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Everything posted by TheOptimist

  1. H is for Halter top corsets... very nice...
  2. TheOptimist


    I've used overplay (https://www.overplay.net/) for a while now. Good service and has various geographic exit points. Mainly use it for Netflix, BBC etc
  3. For me its the album from which my user name originates, by Turin Brakes. Pretty much the whole album but especially 'The State of Things'
  4. Thanks for the quick replies. Very appreciated. The consensus seems to be to let her drive. That's the path we have been going down so glad we started out on the right foot. Glad to hear it's not that unusual and the kind open replies go a long way to making us feel more comfortable.
  5. This is not the usual request for SP recommendations. I've familiarized myself with the search function :-) My question is more along the line of how to approach the encounter. Neither of us have any experience in this regard. Our request is for any pointers from either side of the fence. Couples who have experience and could shed some light on the process would be greatly appreciated. The same holds true for any SP who could help hold our hands. We are talking about the initial contact to get acquainted and discuss boundaries/expectations. We would both like this to be sensual and seductive. My wife is involved in the selection and her main concern is feeling comfortable with the person. So is any of this unreasonable, should we reset our expectations? Trying to avoid a faux pas and to have an enjoyable experience so we'll be able to make this an ongoing part of our lifestyle. Thanks in advance.
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