in the bathing suit area. But that's simply because it's so rare!!!!


    Looking forward to responses!!!

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